
#THATSBRUTAL: A Quick Guide to Brutalist Architecture

Professor Musselman

This video takes a look at the history and development of Brutalism, an architectural style which focused on exposing unfinished surfaces to create grungy, rough-looking buildings. If you’re cramming for your next history or architecture test, check it out, it just might help you get that A!

Lexi Smith


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29 thoughts on “#THATSBRUTAL: A Quick Guide to Brutalist Architecture
  1. Just found out that this kind of structures are called Brutalist buildings / term Brutalism and it's fucking awesome. I've always wondered what they were called but never thought to do research and ask. It gave me the feel of futuristic / post-apocalyptic kind of way. Explains a lot since it started after WW2. Also, if you haven't watched the movie High Rise, give it a try. The main building there reminds me of this type of buildings. Nice explanation too, coming from a normal guy like me. Thanks.

  2. Don't know a lot about architecture but being around certain environments resonate the emotions of the people around them. In that respect these buildings succeed in snuffing out any hopeful and positive thoughts.

  3. Nice video. I don't quite know why, but I love brutalist architecture. There are only touches of it here in Mississippi, but I always find myself stopping to admire it where I can.

  4. The research behind this video is great, and the content itself is very informative. My only issues are the narrator's tone (it's sounds like Sir mix a lot's intro) and the amount of hashtags – who needs this if they're not real hyperlinks?. I'm not trying to be mean – I subscribed and want to help this channel grow with some constructive criticism.

  5. Brutalism is my favorite architecture, if done in the right way like that pyramid and other buildings simply using space, light, and the strength and power of Concrete, built with its sole purpose of being utilitarian not artistic.

  6. most of these architects were never exposed to neo classical beauty….or the mathamatics of its form…(fibinaci)…..and as the gods of the era……"the bauhaus" and bat blind le corbusier dictated….."form follows function"…..a lot of the war time bldg's were fero-concrete for defense….(bunker style is back in now due to car bombs) but Gaudi's input made these archtects go all "dali-esque"…..hence the practice of building from models of bldg's became a contest for idiot award winning……and since the pyramid house price racket is causing homlessness…..and tradsmen are in decline…..prefab is all thats left…….unless governments controlling technical colledges re think their privitization selloff scam………..pre fab is the enevitable result…and as the cheapest quote wins…………polished turds by any other name…..will still be polished turds.

  7. The building shown at @3:36 is a bit misleading. It's not an example of Brutalism, it's just unfinished. The finished building is actually clad in glass (just in case you don't know what it is, it's the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea). Great video though, some good examples of the Brutalist period.

  8. It's abstract and sculptural…..absolutely amazing from a philosophical position and aesthetic character……another step in the evolution of modernism.

  9. I only see ugliness, talentless , trash, degenerative. depression. This idiots have destroyed so many beauty. You only can live in this kind of ugly buildings if you are high on prozac.

  10. If I had the Chance, I would destroy all these buildings and replace them with absolutely anything else than this communistic, oppressive, trash!

  11. Thank you for an informative video, I enjoyed it. The background music is too loud though, and not really required – the visuals and narration are enough, the music is a distraction.

  12. I'm a fan of brutalism. I love it. But… even I think the building at 3:23 looks horrendous.

    The one at 3:33 is amazing, though. It really does look like some strange industrial-military bunker. Simply brutiful~

  13. Brutalist architecture is good for prisons, pharmaceutical companies, and the Halo movie trilogy I still hold a little hope for. Other than that demolish them.

  14. Brutualism and mordern architecture is unappealing to me and so bland. Buildings with huge grey concrete walls just doesn't look good, it's always depressing to look at. And with modern architecture is kinda much of the same, but it's glass instead of concrete. But modern buildings looks terrible with curvy walls and sharp corners. Overall in my opinion, brutualism and modern architecture is bad.

  15. Corbusier inspired brutalism, he never made 'brutalistic' architecture. In fact almost none architect labeled their work as brutalist. Only Alison & Peter Smithson used this term to define their work, and they were the first ones. The rest were just doing what was current in architecture at that point. Brutalism is a tag name that was imposed by critics afterwards, thus creating a chaos and bluring the lines between whata brutalist and whats not.

  16. Le Corbusier was first taught by Walter Gropius in the Bauhaus movement and Marxism further shaped his thinking on architecture after the Nazis closed the Bauhaus school. The house Le Corbusier designed that you show first off is steeped heavily in Bauhaus prestige!

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