Consciousness Videos

The Hidden Structures of Consciousness: Sacred Geometry & DMT

Oxford Psychedelic Society

Today, we are joined by two fantastic speakers Dr. Robert J. Gilbert from the Vesica Institute and Andres Gomez from the Qualia Research Institute.

This one-of-a-kind conversation brings together the ancient and almost forgotten science of Sacred Geometry with the recent discoveries made in psychedelic research about the geometry of DMT experiences.

Our purpose for this conversation is to explore cutting-edge research in the Science of Consciousness by synthesizing knowledge and wisdom from exoteric and esoteric sciences, merging science and spirituality in a rigorous and unified way.

Dr. Gilbert also conducted a short sacred geometry energy meditation called the zero-point centering where one brings one’s attention and awareness to the centre of the centre of the centre of each chakra in a vortex like manner.

This event was jointly organised by the Oxford Psychedelic Society, a student-run organisation, and On The Verge, a consciousness-expanding podcast and event organisation

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Link to Dr. Gilbert’s website:

Link to Andres website:

Link to Dr. Gilbert’s series on Gaia titled as: Sacred Geometry: Spiritual Science:

Link to Qualia Research Institute Youtube Channel:


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48 thoughts on “The Hidden Structures of Consciousness: Sacred Geometry & DMT
  1. When will they stop treating schizophrenics like criminals? I found I can transform my mind with energy years ago and experuenced what could only be considered as hyperdimensional travel. The beginning stages are ambiguous but the structure finds itself with repition and any dedication. The problem is you become someone different than who you thought you were based on your internal monologue and life/job/religion. Patterns. We choose to see them or not. Some are there regardless.

  2. In-group dynamics valance seems to hinge on forms of self evaluative maintenance based on peer meritocracy that are mostly conservative. Theories that confront the mechanism of downwards evaluation for upward contacts could lower group valance as in-group phenomenology which fragments selves valance self evaluation. So a science of consciousness that omits to map complex comparative modes of self evaluation will tend to hyper individuate consciousness as brain centric events occurring within a spacial locale which tends to solutions for individuated conscious states but misses on the complex interdependent nature of qualitative conscious states.

  3. At 153:13 Dr. Gilbert mentions something that sounds like “Sima Therapy.” Can someone please help me with the correct spelling of that word so I can find out about it?

  4. Kashmir Shaivism describes the pinch point that Andres demonstrates with the balloon very similarly. They describe what separates the individual from perception of the One as “malas” or constrictions. There are three of them which also correspond to the 3 curls of the kundalini serpent which must uncurl for the kundalini to rise fully.

    The deep purple light is also very well known and worked with in that tradition.

  5. Wow, mind blown again, im going to make or buy one of those chadni plates, where little particles get ordered into these intricate pattarns only by a sinoid frequenty wave. Its awe inspiring, where does this instructing information come from, one sentence of the bible came to mind ( I am not dogma bound)
    "In then beginning their was the word"

    Thing is we are moving back to the singularity, after that it probably expancess again, and other creatures get the chance to not fuck up.

  6. Quit talking and practice the drawings – the tetrahedron is the plank object. work your way up to Metatrons Cube and the icosahedron. we are all conected. consider the torus, the sprial , the great attractor and frequency – Rosicrucian practice is 4U to conect to spirit

  7. It’s not because of materialistic view when you have 3 scientists who got erased, they knew to much.

    * Alexander Gurwitsch – mitogenetic radiation-Morphogenetic field theory (1923)

    * Harold Saxton Burr – (life fields or L-fields)-book: The Nature of Man and the Meaning of Existence (1962)

    * Rupert Sheldrake -Morphic resonance (1981)

  8. It is Bashar, a multidimensional entity channeled by Darryl anka, as he claims himself to be, who called it "the prime radiant", as far as my knowledge goes regarding that idea, in that context of meaning.

