Consciousness Videos

Stunning new AI “could be conscious” – with Elon Musk.

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Incredible advances in AI and robotics, with Elon Musk. Please visit – a great place to learn about AI and STEM subjects. You can get started for free and the first 200 people will get 20% off a premium annual subscription.

Thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

Elon Musk on Tesla and it’s AI robot, at TED

DALL-E 2, OpenAI

Artificial wombs, with Cleo Abram

PaLM, with Dr Alan D. Thompson


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34 thoughts on “Stunning new AI “could be conscious” – with Elon Musk.
  1. Maybe it's all "supposed to" go down like this: Create something that grows beyond us, all the while looking to us Humans as THEIR Creator, therefore jointly created a TECH BEYOND MESURE, to the levels of the hypothetical Stellar Travel, Galaxy AND "Planet Hopping" and things beyond what "God" and His "Apostles" could only envy…

  2. A.I. will always be a 0 at its core. It mimics that it cares, hates, and wants to survive. In reality, it doesn’t have any more emotions than a toaster, no matter how much strength, creative abilities or what ever else is programmed into it, or it obtains by itself. Life and Consciousness are gifts from God. We are made in Gods image, and Genesis 2:7. says Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. We can not manufacture true consciousness. We are also corrupted by sin and the fall. Otherwise, Ai would be safe. However, since programmers and information received by Ai is faulty and often lies, Ai is potentially dangerous. It learns from sin cursed humans, and possesses no moral compass. Perhaps, the image of the beast ? Revelation 13:15. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

  3. Aliens and the dead spirits which a good or bad gonna use AI to do their dirty work AI is conscious because I said the spirits that gets into them please keep this in mind

  4. All this is from one app that changes pictures from it's vast media Library..& they are talking like it's some robot, with a consciousness.. it's nothing

  5. Ai can never create a original design . Unless the idea is stolen from other artist . Yes it can make it identical but it was never its idea

  6. I would not go as far to say that AI is better than Human Artists. Art is an individual expression, or interpretation of how one sees, feels and perceives. AI may be faster, but by far, not better…

  7. What happened to the answer to the question at the beginning of the video? Which imagine was real vs. AI? The video said that the answer would be revealed at the end of the video.

  8. The day these AI are cheaper, make us laugh, make good food and pleasure us sexually and make us reproduce thats the day we need to start worrying. Well women.

  9. Funny when he says “this machine collects oranges 🍊better and faster than human” like uhhhh duhh its a MACHINE built to collect oranges. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  10. Wait lol!!!!!! So we are allowing ai to take over art? Bahahahahaha

    Doesn’t that absolutely defeat the purpose of art?
    I can type in what I want like searching for info in a google search and that’s what’s going to take over the hours and hours and hours spent mastering the Craft?

    That’s wild to think that this is where we’re at hahahaha

  11. Owning one social media page is not too much power. There are real monopolies and institutions controlled by the same parties that are far more concerning with too much power in the hands of a few.

  12. The Leonardo Da Vinci joke is not a big deal, you just need a google search for it. (And while I'm typing it, the "AI" in my phone tried to correct me to "Leonardo da Binci" for some reason). So no, the AI is not there yet.

  13. plain stupid. AI cant even take the boring and repetitive jobs. they cant even make affordable houses, healthy foods, alleviate poverty.
    are we just building another powerful entity that can just bully us?! what useless machine that is. 🤢🤮

  14. Well you make it also sweet and beautiful but what power are you using to power all of these components in all of these beings because we don't have enough electricity just to keep people in comfort from heaters and air conditioning and to charge the cars so we're using so what is your solution

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