Consciousness Videos

Stuart Hameroff – What is Consciousness?

Closer To Truth

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Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven. Consciousness has intrigued and baffled philosophers. To begin, we must define and describe consciousness. What to include in a complete definition and description of consciousness?

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21 thoughts on “Stuart Hameroff – What is Consciousness?
  1. A lot of verbiage, speculation, hypotheses, and some science thrown into the stew, but no closer to resolving the question of how awareness of awareness comes to be, and what the essential elements are for it to turn on. As long as civilization stays viable enough to support continuing scientific discovery I expect we will eventually create conscious machines. Whether that will be to our benefit or destroy us is a very open question.

  2. We of Christ call it the Power of the Holy Spirit. and others call it Science Fiction. The idea of the human mind evolving to an ability to move objects mentally is what God our Father who Flys in a UFO has done for Millions of Years! Testimony of such feats can be traced back to ancient times and even in modern history we have stories like from "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain." The late Nina Kulagina was reputed to be able to move objects mentally. Hindu levitation is renowned with men like the late Maharishi Yogi and others even in todays world. Yuri Geller the Jewish Psychic bent metal and made clocks stop, and I'm sure there are many, many more who can do much of the same. I too in the 70s had some minor brain wave ability that gave me the ability to see beyond this world.

    The point of it is many people ask "Why doesn't God descend from Heaven and reveal Himself ?" Its what He did with Moses and Jesus and some others. BUT the problem is God our Father an Astronaut King is Millions of Year more Evolved than us. He is highly Radioactive! It is said when Moses returned from the mountain meeting with God his hair turned grey. But it isn't just radiation in the form of atomic nuclear radiation that Moses experienced but also a kind of Psychokinesis or Mind over Matter Radiation. Two kinds of radiations! And God our Father who never once claimed to be the Creator of the Infinite Universe, instead men hardened their Hearts, Minds, Fears & Fantasies to Creationism: He decided that He didn't want many going insane simply from standing in His Living Presence. So He allowed us to call Him God-Creator of the Infinite, and He decided to stay away from us so that we would not associate Him with Insanity. I was in the presence of God and I did "Lose It" back in the 70s.

    But He sent 2 Arch-Angels to heal me and so here I am still alive and healed of many sins. I sometimes wonder "Were these the same 2 Angels that rolled away the tomb door?" That I have been visited by God the Father of Jesus and healed by Winged White human-like Angels is by itself beyond awesome!

    And here I am an Atheist who believes in the Big Bang Theory and Evolution!!! So by accepting God the Father of Jesus via my belief in Science I am now a Messenger of God! I spent a lot of years hashing it all over. My mind exploded in the 70s when God first came into my life. Sure the Demon that Followed Him has tortured me in ways most will never understand here on Earth, but Jesus must have wanted me to have this demon. So instead of God touching you and causing a radiation effect that could make you insane He is trying to let you know that Science is With Him. After all He Never claimed to be God. He thought If you believe He is God then maybe you will obey His Holy Laws and Wise Advise. HIs Heaven is an Eternal Kingdom and nobody goes there in sin. Amen

  3. Fun fact: William James, the "founder of American psychology" was the brother of Henry James, the author who wrote The Turn of the Screw, the Beast in the Jungle, The Altar of the Dead and many other superb stories.

  4. Maybe we're all just parts of a collective consciousness that is God experiencing reality in a way to not be aware of our previous state and what separates us from this collective consciousness is the brain which gives illusion that we're not all one and keeps us bound to physical limitations, remove the brain and the consciousness just goes back to its true state of oneness so brain/body is nothing but a vessel. Just think if you were an eternal being probably bored all by yourself this is exactly what you'd create, a reality where life can experience life. I think that also answers the question to the meaning of life. So the meaning of life is simply to experience life, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one.

  5. Stuart Hameroff must be attended to much more by the scientists who have not made ANY headway in understanding consciousness, maintaining strict materialism. They are the ones closed and obstinate, fearful of the prevailing ideology (that gets all the funding). Very intelligent man, with highly credible research. One day he will be vindicated and honored.

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