
The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline

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Was the most expensive painting ever sold at auction a fake? This award-winning documentary explores the authenticity of the Sunflowers painting by Vincent van Gogh, bought in the late 1980s for a then record sum by a Japanese insurance company.

In 2002, the painting went on public exhibition alongside an undisputedly genuine version of Sunflowers, raising once again the questions so vividly posed in this film.

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Timeline – World History Documentaries


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35 thoughts on “The Fake Van Gogh's (Counterfeit Art Documentary) | Timeline
  1. There was a new brilliant yellow pait that Von Gogh couldn't get enough of. Uranium based i think and it has decayed. It would have looked totally different yellow when Van Gogh painted it.

  2. something stinks here to heaven for fake… look how these tremendeous expensive pictures come – packed like a package from amazon..

    and the specialists finger with their dirty sticks directley on the colours…


  3. The late Dutch post impressionist painter Van Gogh was an enigma to many, so naturally I wanted to trace his footsteps and visit where he painted some of his paintings – some with his right ear still attached I bet. Come check out these cool spots with me! Link:

  4. Whats with the pronunciation of Van Gogh? I remember the scene in Lolita, when the Mother is DESPERATLEY Trying to impress the professor. She shows him her art collection. She pronunciates the famous artists names wrong, including Van Gogh….she pronunciates it just like this Bird.

  5. Hey, Timeline, if you want people to consider you seriously, perhaps proper grammar would be an good start. This video, for instance, should be: The Fake Van Goghs, not “Gogh’s”. If you get something so trivial wrong, why would anyone think you have the capacity for getting anything else right?

  6. I paint and draw, I'm 69-years-old, sometimes I talk about my paintings, the ones I am happy with, there are many I am not happy with. I feel Vincent would have been the same kind of painter as me and many like me.

  7. These three pictures have never been seen side by side before…..but they’re replicas….the guy who painted the replicas would’ve had them side by side moron

  8. I emailed the Museum in Amsterdam about my 2 Van Goghs that were stolen from my home in Las Vegas and still haven't heard from them SMH

  9. Why not just let the experts in the comments of youtube decide? These people are experts on everything and don't even bother to tell them they are wrong !!!

  10. Her last statement was ridiculous, dude was broke his whole life , I’m sure he’d want them to be worth that kind of money when he was alive , he probably doesn’t cut his ear off and he doesn’t kill him self and he find love maybe not true love but money can buy some love , again he never sold one of those paintings! I can’t believe any were saved ? No one believed in his genius! So in what year did someone say one of his paintings was worth millions?

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