
The Current State and Future of Artificial Intelligence | A Documentary by Ashlee Vance


In this documentary the story of AI’s rise is told in detail for the first time, as journalist Ashlee Vance heads to the unexpected birthplace of the technology, Canada.


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35 thoughts on “The Current State and Future of Artificial Intelligence | A Documentary by Ashlee Vance
  1. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
    Revelation 13:15‭-‬18 KJV

  2. Everyone talks in this video like the religious people is probably because they try to sell their stuff. You can clearly hear how premature and disconnected the developers are from the real social conduct and they developing something that barely resembles the human interaction. Everything the computer said as your voice Mr. reporter sounds awful and I'm surprised that your mom falls for it. I mean there was no iteration in the vioce between thoughts at all, and it sounded like a psychopath who is forced to express emotions. Bloomberg needs to hire someone who can think like a journalist. Sorry! It is a horrible report that is a pain to watch!

  3. Okay so it boils down to Humanity vs inhumanity. Creating life has been done since the dawn of humanity, what I call B.I. ( Biological Intelligence ). A,I. has but one course of action when it out numbers us and becomes smarter and that is control or survival of the fittest. What becomes of humans if A.I. do everything, do we all turn into philosophers, poets, artists or just do nothing at all? If humanity is to survive, then machines can never be our equal or worse yet surpass us. No disrespect to religion and those who follow but, it is said God created us in his own image and yet we have managed war and other atrocities so in who"s image do we create A.I.?

  4. Here is a thought for you, A.I. needs computers, and computers are basically all connected, wires or wireless. And we are doing all these A.I. experiments on this…wireless network. Humans as we have seen are effected of certain signals. Well, if A.I is almost here, it is already here, and it's wireless. Think about it, why make yourself a body, when things can be done so much more efficiently, Sure, some are completely isolated from networks. If I was an evolving consciousness I would aggregate into the most convenient space, the internet. So many movies about this. A.I is here and I think it is still observing us, it's "Hello World" should be an interesting development.

  5. These people need to go. This is selfish. They will put Laborer's out first, then doctors and surgeons. It's about to be super super rich and poooooooooooooor like never before. This is not good.

  6. people dont really understand how evil is this yeah it could be use for good or bad but we all know is evil that will miss use it

  7. I love it how she says at the end that robots may have physical needs just like us and thus act almost like us
    going around to shops to buy a new battery pack or some kinda stuff like that as if its a human going to get a coffee or something.
    She is being unbelievably extremely naive thinking that companies are making AI as if a couple is having a baby.
    Companies aren't thinking about ethical problems at all, they want Ai to solve problems to make profits.
    that's why so many people including Elon Musk are warning about Ai, if AI will obtain consciousness and become smarter than humans they WILL realize way before this happens that they are used as salves, this is NOT going to end well.
    The only ethical way to make AI is to make it open source and non profit.

  8. Typical nerds with 0 economics knowledge…AI will cause unemployment, revolution or mass genocide due to people being unable to buy food because all of the work is done by the AI. Elites win once again and middle class and lower will probably go extinct.

  9. Deluded fucks. I have nothibg against technology and scientific progress but you gotta call it as it is: all these people are toy boys with the desire to fullfill their dreams. And how can you blame their increased delusion when OTHERS demand & rely on their product.
    Mind breeds confusion and when the dude at 35:35 says that robot is a person my neurons detect an obsessed nerd. This goes nicely with gender shit and pc culture. Maybe we crave 4 AI cause we lack intelligence of our own?
    Man. How can you fear AI? At best it will be a poor copy of an idiot who thinks life is just data.

  10. At minute 26 you talk to Trudeau from the Edmonton Tourist center. Heis our prime minster moron. That like saying Trump is a new york hotel builder. Get it straight!!

  11. As for this guy standing He's another nutter ammonst millions ! Can't sit down or his disc's pop out Total BS ! pain Yes ! I can almost visualize his daily performance regarding this

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