TEDx Talks
Dr. Hameroff’s research for 35 years has involved consciousness – how the pinkish gray meat between our ears produces the richness of experiential awareness. A clinical anesthesiologist, Hameroff has studied how anesthetic gas molecules selectively erase consciousness via delicate quantum effects on protein dynamics. Following a longstanding interest in the computational capacity of microtubules inside neurons, Hameroff teamed with the eminent British physicist Sir Roger Penrose to develop a controversial quantum theory of consciousness called orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) which connects brain processes to fundamental spacetime geometry. Recently Hameroff has explored the theoretical implications of Orch OR for consciousness to exist independent of the body, distributed in deeper, lower, faster scales in non-local, holographic spacetime, raising possible scientific approaches to the soul and spirituality.
@TEDxBrussels 2010
I wish I could put he and Candace Pert together in a room and hear them speak to one another about their work and how it correlates. I also wish he spent a bit more time and in depth about the soul and ear death experiences in his works findings. etc. I also wish that Ted showed his slide show along with his talk . They often leave out this valuable piece of their talks here online.
It's doing nothing but deferring the question, much like the homunculus did in less enlightened times.
soul iis beyond quantum field it is a unity quantum is points and discrete levels in " on the bhagavad gita " sri krishna says it is ATMA ATMA is pur eunbounded consciousness the soul of everyone Maharishi mahesh Yogi approximates ATMA with einstein s unified field
when people say quantum while meaning continium that is not correct use of quantum word
As a PhD in engineering woman I couldn't agree more with this research and MUCH more from my own…., I am SO SICK of these MENSA wanna be engineering MEN who cannot even TOLERATE anything new age or ' spiritual' or the possibility that science, seems to be an extension of the occult and an incomplete extension at best. All behaving rude, anti science, condescending and ANTI ALL SCHOLARS throughout humanity. Including many great names
There we go….yet another intelligent scientist who is saying the OCCULT and our ancestors weren't crazy….now it's the end of his career…like ANY daring scientist who dared saying that before him. Science MAFIA just has no tolerance for ANYTHING that proves occult & and ancestral beliefs not to be all mumbo jumbo
A virus is apart of your immune system…..
Or , how about that a virus is the bodies cell helper/maintainers…..
Or, the human virus and cell maintainers…
How about the virus and cell maintenance…
But I get he gets a good pay check….
This is life after death
All these things he is saying have no evidence. Non local? What, our mind is entangled with something else in the universe? What process created the entanglement? A miracle?
Free will? Really? So many scientists with decades of investigation were just erased by this speech, right? Reencarnación, “Quantum soul”……
Again, no evidence, just like any other religion. Real science has been making progress for THOUSANDS of years. I don’t see how all this things he mentions are actually possible.
I guess he is not aware of the latest investigation about consciousness. Now, when he mentioned Deepak Chopra, all bets were off. He lost me there completely!
do scientists know where Tesla's lab notes are the usa gov impounded them
After watching Westworld series + this video I start to think that my consciousness must be uploaded to a very bad reality show…how can I change to a comedy show??? :):):)
Can anyone say, “Whacko?”
Nobody wanna die.
So most people will support this view.
However, he's leaping to conclusions.
+ Very bad presentation.
Natural Theology > Apologetics. Its time for the training wheels to come off. We are ready. The digital apocalypse has made it so.
Still waiting for him to sing Sledgehammer…
Well, that's basically saying "we don't know who this works so it's probably quantum magic"
Leave my consciousness alone I just want to be a nano poodle or an Astro chicken
The real issue world leaders have with "over population" isn't anything pertaining to protecting the planet, but has everything to do with control. 50 million people are a lot easier to control than 7 billion.
Correctomundo. Put Jesus in there (true man) and wow
Proving you can be highly academic and still self-deluded. His information is very important, but conclusions he says Penrose doesn't like to talk about takes him to Eastern religion. Ok, still waiting for the second shoe to fall because his conclusion could just add easily take us to any religion and maybe to computer simulation and even alien type 5 (multiverse) civilization, which he touched on at the end, actually. It's nice to see a willingness to let philosophy guide since thought in physics, but let's stay grounded, maybe.
The fact that anesthesia works debunks the supernatural soul. If we are our souls (the common belief of what the soul is) and the soul survives death, then it'd be impossible to ever go unconscious at all, because the soul (as understood by the common meaning) is always conscious.
However, we never experience "nothing" after death, or at any point, because "nothing" is only a word and nothing else. You cannot experience "nothing" because that'd make it something. Unconsciousness is always simply skipped over; it is a proverbial time machine. So after death there will not be Nothing, but instead a new organism will be born; just like what occurred at the beginning of your consciousness. This will continue as long as there are new sentient organisms born into the universe.
