
Tetris: AI Lua Script Play


This is a really cool thing that someone else made. It’s a lua script that this fellow made that creates an AI that plays Tetris indefinitely! I stopped at J00 (about 1,900!) lines because there has to be a stopping point -somewhere- for this video, but it gives you a good introductory gist of what happens when Tetris is played indefinitely.

FAR more information can be found here:

For those who want to skip to a couple of highlights:
08:40 – The level numbers start to wig out once getting to level 30.
28:33 – Game reaches the 1,000 line threshold.
39:20 – Tetrad palletes become really weird.

Feel free to download the Lua script and see how long it can go for past this!

BTW, 100th video. I was saving the 100th for something really cool. 🙂


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