Art Theory

The Business of Aesthetics: What It Is, Why It Matters, and Why It Matters Now More than Ever

Columbia Business School

As a leading executive for global luxury firms like LVMH and Estée Lauder, Pauline Brown came to realize that “Aesthetic Intelligence” is as critical to long-term business success as are more traditional competencies in areas like finance, operations and technology. Moreover, in times of crisis, the humanistic, artistic and emotionally-resonant components of business take on heightened importance. A business leader’s attention to aesthetics not only can improve how organizations navigate such moments of crisis, but also how they can turn a crisis into an opportunity. In conversation with Professor Bernd Schmitt, Brown will discuss these perspectives as well as ways in which aesthetic strategies can transform companies, even entire industries, and how they can be applied successfully to a new generation of consumers in a post-pandemic marketplace.


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