
Steven Pinker: Why The World Is Getting Better

World Economic Forum

Why is the world filled with woe? How can we make it better? Harvard’s Steven Pinker argues that the world is actually getting better and identifies the cognitive biases that lead people to deny the reality of progress.


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21 thoughts on “Steven Pinker: Why The World Is Getting Better
  1. One must wonder why the likes of Pinker smiles so inanely for no apparent reason. That would be because they are reasonably confident that the great unwashed pose absolutely no threat to their narcissistic delusions of grandeur, for (among many) the following reasons:

    "One of the major problems with discourses on the subject of "AI" and indeed all subjects of consequence is the quality of posts in the comments section of every YouTube videos which should be, at the very least equal to the content in the videos. But sadly they are not. This may, however, change once the novelty has worn off within the daily routine of the general YouTube user.

    The rise and exponential growth of "AI" demand understanding and not opinion. The very survival of the human species relies exclusively on distinguishing between the two and commenting accordingly, as opposed to using the platform to exercise one's own demons and compete for attention, as is currently common practice in these sections.

    Significantly well over 99% of the global population have absolutely no comprehension of the main components of the subject matter, eg consciousness, mind, as well as intelligence, without which, no one can logically claim to know anything. Once this is acknowledged by individuals or collectives then they will be in prime position to start to actually learn. Ignorance is not a bad thing unless it goes unrecognized". as is the case with Pinker.

    The extent two which things are, or are not getting better has absolutely no relevance to the approaching event horizon of the singularity. The major obstacle to understanding this reality is the fact that academics, scientists, philosophers and technicians comment, consistently on aspects of "AI" which are invariably outside their individual respective disciplines. This problem is further exacerbated by societies pathological need for hero worship. Steve Pinker relies exclusively on hindsight in his evaluation of world affairs, rather like the headless chicken who knows where it has been but has no idea of where it is going.

  2. No doubt World is getting better. But we cannot be complacent . See the state of Syria and many other countries. A country has reduced to rubble. ISIS terrorism and in Myanmar how the Muslim community is treated raise questions whether humanity exist. Few years back in the bus in New Delhi a girl is getting gang rapped. World is not still safer place for women. The US has pulled out of the Paris Agreement. Not only that, the Trump Administration wants Economic sanction against China. I do not know where it will lead. We still have to work hard to make earth more safer and prosperous place.

  3. I haven't been to a movie or owned a tv in over 13 years it's an unnecessary alternative to real life that I find detrimental. I'm more authentic without it.

    There's so much more in life going on, I want to face it, not escape it…

    The Pineal Gland is a real force of nature That's why they heavily promote drinking, drugs and calcification of this gland. And also soundwave and synthetic colors, colors are vibrational. I want them authentic.

    Heisenberg Effect: The film ? camera is the Heisenberg Effect-Observation that the very act of becoming a player changes the game being played. It is reflected in interviewing process where the interviewees tend to give answers they think interviewer wants to hear. Named after German Noble-laureate physicist Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-76) whose uncertainty principle states that (in particle physics experiments) the very act of observing alters the position of the particle being observed, and makes it impossible (even in theory) to accurately predict its behavior.

    Circumcision kills over 50% of nerve endings in penis. Foreskin provides natural stimulation for lubrication in females. It removes 90+% of all erogenous nerves, depending on the ridged band frenular delta and frenulum are removed. Most circumcised men have numb penises and don't even realize its because they never had foreskin. The glands are non-erogenous. These people want an ethnically pure homeland thousands of miles away, but demand to promote this practice in all their usury ran societies. You can fact check, please do. Countries try to ban it, and they go berzerk. 90+% of all baby boys born in hospitals are now being circumcised. Hollywood actresses are paid ?millions to crinkle their noses at our Creator's original work. These people are re-engineering mankind. It's a Masonic blood ritual performed on babies. These people know exactly what they're doing. Historically, it was once practiced on all boys as a form of enslavement. It's a 'Universal Hurt" a disconnect, not just for the person being desensitized, but it creates a chain-reaction with every passing generation. We can't afford anymore generations of this desensitizing 'mutilation madness'…

  4. Pinker conflates Reason with giving reasons. Just as he does the sciences with Science. Intelligibility does not assure an accurate grasp of the world. The human mind may not fit reality. Only if Reason has a special status, apart from all other things that exist, can it grasp what is out there in a way that fits what is there. Otherwise it is memory. Memory of perpetual error. This ghostly "reason" is akin to Catholic dogma, adaequatio intellectus et rei, is it not a "glorious and spiritual" myth? Not at all, it is simply a mistake long set aside by thinking persons who learned through the Enlightenment that humans were not endowed by god with a a magical power.
    One isn’t against what we all have long called reason, but against its false appearance in crude and ill-informed presentations. Pinker's concept of Humanism is a kind of Disney lullaby, as is his whole fatuous well-intended baby dogma. Humanism had nothing to do with the sciences understood in the modern sense, as technology. It was a movement towards study freed of the university limitations of the age, in essence it was a noble purposelessness.
    I really don’t know more deaths, by causes that never existed in former times, can be called progress. The statistical argument is fatally controverted by sound common sense. It is not cogent. For the first time a claque of a few individuals threatens, perpetually, the destruction of all human beings. technology, generally, is ambiguous, and can scarcely be understood as progress. The Enlightenment understood progress in terms of knowledge that included the human being, not facts + ideology or Pinker’s repellent religious propaganda.

    The increase in IQ is simply the increase in the intensification of the professional differentiation, corresponding to the training towards the artificial temporary abstract standards of the professional age one belongs to. People are getting better at the limited number of tasks they are forced to pursue according to the de facto planetary regime of Selective Breeding as Natural Selection.

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