
Surrealism and Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte is great artist in surreal art.



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46 thoughts on “Surrealism and Rene Magritte
  1. In my opinion, Rene Magritte was by far the best surrealist because he rooted it in a very matter of fact presentation- still life if you like. He carried this through in the way he dressed- he dressed professionally and soberly in a bowler hat and suit. Combined with elements like the chess pieces in his work, this gives his work a sturdy and classical feel. It was serious stuff in a way that i don't think that flamboyant Dali, whose work so effortlessly adorns drippy student's walls, was.

  2. @circae2012 Сон ведь некое продолжение дневной активности мозга который всегда в путах морали..этики..совести особенно(как части эго).Поэтому сюрреализм лишь иллюзия свободы от этого.Лишь выражение вечной мечты к свободе духа.

  3. THIS IS BRILLIANT. Thanks a million for the best 8:04 minutes I have spent in a lifetime.
    BRAVO!!!! <3 <3 <3

  4. It would certainly be true if Magritte didn't prepare phisically his paintwork. As he did we can easily say that there were no absence of "all control" since the work is quite thought before to be put on a canvas. If it was the "omnipotence" of dream, this dream would have been directly painted from mind to canvas, not by using a photographic transfer or a physical composition.

  5. This talk about surrealism is quit entertaining, weren't it for a fact that Rene Magritte worked in magical realism.

  6. this artist ok but keeps repeating the same ideas in every painting. he needs to get creative and not be repetitious and predictable. predictable makes for bad and boring art. keep practicing and you will get better!

  7. René Magritte creó un magnífico lenguaje pictórico para revelarnos no sólo los significados que se hallan ocultos detrás de la realidad, sino también un mundo de fantasía enriquecido de sueños y emociones. Cada cuadro de este pintor surrealista belga altera los conceptos que tenemos, interrumpe los circuitos de pensamiento lógico, traspasa las barreras psicológicas, logrando así trasladarnos por instantes a un mundo fantástico donde hay un orden distinto de las cosas.Canción: Sinnerman (pecador), de Nina Simone, cantante, pianista y activista en la lucha contra el racismo que encabezó Martin Luther King.

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