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Megyn Kelly is an American journalist and host of talk show and podcast, The Megyn Kelly Show, which airs live every weekday on Sirius XM Triumph channel 111 at noon EST. You can also find the show on YouTube & wherever you get your podcasts.
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Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians.
00:00 Introduction
00:35 What Has Happened to the ‘Can Do’ American Attitude?
02:13 Presidential Election: Can We Be Optimistic?
04:10 Consequences of Illegal Immigration
07:50 What Has Changed in US Immigration?
11:00 Law & Order in US ‘Sanctuary Cities’
13:59 Is the System Fundamentally Broken?
16:33 Is Immigration a Deliberate Act for Votes?
20:13 Sponsor Message: Dissident Dialogues
21:46 Are Democrats Creating a Backlash?
26:48 The Fentanyl Crisis in America
34:20 Are We Seeing the Demolition of DEI?
39:12 Sponsor Message: GiveSendGo
40:23 The Problem With Diversity Quotas
50:26 Betting on Trump in the US Election
54:51 What’s the One Thing We’re Not Talking About? Join our exclusive TRIGGERnometry community on Substack!
Dissident Dialogues — for two days of debate, discussion, disagreement and discovery. It's not just an event; it's an intellectual journey. Buy your tickets now at and be part of the conversation!
it's hard to listen to someone who looks like that. All my energy goes towards other things.
Y’all are just grifters by posting this crap. The GOP killed the border bill. The GOP doesn’t actually care about the border, and parroting this conspiracy is so scummy
Democrats are massively importing voters in the USA just like socialists did in Europe for the last 40 years. The fact that these ignorant masses of voters will vote for privileges instead of the interest of the country they settle in, is not important at all for the importers. The importers also want their descendants to manages these masses' descendants for the next generation.
The story Megyn recalls around 30 minutes in has me puzzled. What is the point of lacing whatever drugs these lads had bought via the internet with fentanyl? There's no profit to be made from the dead. What are these people; dealers or mass murderers?
Migrants don’t leave their homes because some foreign politician wants their vote. Migrants leave their homes because bad rule by the transnational rentier oligarchy at the top of Wall Street has made their homes unlivable. Migration is a result of bad direct corporate rule, and the corporations are in the process of doing the same to the homeland.
Definition of a Banana Republic: a derogatory term for a country that has an economy dependent solely on revenue from exporting a single product or commodity. As a result, such countries are typically controlled by foreign-owned companies or industries.
Note that the US is dependent on exporting debt, and the financial sector is at the top of the ruling oligarchy.
It is also a propaganda induced delusion to think that politicians care about votes at all. Politicians care about donors (the ruling transnational rentier oligarchy at the top of Wall Street), not voters. Search for, “Princeton public opinion study”, and you will find this:
“I find that when Americans with different income levels differ in their policy preferences, actual policy outcomes strongly reflect the preferences of the most affluent but bear virtually no relationship to the preferences of poor or middle-income Americans.”
Wow, Francis says the police are 'stricter' in America? Come to places like Singapore, where corporal punishment is used if one gets out of hand repeatedly.
Much of Asia still uses the death penalty, whereas in most of the West they abolished it (cause soyboys) and only a few US states still have it on their statute books.
The border mess is most assuredly not the unintended consequence of naive but well intentioned policy. This is all intentional.
The Republican establishment and Chamber of Commerce want a cheap, docile source of labor. The Democrats want a new slave class, utterly dependent on the dole, which will vote for them in perpetuity.
"Well meaning people"???? Really?
WAY too heavy on the ads guys…
Really interesting
These 8,000,000 invaders will vote for Biden . It was great in the sixties you had only Europeans coming same work ethic , culture and religion. Now only third world folk come , wrong work ethic , wrong culture , wrong religion , wrong language all Alien send them back or don't allow them to come here in the first place .
Is that thing with the tree provably true?
Destitution Derby …ha, ha, ha! I clicked for the red dress, stayed for the content but the wit will bring me back. Megan!…you rock!
Fox News or network was sued for lying about the election by smartmatic I think. They paid out a very large some of money so they wouldn’t go to trial. I wouldn’t do business with a company that lied, so it’s tough for me to accept everything this woman is saying. Yes the border has to be fixed and illegal immigrants doing illegal things should be deported. The polarization of politics has poisoned civil discourse and Fox News aided this polarization. Thanks for your content I look forward to your broadcast.
Can we be intellectually honest? Can we stop using the word progressive and start using the word regressive? They aren't thinking about the future. They are fixated on racism from hundreds of years ago that white people aren't exclusively responsible for. Thinking only of the past and trying to bring back the old ways (somehow they don't see that as contradictory) is regressive. Please. Make them own the title. Never let them get away with calling themselves progressives. Correct them every single time. Just like they do when someone is "misgendered," immediately correct them by saying regressive.
The common denominator for most of the West's problems is the Left.
The Left isn't just creating or supporting the problems in the West, they ARE the problem in the West.
cubian & venezulian will vote republicans because the fleeing communism
These two guys were played by Megyn. They need to get educated on the issues their guests bring up instead of listening like puppy dogs, wide-eyed and gullible.
''STOP THAT NONSENSE''…….so say most of us.
How do these people not understand what’s really happening in the west? Their naive perspectives are shocking! America doesn’t have 3M illegal invaders, it’s more like 15m, we have 30m+ illegals in the USA now. The open border isn’t about “voting”, it’s about destroying and taking over America and the west! These guys are suppose to be intelligent? As for Megyn, no sorry Megyn, but you need to scratch beyond the surface. The invasion in the US of A, certainly isn’t just “typical liberal policies”, bc the democrats want to virtue signal and attain a larger constituency.
Why are we talking about Biden like he actually makes the decisions🤣
The Republicans want you to believe the Dems want an open border. This is called a “straw man fallacy”. Make up an incorrect characterization of an opponent, and debate against that fictional image.
The Dems, want a functioning immigration system that processes requests in a timely, reasonable, ethical, and orderly fashion.
Currently LEGAL immigration is so understaffed, full of red tape, underfunded and dysfunctional, a legitimate immigrant wanting to do everything right can wait a decade in limbo to do things the right way. Thats a long time to be camping in the desert of north Mexico. And you better believe the republican policy makers have been the architects of that problem. Which incentivizes people (quite understandably) to seek alternative means. Creating a market for illegal immigration.
The republicans want a “border crisis” to continue to play political theater as a means of pulling a chunk of voters to their ideological “stance”. But fixing the border’s problems, would eliminate the usefulness of it to attract voters. You cant whine about democrats if the border isn’t broken.
Nor can you fool informed people that this problem only occurs when a Democrat is the sitting president, but just evaporates into thin air the second a republican is president. Then the border is “strong”, because a politician does some photo shoots.
Its the same damn border with the same agents, with the same dysfunctions regardless of the person in the white house. That should be a giant red flag to someone trying to be objective about why the media is discussing it and what this whole thing really is all about.
Its about votes ladies and gentlemen. Thats it. Thats why we dont do the obvious steps that would fix this.
This was a fantastic discussion. Thank you Triggernometry, you are both the best hosts across all platforms so far!
that is not true, most immigrants vote Republican a few years after becoming citizens.