Consciousness Videos

The Expansion of Consciousness

Collective Evolution

Collective Evolution talks about the consciousness shift we are experiencing and how it is the only thing that can truly bring change. When fronted with the question “What solutions do we need to replace the system we have now?” We must understand, creating a new system in the same level of consciousness we are in now, will only create the same thing over again. This is why our consciousness is shifting.

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25 thoughts on “The Expansion of Consciousness
  1. if we don't take our lives back and quickly
    All these amazing things that surround us with beautiful sights, smells, experiences our lives will become like a blank unrecognisable item
    That they will paint our
    robing us of our human rights to be free happy

  2. this video put all of my theories into place and finalized the product. I honestly thought i was the only person that believed in this exact same truth, considering i came upon it myself

  3. Let him speak. His level of understanding is limited by his cultural beliefs( once he will understand that everythings is conected, the physic and metaphysic, he will see.Don't forget, tolerance , the love pattern >is the only pattern on which we can survive on this planet as a human specie on this matrix(dont think as 1=you /but as 1=us together brothers and sisters on conscious level) and beyond this subsystem.Inb4 jokes with incest.

  4. The premise on the need to change the world monetary system is a definite truth. The concept of the soul is a possibility, but unfortunately, still has no factual base(I would like you to tell me of one). The fact that this video brushes off the possibility of a creator, just because mankind in many corners, has an image of the creator as a 'cartoon' character… does not discount the possibility of a 'God'. Overall, quite 'enlightened'… but not solidified.

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