  9. Speakers' Backgrounds @ 2:12

    Andreas Gomez Emilsson @ 4:47

    Dr. Robert J. Gilbert @ 7:15

    Setting the Theme @ 8:35

    Andreas' Presentation on DMT and Geometry @ 12:40

    DMT Experiences Are Not Explained by Current Science @ 14:55

    Anecdotal Data Is Foundational for New Discoveries @ 17:05

    Mapping the State Space of Consciousness @ 21:40

    Levels of DMT Experiences @ 24:55


    Symmetry Hotel


    Magic Eye

    Crystal Worlds

    Waiting Room



    Higher Dimensional Geometry @ 39:15

    Dr. Gilbert's Presentation on Sacred Geometry @ 44:15

    Wave-Particle Duality in Modern Physics @ 44:50

    Information Carrying Waves Create Structure @ 48:15

    Psychotropics Open Perception to the Wave Universe @ 51:25

    Sacred Geometry as Ancient Knowledge Rediscovered @ 54:40

    Importance of Hyperbolic Geometry @ 59:10

    Torus Shape Links Modern Science and Ancient Traditions @ 1:02:00

    Wormholes in Our Energy Field @ 1:05:40

    Discussion Between Speakers @ 1:11:25

    Information and Geometry @ 1:11:30

    Developing Discernment @ 1:19:10

    Healing With Frequencies @ 1:22:10

    Guided Meditation @ 1:27:10

    Concluding Statements @ 1:32:20

    Audience Q&A @ 1:35:00

    Undoing the Separation from Oneness @ 1:35:35

    Developing Discernment @ 1:37:25

    Healing With Frequencies @ 1:39:50

    ET Contact and Higher Consciousness @ 1:41:45

    Closing @ 1:46:10

  10. Toriodal fields are the fundamental key to atomic "matter". Just read several quantum dissertations on the structures of atoms – protons neutrons & electrons all being toroidal energy fields. The more complex the element, the more if these atomic "particle" fields they have. The 1st, most central, elecron level fields are oriented in particular 90 x 90 degree alignments (which correspond to their "proton" field conterparts, the next electron shell, like the 1st, has each "electron" * "proton" toriodal energy field orientated at 45 degrees from each other and those of the 1st electron shell. The more electron shells, the more the angular orientation to the others.
    This type of structure would resonate uniquely for each element, thus forming various cymatic type vibrational patterns in sub-space (or the foundational quantum zero point energy field).
    This actually illustrates that all of creation is a "harmony of music".

  11. It is possible that neurological nerve firings in the brain cause the brain to ocillate in cymatic patterns throughout the skull cavity. The brain is mainly water and a collective of soft cholesterol fat type substrate housing a nerve fibre network, with the consistency of a soggy pudding, so cymatic pattern information functioning is indeed very plausible. Being mainly fluid, it would not need huge motions to work. ( … much like the fine hairs in the inner ear.)

  12. Barbara Brennan's work " Hands of Light" describe the chakras as double vortices.
    From what I understand, these oppose each other, as depicted as the inner curvatures of the toroidal energy fields surrounding the body ( ie the multi-layered auric field with 1 pole revolving in the opposite direction as its opposing vortex), and are depicted as the flower petals on the traditional chakra symbols as painted in eastern traditions. These petals increasing in number as they move from the lowest basal chakra upwards to the most complex petalled of the crown chakra.
    I believe they also each resonate to the musical octave scale.
    The opposing vortices access the zero point quantum field at their central meeting points.
    This is also occurring with our DNA, which create quantum vacuum domains – mini toroidal wormholes that also access the zero point quantum field, thus accessing information throughout all space/time. The DNA and chakras ( and I believe also the acupuncture energy points around the body being smaller versions of the chakras along the body meridian systems ), act as relievers and transmitters of information, which is exchanged between us and the rest of reality this way.

  13. Absolutely yes🎉❤😮 I am so glad to find you guys I'm a very long time meditator and have taken prolific amounts. 73 years old tomorrow, I no longer take psychedelics but would love to microdose. Thank you for all that you guys are doing, you're really going to make a a real difference in line for the next coming generations😊

  14. 18:49 pain is from ego, feeling stupid doesn’t mean you are, and you shouldn’t ever be humiliated for a wrong good idea and I strongly believe there are many new beautiful strange things to discover – love yourself more!

    -Regina ( 18:49 ) 😂

  15. I am curious how this field exploring dmt co inhabits NDE research, the 2 have several similarities but also many incongruencies, one commonality is the experience of entities, but people report much less bizarre geometric shape forming entities, my dmt experiences have been quite bizarre and disorienting because of how wildly different they are to physical existence, but you rarely hear this presented in NDE experiences, they seem very comfortable and natural, but they similary claim the color spectrum and nature of light changes, and the beings seem all knowing and can read thoughts. idk i think these 2 fields would learn much from each other

  16. Nice conversations! Dr speaks of big bangs and black holes. These are theories based on mathematic and like "dark matter" the aim has been to try to keep proving the standard gravity model as supreme in the face of all the noises and observational contradictions. Plasma Cosmology and Electric Universe Theory do a much better job at explaining what is observable without making some lalaland purely theoretical math to explain things never obseved such as black holes or dark matter. Electricity is everywhere

  17. This was so excellent. The guests were so good. The doctor is just damn brilliant. I have heard his voice before, but now I know his face too. Thanks for sharing all of this, all of you. God bless.

  18. My first thought after experiencing this stuff was "I have to figure this out". Apparently I'm not alone and someone has come a long way at doing so!

  19. Me n some others believe ppl hit us with the men in black erasers before we return into the net, but I take back maybe 30% and even that can be the embodiment of more than Masons innerstand. The embodiment of Exodus Genesis … never gone unconscious but it's like u go to sleep , thru a diff consciousness, I used to laugh cuz it was like Shipibo Shamans were hit us wit a lullabies! To sleep the "consciousness" so our souls get free …but infound sitting in certain positions help, not just with going pancake lol, but to remain both here and "there" I like to put my right hand fingers on the ground and left knee bent under my knee.
    …I appreciate u all so much your work your research and all the books offered .
    I took a class on frequency healing its just so beautiful . Know the frequency of the tumor n take it higher …= tumor free= . This is so funnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  20. I must say I'm very disappointed… Not one mention of Dr. Gilbert's most awesome outfit ?!?! The dude brought style to match his intellect! But great stuff lol.

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