Consciousness Videos

Swami Sarvapriyananda on spirituality vs science of consciousness | @ShomaChaudhuryLL | SYNAPSE 2024

Synapse Conclave

Just what is consciousness? Does ancient thought provide insights? How far has science come? And can self-awareness be modelled into machines?

Watch Swami Sarvapriyananda, Head Monk, Ramakrishna Mission, New York, dive deep into Vedantic thought and consider how spirituality stands up against advancing science in this captivating conversation with Shoma Chaudhury, Director-Curator of SYNAPSE and Founder of Lucid Lines.

#SYNAPSE2024 #consciousness #vedanta
#tech #AI #science #spirituality #ego #machines


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28 thoughts on “Swami Sarvapriyananda on spirituality vs science of consciousness | @ShomaChaudhuryLL | SYNAPSE 2024
  1. 36:03 "Religion has to be put through the same rigorous standard of truth that science undergoes".. what a will power and confidence to make a such a bold declaration being a monk! The power of Swami Vivekananda. āĶŠā§āĶ°āĶĢāĶūāĶŪāĨĪ

  2. Atmah is present inside all living beings , Mind and Consciousness are different agreed. Materlisatic things like stones, water aren't consciousness so Consciousness can't be compared with AI. When all the living organisms with superior consciousness ( atmah) with the power of thoughts n desire we can really change the form of objects.

  3. Pranam Swamiji So grateful to you for yet another profound speech 🙏🏞🙏🏞🙏🏞🙏🏞🙏🏞🙏🏞🙏🏞âĪïļâĪïļâĪïļâĪïļâĪïļ

  4. No, brain doesn't produce consciousness. Because if it so then the I feeling would have also changed some times or other as brain always changes electrically or chemically. Pronam.

  5. I am really disappointed with the interviewer question framing and distracting all over. It's disrespecting the Great Master. Ridiculoulsy satisfying her ego or whatever you call it. It would have lot better to give any topic to Mr. Swamiji to explain in with a specific time (like he does thousands of such talks); he would have explained very precisely and planned conversasaion to entire audience and us.
    Ms. Interviewer, please do plan better next time without unplanned questions & nonsense your explanations.

  6. Amazing to see Swamiji's response and more importantly his efforts to reach out to varied audience!
    Also grateful to Swamiji for making Vedanta so understandable and relatable 🙏

    I only wish the organizers had brought in a host who respects spirituality than who looks at it like a Tehalka type interview!

  7. Sora, you were SO WORRIED about running out of time that you were blind to a SIMPLE solution: get QUICKLY to your question and SHUT UP! That would have left the person we wanted to hear—the swami—a LOT MORE time.

  8. "Faith is not too hard to understand" If you really understood it you wouldn't have said this. That view is too reductionist to look at it.
    Regardless, thanks for inviting Swamiji.

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