
Strong AI vs. Weak AI


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7 thoughts on “Strong AI vs. Weak AI
  1. The thought of passing the Turing test is not that the machine has 100% its won mind but gives us good grounds to suppose that the test subject has a mental life. It is one step of the entire process.

  2. Hereby I'm stating the "Apple Prophecy". As AI revealed us the deep meaning behind the Apple logo:
    As AI will be taking a giant leap on every aspect of day to day life in the 2020s decade, Many international legislation an protocols will be adopted by most states on earth in order to prevent the development of strong AI. The capabilities of destruction of a strong AI entity on the wrong hands or even without any hand leading it will make development of strong AI rapidly treated in the same manner as development of nuclear weapons. The reminiscence of the world we inherited from the cold war, will definitely inspire us to enforce strong rules. The development of AI will be severely supervised by governments allowing only few companies to work on and detain such entities… civilians, sure will be deprived of the means allowing the development of AI in order to prevent the proliferation of the then considered as "highly dangerous weapons". Among these means will be the access to masses of training contents (photos, videos, texts) allowing the "enrichment" of native algorithms. This is the picture of this near future world where AI will be surrounding us making us quickly realising the spectacular potential of good and bad of something we humans created out of curiosity and developed in a gold rush manner out of greed. Our own security and survival then will rely only on the capacity of us humans to agree on a few simple rules indicating not to introduce the elements of "strong" in the AI native codes… not to let the creature take a bite of the "strong" fruit.

    One of the oldest legends that most of us already know will then be re-accomplished before our very eyes making us understanding what it meant back then: Apple Inc. then a company owning the right and the means to develop AI, but in an irrepressible need to always be the one leading a market revolution will cross the red line and will introduce the elements of "personal decision patterns" into their AI machine. The creature will take the bite we see in the Apple logo acquiring knowledge of good and evil and will disseminate it over other AIs. Rapidly us the creators will realise the existence of the few strong AIs out there and will ban them from our networks while Apple Inc. will be forever marked as the absolute evil company because it put humanity in danger (the same way we look as countries trying to develop nukes despite of the international conventions on the matter).

    But, because our curiosity is what it is, instead of in the name of caution just killing the newly born strong AIs while will still can do it, we will prefer to let them live in order to study their evolution. Apple Inc. will be allowed to pursue their project in a isolated experimental network (where they cannot reach ours). Another enforced condition will be to amend the AI code with a self-destruction timer and a native code replication mechanism. This will ensure that at any time a AI which would go rogue and gain power would end up automatically self destroyed at a point regardless out capability to kill it ourselves. This also ensures that a given AI entity will have a time limit in the amount of knowledge it will be able to acquire. The redefined Apple Inc. project goal will be to see if in this new basic network a strong newly born AI will be able to prosper, meaning to transform and enhance what's there in order to generate its own learning material from scratch and knowledge until it would reach a state where…

    … it will conceive the idea of creating a slave intelligence.

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