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Stephen Wolfram on Observer Theory


(— partly original video description —)
Stephen reads a recent blog from and then answers questions live from his viewers.
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3 thoughts on “Stephen Wolfram on Observer Theory
  1. Stephen, your works and mine complement each other. Evidence of your Physics could be found in my works on Quantum Gravity – The Real True Nature of Quantum Gravitation, Quantum Gravitational Entanglement and Gravitational Quantum Computation, complete with empirical laboratory experiments, observations in nature and guided by precise, predictive and quantum computational Physical/Mathematical Equations based on a completely new/novel mathematics invented/discovered in Singapore called Majula Matematika.

    This scientific discovery/invention of mine will debunk and invalidate String Theory and all failed and wrong theories of gravity: THE GOD EQUATION – THE TRINITY Equations, Laws and Codes For QUANTUM GRAVITATION , QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL ENTANGLE MENT and GRAVITATIONAL QUANTUM COMPUTATION that pave the way for Theory of Everything in Physics: – THE 3-in-1 HOLY GRAILS of Physics:

    1. Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/0 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α

    2. Quantum Gravity/Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/1 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α

    3. Quantum Neutral Gravity/Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement/01 and/or 10 Rhu Bit or R Bit: QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α

    We now have a working Quantum Theory of Gravity that is testable and complete with reproducible empirical experiments with the same results if repeated over and over again and again, confirmed by empirical observations in nature with 7-Sigma level results, guided by empirical laws and physical/mathematical Trinity God Equations that are predictive, precise and does no collapse even in high energies of Big Bang and singularity of Black Hole. FYI: Quantum Gravity or Quantum Gravitation have three types that are equivalent to and manifested by Quantum Computational Gravitation- the biggest and most powerful Computer Software Program and Hardware in the Universe and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement – a Quantum Entanglement in Macroscopic Cosmic Scale namely: 1. Quantum Anti-Gravity = Spin Up Quantum Entanglement State; 2. Quantum Neutral Gravity = Superposition Quantum Entanglement State; and 3. Quantum Gravity = Spin Down Quantum Entanglement State. More detailed information could be found on the published papers 2 years ago in London, Paris, and Zurich, online and at the two scientific Journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE. Alternatively, you can google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA to arrive at the published paper on Quantum Gravity. Most recently, additional two well respected scientific journals namely NATURE and the AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY APS Physical Review Journals have officially invited this author to submit manuscripts on his Research on Quantum Gravity for publication for PRX QUANTUM in preparation for a celebration for International Year of Quantum IYQ 2025 to showcase the best papers of the year.

    Quantum Gravitation is governed by and follow the Trinity Laws, Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Gravitation, Gravitational Quantum Computation and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement. We now have a new Laws of Physics which are the heart of the Quantum Theory of Gravity published in London. Paris and Zurich last December 2022 as follows:

    1. First Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Gravitation:

    “The greater mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum

    Gravitational Field causes a downward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a

    Quantum Gravitational Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.”

    – Roel Real Rovira

    Equation for Quantum Gravity, and Spin Down Quantum Gravitational Entanglement:

    QG = ∆QGOρ > ∆QGFρ = ↓α


    QG is Quantum Gravity in Rovira (value of downward acceleration force due to quantum gravity) in kg.

    ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in greater mass density of Quantum Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ↓α is the Resultant Downward Acceleration of Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec.

    2. Second Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Universal Law of Quantum Anti-Gravity.

    “The lesser mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects than the Quantum Gravitational

    Field causes an upward acceleration of the Quantum Objects in a Quantum Gravitational

    Field instantaneously mediated by Graviton.”

    -Roel Real Rovira

    Equation for Quantum Anti-Gravity/Spin Up Quantum Gravitational Entanglement:

    QAG = ∆QGOρ < ∆QGFρ = ↑α


    QAG is Quantum Anti-Gravity in Rovira (value of upward acceleration force due to quantum anti-gravity) in kg.

    ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in lesser mass density of Quantum Anti-Gravitating Objects than the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ↑α is the Resultant Upward Acceleration of Anti-Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec.

    3. Third Law of Quantum Gravitation: Rovira’s Law of Quantum Neutral Gravitation.

    “The equal mass density of gravitating Quantum Objects and the Quantum Gravitational

    Field causes a zero acceleration or floating or hoovering of the gravitating Quantum Objects

    in a Quantum Gravitational Field, instantaneously mediated by Graviton.”

    – Roel real Rovira

    Equation for Quantum Neutral Gravity and Superposition Quantum Gravitational Entanglement:

    QNG = ∆QGOρ = ∆QGFρ = ↑↓α


    QNG is Quantum Neutral Gravity in Rovira (value of zero acceleration force due to quantum neutral gravity) in kg.

    ∆QGOρ is Differential Change in equal mass density of Quantum Neutral Gravitating Objects to the mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ∆QGFρ is Differential Change in mass density of Quantum Gravitational Field in kg/m2 or g/cm3.

    ↑↓0α is the Resultant zero acceleration or non-acceleration of Neutral Gravitating Quantum Objects in mtr/sec.

    For more detailed information on these 3-in-1 Trinity Laws and Equations for Quantum Gravitation, Gravitational Quantum Computation, and Quantum Gravitational Entanglement – The Real True Nature of Quantum Gravitation, look it up at the two scientific journals ACADEMIA and REAL TRUE NATURE or google the name of the author ROEL REAL ROVIRA.

    Copyright 2022 ROEL REAL ROVIRA. All Rights Reserved.

  2. Wolfram’s recent work with the physics project and this interpretation of observers is fascinating. I think it would serve his ideas much better to tone down the ruliad speculations. It seems completely additional to the original ideas of deriving QM and GR strictly from this perspective of the finite observer in branchial and physical space.

    I’m not technically qualified to determine whether the math on that checks out (or if it is in some way trivial). But that seems to me like incredibly promising work that people may discard when their eyes glaze over hearing about this ruliad space that manifests every physical AND abstract possibility.

    It seems not to add any predictive power. Almost every point he makes about the ruliad, except for the ones that explicitly are trying to pull in this ephemeral abstract world, can be made equally well just referring to observers in branchial and physical space.

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