
TEDxCanberra – Ash Donaldson – Cognitive dissonance

Multiple-TED attendee and human factors expert, Ash Donaldson, wants us to better understand why we believe what we do. In this talk, Ash explains how our minds build belief and then breaks it down, showing us how and why humans are fooled into believing that things like Power Bands, anti-aging treatments and supplements actually work. Along the way, he tells us how as a trainee pilot he managed to nearly get himself killed by allowing his beliefs to rule logic and provable fact.

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33 thoughts on “TEDxCanberra – Ash Donaldson – Cognitive dissonance
  1. I wish he would elaborate on "alternative therapies". By bundling everything together is a prejudice and goes against what science and evidence means.

    What is "alternative"? Who decides what it is? Do those people have any conflict of interest? Has cognitive dissionance affected those people who decide what "alternative is"?
    Also he seems to have not covered things like potential Conflict of interest within the medication business, which is also linked to politics and big business.

  2. well this is my first learning about cognitive dissonance, from your powerful example. I think I am familiar with the 'sick' feeling you describe, and I have been thinking about it a lot since watching your talk yesterday. I had to laugh at myself because  I bought one of those bands in a surf shop when  I was learning to surf. I think there is something in the 'placebo effect', for sure! thanks forthe thought provoking talk 🙂 

  3. Cognitive dissonance certainly is interesting. I have a high metabolism. I don't think (i'm not sure) there is such thing as free will, in a causal universe. These two things together are real interesting   

  4. What about the fact that we don't know WHAT the guy with the bracelet would say, and perhaps it was a gift, maybe even from someone who passed away; and what about the science which credits the body's response to belief?

  5. BREAKDOWN AND CRITIC OF THIS  –  The classic way to introduce false information… Talk true about most of things, and give a false statement to make the mass believe for what reason you elaborated to whole discourse. The smoking issue is self-evident. Certainly, it is not true what he makes Bush jr to be, it's falsehood in all it's glory. It seems that they are coming out now with all the spin doctors, to tell that Bush was a good president after all that didn't know truthfully what the CIA lied about to him… There even a book published recently about this: that 911 was not a conspiracy. lol   How convenient that the biases you are experiencing right now is "Bias Blind Spot", meaning you are less bias than others like him, because he needs to remove that hurdle for you to accept the false statement of his discourse. Cosmetic and anti-aging creams is self-evident. NOT vitamins and supplement: he knows he is lying and his mission is to hypnotically put into your brain the statement that vitamins and supplement is bad for you, when actually if you lack of vitamin C, your immune system gets weak, and proven scientifically that supplementing vitamin C rebuilds the health for influencing the immune system etc. The bracelet is kind of self-evident too. It is kind are marvelous how he explain in detail the deception on the basis on biases of cognitive dissonance that the industries use against the consumer WHILE DOING IT TO YOU WITH THE SAME TECHNIQUE FOR DIFFERENT REASONS. VERY TRUTHFUL ON THAT MATTER. And then we get to the real purpose of his reason, his mission: to make people accept vaccination, to promote the falsehood of vaccination, which is wrong… for the purpose that the anti-movement is so powerful right now that practically no one is willing now for the truth they know about it now, that vaccines are not healthy, but poisonous and spreads the disease more to those weak and weak immune system. What he doesn't tell you, is that most of those who get the miesels for instance, have gotten it from vaccines rather mildly, but in some cases full blown even to death, as those who are not vaccinated, seldom do get it, and if they did, get over it quite easily. Tuberculosis is remedied by penicillin, and is not the disease injected, because he lets your brain fill in the gap on what he doesn't say, because people relate tuberculosis with a syringes shot that cured them like a vaccine; that is rather full of the disease given to the patient. It might be very right on cognitive dissonance and cognitive biases, but it is not a reason to slip in disinformation in little cracks in and there, so quick, so brief, but just slips in your subconscious. Whatever your conscious ease on, the subconscious will just use all your resources stock in your mind, and start making association and plans to start to move it in the direction of its realization: always keep that in mind. The Goal here is to produce and great talk, with small defect to slip in that BUSH jr, is a good president, vitamins are bad for you, vaccines will make you extremely healthy… That was the purpose of his entire talk… This is what you call mind control. You need to understand something very profound: the love of the truth is what really saves you, not people playing with your mind.

  6. In discussing confirmation bias, Ash Donaldson descends into a bizarre left-wing diatribe against George W. Bush at 9:30. Not only is Donaldson's opinion false and inappropriate, it shows that it is Ash Donaldson who actually possesses the extreme bias, the cognitive dissonance, and the lack of self-awareness that prevents him from seeing reality.

  7. There were weapons of mass destruction. Some may have gone to other countries, but that beside the point. They actually found chemical weapons. I remember when the story first came out it was like a paragraph long and most people didn't see it. It was later confirmed not too long ago by another news source, apparently, as a matter of historical fact keeping as anything else. But still there are so many supposedly intelligent people who will state such things in front of large audiences.

  8. You are guilty of the same oversimplification that you condemn.   George Bush did not create the idea of WMDs in a vacuum.  Clinton, Gore, France, Russia, and many others believe and went on the record with the belief that Iraq had WMDs.  Maybe you are guilty of creating a scenario that you believe "proves" your theory, while ignoring certain facts that run counter to what you are trying to prove….    Just like your speech cites.

  9. Ha, I got all the way to the comments on mind, body, spirit training before I felt any dissonance. I don't know what is funnier, that we got to see Mr. Donaldson's own demonstration of personal bias or that it is mind/body training that brought me to the point where I would even care about such a thing as cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias much less that it would give me the ability to watch and see how long the feeling lasted and how much of the video I would color according to my own seeking of confirmation. Oh, the irony!

    Earlier comments refer to learned helplessness as the result of child rearing cultural norms. The suggestion is that, repeated episodes of cognitive dissonance as childhood institutionalized delusions are stripped away (Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, God), the capacity for critical and rational thinking is diminished as a method of avoiding cognitive dissonance. Are these delusions and their inevitable dissolution contributing to teenage anger? Longitudinal, cross cultural studies comparing institutionalized yet unscientific beliefs and measures of childhood anxiety and angst might be interesting?

  10. Really sad comment section shows why critical thinking is important. If you're wrong than you aren't right..but if you're right you are never wrong? Think about it.

  11. Maybe you just stick with being a pilot. Your opinions are not backed by any science, but only experiences. Truth is available only to those who have the courage to question whatever they have been taught. What your saying is don't trust your divine inner instinct and only rely on Authority figures to control your life. Absolutely disagree

  12. It is a bit more than proving who's imaginary friend is the real one. People follow religions based on social links with other humans, if one people group raids your group because you are not the same as them of course people will be harmed maybe killed. It is the utmost of ignorance to talk about murdering people over ideas about imaginary friends.

  13. "It all begins
    With Santa Claus
    And brilliant men
    With brilliant flaws
    The floor you prayed
    On takes away
    A safety that was yesterday" (billy mackenzie)

  14. I think this will really help me understand how to get my little ski students to overcome their fears and trust their skis as my coach would always tell me.

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