So, does all this apply only to humans, or to cockroaches as well?
Thank you. This lifted me from a bad time. This gave me so much trust and comfort. It just feels good in my heart/soul. I can’t explain this feeling
Slow down, cover a little less, and most of us will process more of what you’re saying, which is the point, right? Take a breath. Is the effectiveness of your speech contingent on how hurried you can possibly deliver it? So many of these videos , whether Ted or university or Studio produced, are either Panic stricken mania or addled lethargy, no in between. Either overcoached or not at all.
Quantum biology is unfortunately science I think ya miss the point.
Roses are red!
Violets are blue!
Consciousness is crazy!
And so are you!
Just a bunch of guessing, good talk, tho!
Idk what people are going on about this not being real science. If Roger Penrose is supporting it then what else could it be?
Science is although not only but nevertheless a temporary placeholder for upcoming sciences which, once established, may not necessarily declare the existing one null and void but will nevertheless try to limit it. Do Newton's world-explanatory equations have the same significance as 150 years ago? Would hardly say yes. Then one could assume that everything science whispers about nature today will be a subsection of physics tomorrow.
So why should one pursue the perishable materialistic philosophical conclusions when one knows that only a small fraction of the cosmos consists of matter? Matter is a small part of nature! So why take it more seriously than it is.
What ever, materialism or non-materialism, I just want to know what is consciousness and how is it created.
"out of body" has been debunked and he should know it. I due agree with a lot of the rest of it
Vaya pedazo de gazpacho entre conciencia, biología, física cuántica, grafeno, sexo….tiene el Dr. Hameroff. Si no fuese por que Prof. Penrose apoya esto, yo ni intentaría entender esta palabrería vacía sobre lo que él llama quantum biology…and so on and so forth. Firmado: un Prof. en Física
He sure knows some words.
There's a problem here, Hameroff is a doctor, a anesthesiologist, Why is he talking about quantum physics? Where is the Sir Roger Penrose?
I like him but I must say “over population “ is not the source of our problems.
We have known forever that energy changes but cannot be destroyed. That’s a scientific fact. Beyond that, we don’t know, but this resonates with me.
TEDx needs to start including the graphic materials in the videos, perhaps we would be better served by not just showing a closeup of the speaker's face for the whole presentation.
My BS detector was off the scale with this one, the question "Do we have a quantum Soul?" cannot be answered without clearly defining, proving the existence of and demonstrating in a repeatable way that souls exist, i.e. real science. When a clinical anesthesiologist places the word 'quantum' next to 'soul' and starts drawing supposed parallels with belief systems, you really have to be sceptical. I'm sure Steven Novella and Sean Carroll would tear this apart with ease.
Your ideas might be 100 maybe even a thousand years ahead of your time (only cuz of dogmatic materalistic skeptics refuse to consider brilliant researchers like Sturaut Hameroff and Dean Radin). BUT ONE DAY THE WORLD WILL CHANGE!!!!!! and those psuedoskeptics will all be saying "we believed you all along".
however these psuedoskeptics will be forgoten for eternity. Hameroff will be remembered as the Einstein of Consciosness!!!!
So in other words, Jeezis is God
Hameroff says Life is a self-organizing system. Who organizes the tornado or hurricane, or the solar system or atom? The difference between Quantum Mechanics and Newtonian Mechanics? Unpredictable (probability) vs Predictable (certainty). Quantum Soul = the unpredictable, unobservable force that organized the system. In religion it's called a soul, new , or used as in reincarnation. Hameroff engages in circular arguments. A computer can give the appearance of a soul. Brain manipulations can affect how you think. But what caused the system to self-organize? The soul exists in a Newtonian world where consistent predictions can be made and used to create computers and cellphones. But the soul, unlike nature, has emotions like self-awareness. The ultimate morality is life, preservation of the soul, whatever caused that system to self-organize and stay self-organized. Religion acknowledges the soul. Whereas science will never have enough proof, or circumstantial evidence. (I watched the whole 10 minutes.)
Hameroff is a fraud. Plain and simple. Trying to cash in on nonsense like gupta and similar sharlatants
He never turns his hammer off!
the guy from saw is really cool
If we learn how diasases make they wrong reaction molecules, we can destroy them
hatred, war and terrorisms are consequences of overpopulation?
such nonsense casts a shadow on anything else he says, however smart it may be.
This is truly one of the worst public talk given by a scientist: a rapid gibberish of jargon with little coherence. Sad to see that this is allowed online to confuse listeners about what is really known about the world.