
The First Animated Surrealist Film | The King and the Mockingbird

A look back at the film Le Roi et l’Oiseau also known as King and the Mocking Bird and it’s Surrealist Tendencies


Michael Richardson, Surrealism and Cinema (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2006), p. 3.
H. Matthews, Surrealism and Film (Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1971), p. 34
Disorient the audience and break down the logical thinking in the mind  Matthews, Surrealism and film, p. 89.
History of Animation Volume 2

Destino (2003)
La séance de spiritisme ( Grimault / Aurenche 1931)
Le Messager de la lumière (Paul Grimault – 1938)
The Blood of a Poet (1933)
Le petit soldat (1947)
Casablanca (1940)
Metropolis (1927)
Le Roi et l’Oiseau (1980)
Le voleur de paratonnerres(1944)
La Bergère et le Ramoneur (1952)
The Seashell and the Clergyman (1928)
The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep (1965)
The Greedy Humpty Dumpty (1938)
The Thief and the Cobbler (1993)



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46 thoughts on “The First Animated Surrealist Film | The King and the Mockingbird
  1. Thanks for making this video. I have to tell you one thing very important, maybe you didn't get enough; the english title breaks the initial balance and maybe that's why you didn't get the thing the most important in this poetic movie. The whole concept is based on the balance of "le roi" (the law/the rules) and "l'oiseau" (the freedom),. Freedom is the only who can moke the Law but also the true Love is possible thanks to Freedom. Mariage/law, rules can't understand love. If you really want to understand the movie you have to watch movies that Prevert wrote before. "Le Roi et l'Oiseau" is like the final allegory of what Grimault and Prevert worked on all there life: freedom. Sorry my english is not good enough so I could really explain you in details. I hope you will see the movie again to understand and feel what I try to explain. This movie has the best happy ending Prevert and Grimault ever dreamed of: the city of Law(rules) is down, freedom has the last word.

    Si vous voulez aimer ce film essayer d'apprendre le français, car dans la langue passe une culture qu'aucune traduction ne saurait rendre. Si vous voulez aimez, soyez libre et sachez rêver. C'est le conseil d'une french girl

  2. I found this incredible film in a junk DVD bin at some discount store in my hometown in Oregon. Its called ‘The Curious Adventures of Mr.Wonderbird’ with Peter Ustinov as the Wonderbird(Mockingbird). My kids, born post 911, love it! As do I. The surrealist angle makes beautiful sense and Im happy to have found it. Great to see others aware of and interested in this film. .The Djinn Fairy’, The Sorceress(Kiriko) all the Studio Ghibli films have been influenced! Makes full sense!

  3. Très bon travail, tu résumes très bien cette œuvre et surtout le grand Paul Grimault, quel Homme… Pour la paix, l'humanité et la poésie et le parfait duo entre lui et Jacques Prévert a donné l'un des plus grands classiques de l'animation française.
    Aujourd'hui, la poésie se meurt et les sourires s'envolent on ne sait où, la vie c'est l'amour, la poésie et la tolérance et avoir été éduqué par ça dès l'âge de 4 ans c'est une fierté car l'amour fait peur aujourd'hui mais j'y croirai jusqu'à la fin quitte à passer pour un faible ou quelqu'un de trop candide ! LOVE POWER

  4. @ 6:18 The king's concern was his actual role in history as a ruler. A caring and open-minded leader is always preferable to a king that "can't see beyond the end of his nose". And he tried to change the history by simply changing a painting.
    A great video for a great movie!

  5. Am I wrong or is the King noticeably similar to Salvador Dali also? After the twenties a lot of the original surrealists broke with Dali over politics and considered him kind of a sellout so its not totally unbelievable that the king could be at least partially a dig at him.

  6. This is my first exposure to both your work and the King and the Mockingbird, and I am extremely grateful for my introduction to both. Very well done, very informative and well scripted. Thank you very much. Have you considered doing something with Alice In Wonderland?

  7. I can imagine a modern adaptation of The Sheppardess and the Chimeny Sweep where two deeply troubled celebrities/pop culture icons meet and fall in love between the blurred lines of time, e.g. Judy Garland and Michael Jackson (I would use Elizabeth Taylor, but they were already good and close friends), or Marilyn Monroe and Kurt Cobain, etc. Perhaps Mr. Lonely is close enough.

  8. I am very sorry but the audio is so goddamn interrupted, that i couldn't concentrate on the subject.
    for a while i thought either the video was buffering too hard, or i was actually having a stroke.

    You don't need to edit out every peak and breath, it makes it sound unnatural.
    It also sounds like you had a noise reduction, or high pass filter, applied. This was way too strong, because some parts are really muted, or too low.
    and please get a better mic, you deserve it.

  9. The idea of including a bird reminds me of Thumbelina, (1994) where a swallow (bird) narrates and becomes somewhat a pivotal character in the movie.

  10. Please try to check out when making a video containing foreign words how to pronounce them….. jacques is not pronouced jacko — no matter whether it's french or another language, the videos loose a lot of their seriousness otherwise

  11. It's ok to pronounce French wrong but you can do a little better if you find those French words, get a pronunciation on the internet and write it down in a phonetic approximation and then just read the phonetic approximation. Like Jacques Prevert you can say JACK PRAY VER with ver being like very with no y. To remember you just write JACK PRAY VER(y). Renoir is just REN WAR where WAR is just pronounced to rhyme with TAR. So you write REN WAR (tar). No one has to pronounce a language like French perfectly just not mindbogglingly wrong.

  12. I never expected to come accross a video on this film, let alone by someone who isn't a natural french speaker.
    I grew up with this movie, thanks to the same DVD you show at the end of the video. Even back then, it stood out from other similar cartoons, mainly disney movies, in ways that were always fascinating to me. Its slower pace or its unusual setting and characters, to name a few. The fact that even as a child, I had the feeling that there was a lot I wasn't getting about this movie while still being able to enjoy it is a testiment to its quality. Going back to it as an adult was just as much a delightful nostalgia trip as it was a rediscovery of the movie and of all its themes and meaning.
    Thank you for the video, the surrealist analysis of the film seems like an obvious pick now that I think about it.

    Also, don't pay too much attention to the people criticizing your french. A lot of french people have a very strict (if not elitist) relationship to our language, even those who barely know how to speak english or any other foreign language. Your french isn't great, but to anyone who doesn't obsess over it it's not really a distraction from the video.

  13. I had this movie on a DVD. The creepiest shit I've seen to date. Sure, as I child I've watched a lot of horror movies. Some of them were scary, others were not. Later, as I grew up, would discover a lot of dark, creepy corners of internet. But nothing made me fell so unease like watching this weird, alien movie.

  14. I wish Criterion would release a collection of Grimault's work. His animation style actually strongly reminds me of Mr Williams'. Both extraordinary and exceptional animators.

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