
Steven Pinker and Leftists Don't Understand that Force is Wrong

Yaron Brook

This video was created by Christian Jackson. Taken from Yaron Brook, Being a Rational Optimist.
This lecture was delivered on June 30, 2018 at OCON 2018.

You can see the full video here

#StevenPinker #Leftists #Force

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18 thoughts on “Steven Pinker and Leftists Don't Understand that Force is Wrong
  1. Pinker, Kraus, Dawkins, they are pretty good technicians. They know their field. And they can speak well. But it's like asking your plumber to paint you a mural. The plumber might be the future Picasso getting a second job, but most plumbers have no idea how to hold a brush. The same as Leo DiCaprio speaking for mother earth, or Jenny McCarthy about vaccines. It is way out of their expertise. But they are right to sell their stupid ideas. The responsibility lies with the buyer.

  2. one of my daughter's friends , 16 years old said her generation didn't need to plan for the future . They have been completely indoctrinated into the death cult of global warming.
    This is sickening that young kids are being taught they have no future. What are the economic and social implications , i dont know but it cant be good.
    I asked the three girls two questions:
    1. how much do they estimate the global temperature is going to rise. Ans : 40deg, 12deg, 20deg much is the sea level expected to rise. Ans: 20ft 5ft 12ft.
    So we have a death cult that spreads fear and doesn't give even basic fact's teaching our children.

  3. Did he just say we need to live in a world in which individuals give up violence on their own accord before the state relinquishes force? good luck with that 😉

  4. The left thinks that as long as they keep smiling with empathetic eyes that any sort of violence is righteous for their cause.

  5. @Yaron Brook – Yaron, I love the short videos. Could you shorten the Ayn Rand clip at the end of your new videos. Maybe a quick insightful quote video clip. They are being longer and some may skip over just seeing the length…THANKS!

  6. June 6th a patent was granted for 1000 Wh/kg battery – by a company called Innolith. This is a massive improvement on current technology – making electric cars and even PLANES and the storage of irregular renewable energy. There is already a massive technological reservoir available to be tapped – that can fix most of the issues that we currently have (e.g. plastic eating bacteria).
    The current problems we have, therefore, are not residing within the technological area but rather the anthropological arena. Religion and Marxism (in the cloak of Identity Politics) being huge issues.

  7. If force is inherently wrong, an institution that deals in it is wrong, i.e. govt/law is wrong. Force is not wrong. It's a fact. It's how and why that force is being used that determines its value status. Even in a situation where there is a simple disagreement, force is still used to guarantee the final decision.

    You can't say something is wrong and then institutionalize its use as necessary.

    There is no need whatsoever for a monopoly on rape, murder, theft, fraud, etc. But there is a need for a monopoly on force.

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