
The Art of Being a Couple | Theodore Zeldin | TEDxOxford

In this talk Theodore discussses how some couples can have long loving relationships.

Dubbed the ‘most popular Englishman in France’, Oxford based Zeldin is a leading world expert on France and what it means to be French. He is renowned for his studies on happiness, asking pressing questions like ‘where can a person look to find more inspiring ways to spend each day?’

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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27 thoughts on “The Art of Being a Couple | Theodore Zeldin | TEDxOxford
  1. This has nothing to do with the art of being a couple…more like the art of connecting with others gernerally.

  2. Humans can only feel 2 emotions. Fear and Love. Every phobia, behavioural disorder and Neurosis is a manifestation of fear or a direct experience of fear. Once your fear subsides all that remains is love.

  3. Brother, not everybody likes talking about themselves, we live in a state of duality, for me it’s about meditation , the answer to everything lies within, seek and ye shall find, sure it’s awesome connecting , but we should uphold the purpose of our human birth, what are we doing here? , what is this place all about? Clarity is only found within, with our creator, when we find this we see God in everyone , then we are no longer lonely

  4. This is related to the art of being a couple. Listen to each other and discover the memories of others. Discover what goes on in other peoples heads. Men do not talk very well to women.
    Reinvent the way we talk. Practice by talking to strangers with the most difficult subjects. Then when you have practiced this skill and have overcome the fear you have of talking to your mate

  5. Great presentation. Maybe it'd be good to have a title that reflects it better, as it that would help people, who are more interested in the actual content of the video to find it and not mislead people, who wanted to find content about couples.
    I enjoyed his perspective quite a bit.

  6. 'Opportunity insurance' (about 13 min in) is a great idea, and part of a blossoming of the resources that are right at hand (human talent, younger generations) who wish to have meaningful lives, have impact, and connect. Theodore's use of third spaces for connecting and learning is such a spark of creation.

  7. "What I see is not what you see, and it is by the conjunction of all what each one sees that one can discover something like the truth."

  8. 4-12-2019
    What I've concluded is building relationships is a serious human skill. It has always been found and then cultivated like food has been. There are pockets and clusters of good humans who know how to be such, but also large areas of growing people who do not. If we don't move around (education & discovery means only–household moving not required) you will likely be stagnant with whatever you find around you…and that may be an abundance of selfish people in your given circumstances. I'm always looking for the good humans…where they thrive or seem to be bountiful without my help. What I've found is they thrive when and wherever part of their egos allows them to think about this topic, done so well by this good communicating human being, but then act well on it also.

    Imagine if you were a traveler from another world who landed here on present Earth and saw X-Y-Z problems, and your world had overcome those already. You would help right? Hopefully. We acknowledge that but we aren't being the good natured, harmless change ourselves right in our backyard. Why? We feel like we're too alone in the adventure. Just fear, once again. The natives and old-timers are what keep revisiting our Earthen egos, trying to wake us up to the romance that is waiting to thrive amonsgt us. Good CommUnity is a terrible thing to waste. Come on.
    Allied Fathers Community Unions (AFCU).
    be in the change

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