
The Art of Sumi-e | Meet Ink Painting Master Tohun Kobayashi 小林東雲 墨絵

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Japanese Sumie-e master Tohun Kobayashi was performing in Zurich in October 2017. In merely half an hour he created a stunning ink painting. Here’s a short film of this wonderful «action painting». You can see and buy his art at sato in Zurich:

Here are my Japan travel guides and my Japan speeches in Zurich (in German):

Read my daily Japan blog:

Music: Michikawa,

Please note: It is NOT allowed to download and use my youtube short films for any purpose.

Switzerland, Zurich, Zürich, sumi-e, art, ink painting, japan, action painting, 墨絵, 小林東雲, 水墨画

Jan Knüsel


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4 thoughts on “The Art of Sumi-e | Meet Ink Painting Master Tohun Kobayashi 小林東雲 墨絵
  1. I visited SATO in Zurich last week and was more than impressed. Their furniture and other goods are superb. This is all thanks to your video on SATO.
    Told them you led me there and they also said your work and photography is great.
    Where do you live in Switzerland. I live in Zurich.

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