PBS Space Time
We live in a universe with 3 dimensions of space and one of time. Up, down, left, right, forward, back, past, future. 3+1 dimensions. Or so our primitive Pleistocene-evolved brains find it useful to believe. And we cling to this intuition, even as physics shows us that this view of reality may be only a very narrow perception. One of the most startling possibilities is that our 3+1 dimensional universe may better described as resulting from a spacetime one dimension lower – like a hologram projected from a surface infinitely far away.
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Need a Refresher to Fully Understand the Holographic Principle?
#holographicuniverse #holographicprinciple #spacetime
Hosted by Matt O’Dowd
Written by Matt O’Dowd
Graphics by Aaron Halevy
Directing by Andrew Kornhaber
The holographic principle emerged from many subtle clues – clues discovered over decades of theoretical exploration of the universe. Over the past several months on Space Time, we’ve seen those close clues, and we’ve built a the foundations needed to glimpse the true meaning of the holographic principle. We’ve moved from quantum field theory to black hole thermodynamics to string theory. We’ve made a background playlist if you want to start from scratch, and I especially recommend catching last week’s episode. But this is tough material, so let’s do a review.
Special thanks to our Patreon Big Bang, Quasar and Hypernova Supporters:
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سلطان الخليفي
I fought so long to grasp this
This has a lot of similarities with ancient gnosticism.
Too much too fast. I lost with explanation and I lost a core clip. But I'm still learning. Mayby a list of the subjects you should know before you start watching would be helpful.
Sorry I fell asleep 💤
He could be talking so much bullshit/false info…and yet we staring like :👁👄👁
Very interesting episode, but I don't get the persistance of saying how the 2D space surface at the edge of the universe would be more real than the interior 3D space we live in.
The black hole is the first gate to the second heaven, the proportion is like a ring in the sea. There are six more heavens with the same proportion to the next.
I like your merch….
No. No. No. Banana. No.
I just need a dummy version of everything he explained because it’s 2020, the CIA is releasing documents about this and I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t sleep. Help 🙃
Gravity is not a particle!
so what you're saying is, the earth really is flat ?
Obviously he's been on an 'ACD TRIP' since Scientific Theories like BIG BANG, STRING THEORY and BLACK HOLES were all the Rage as Theories! Since then, Big Bang Theory Imploded! String Theory got Strung Out on Fentanyl and we now have Pictures of Black Holes that are Older than our Universe! ALL R Replaced w/Back to BIG BOUNCE THEORY! …that's right folks BACK to INFINITY of ALPHA & OMEGA as ALL ONE! …..in BIG BOUNCE, it has always BEEN never had a Beginning & Never an END of BOUNCING FOREVER ALWAYS BOUNCING FOREVER as ENERGY! What's a QUARK in Our Universe is a Universe in some other Universe Bouncing in FUTURE PAST! Answer to Everything is 42!
This guy should read zodiac signs, because he cant answer the question and doesn't question why himself
What does this all mean though at the end of the day? The more we try to explain something, the more questions arise and take its place. What are we supposed to actually do with all of this information to begin with? Our very existence is finite, we will go extinct soon enough. Seems pointless in the grand scheme of things.
What a load of pish
Nonsense! If the information projected from a holographic surface that is "infinitely far away" then it can never reach us.
Thanks sir, very great science topic
I’m starting to think that this guy intentionally confuses people
I saw the projector when I was on dmt it’s crazy how the universe even lets you know these things
The Big Bang Theory brought me here
I am fascinated about fractals, is there a relationship between fractal geometry and string theory or can we decode string theory into fractals and decode things both in micro and macroscopic structures, kind-of reverse engineering the particle sine and coexistence points
Plato would be sweating rn
What is with the ridiculous background music!? It is impossible to hear the narration! Thumbs down!!
I Like this Music…
You remember that quote from a former CIA director, now deceased for many years, about how they cia will know their programs are working? He said they will know they have succeeded when they American people's beliefs are all false. In other words we will think what and how they want us to. We will be cut off from free thought and reality. This stuff and they alien stuff are all designed to separate you from reality. It is meant to circumvent your own thoughts and what you can see and feel for yourself in the real world. This world isn't real, ok then that means that you aren't real. What does that thought do to your brain and your world view? Another effective lie is that there is no Creator, but rather we were engineered by some advanced space people.etc,ect. Anything that alters reality whether it's a drug, or a mental disorder, or it's an outlandish unproveable theory anointed with the mantle of science like this nonsense should be handled with care.
Universe is. Fart gone wrong.Cosmis diarrhea
Jeez a minute into the video I was lost…then came to comments and realised it’s not just me then.
The background music is getting intense and eerie
И напостой
1D is an infinitely thin line. 2D is an infinite amount of 1D lines put next to each other. For example a 2 x 4 cm square would require an infinite amount of 2cm long 1D lines put next to each other. 3D would need infinite 2D spaces put together for example if you take that 2×4 square it is still in 3D because our perception of the universe is 3D its just the 2D squares third dimensional line is infinitely thin again. Following this 4D would mean infinite 3D spaces and we cannot percieve this but every 3D space must also have an infinitely thin line in the next dimension. (1D) hence the 3+1 universe dimension thing. Sooooooooo I think there are infinite dimensions and it can't be a cycle since it will just be a circle with no beginning so the universe must be a hologram of some sort and the fifth dimension is connected to the 4th (our universe) via a black hole which makes an infinitely thin x infinitely thin x infinitely thin x infinitely thin singularity point where we would percieve as time stopping when in reality it is still going just infinitely slow.