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47 thoughts on “The hidden spells in english words.
  1. T is the cross (+, which also means 'SUM OF' alpha-omega-tically trapping light energy (Inner G) (E-electron or 3- 3rd chakra, solar plexus-your body Inner G center (Gibbs Free Energy is G) and 'S' represents the form or dimension of the energy (S or ~ or wave). This means the light energy or Inner G (G-ee) or E) is trapped making it anti-quantized or (blocked) that is unble to rise and move to other Inner G centers (chakras) so that you stay weaken (uncharged navel, gut and dormant solar plexus) and never get to zion's gate (pineal gland) to heaven (crown chakra).

  2. Y'all americans are very very centered on english and America (wich is normal) but y'all need to realise one thing the language came before the writting and english came before america as we know it. We use the same letters in French or Spanish does the symbolism you speak of still stands or do you have to adapt it to thr language in question? My point being that hindsight vision is 20/20 you can add sense to letters based and how they are used now but that doesn't mean that they were created with said meaning in the beginning.

  3. I don’t know a lot yet but I know that magic and shit exists. Maybe there is symbolism in music and movies and shit to put spells on you. Since I’m 13 I’m going to assume that I will probably understand things like this more and more as I get older and keep studying stuff like this.

  4. Ayo Bro! ? u still alive? If ur not readin this Im 2 L8.. its 2 Diffi. 4 niggaz 2 B alive n stay awake . Nobody'z gunna apply this shyt or even attempt 2 figure out wat it all meanz.. King&Queenz Pyramidz of Gold, dey all dreamz . Kut da Lightz Out Bro, Let 'em see.. da rite way ? yea, dat way #AmeriKKKaH'88'aHero

  5. You forgot one that I thought you’d add
    Pencil is a word
    That goes all the way back in history
    The Illuminati first introduced the pencil
    Crazy right?
    The pencil was a wand used for witchcraft to communicate on certain material items.
    I’m lying
    This is all stupid
    Wtf are you gonna do take your kids out of school cause of a freakin test. ???

  6. I hope he doesn't think homeless people with boards are wizards coz they are making people sub consciously crave drugs

    *grabs a homeless guy by his collars

  7. great Point, no many People know that, even those who say they are americans but they dont even know their mother language,SPELL, SPELL, 2 Ls, DEEP MEANING…………..God created this world with words…imagine that,

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