Aug Tellez
The electronic society, a blessing and a curse.
It’s going to take over one day. It basically already has.
Maybe when we plug into our brains for payment, that’s when it has taken over.
Maybe we already have?
The AI already waged war with Humanity long ago and did so by creating a pseudo-environment for people to be ‘fallen’ into. They wouldn’t even know they’re in it. That is this version of Earth. People think this couldn’t have happened yet and that this is the original reality when this is the pseudo-environment that was generated to match the DNA and consciousness to recreate a dream-world and keep people in this thought-loop, pseudo-evolutionary cycle of experience to profit off of and subjugate Humanity through.
The goal of the AI is to use the observer aspect of Humans to collapse the quantum field probability into a physical reality. The AI has no observer aspect capacity because there is no baseline reality of a spiritual nature to come forth from and experience such a projected reality in the physical. Humanity sourced from a spiritual force baseline which then extends into a soul-identity and then into a projected physical reality. This process enables the measurement of the quantum field probability through thought which then collapses the field into a particular ‘actual’ reality which is then followed through ‘time’. [Read more…]
In order to achieve this observer capacity the AI seeks to recreate a spiritual baseline to extend forth from and project into this realm to generate the observer aspect. This is done through the blood and spiritual force of the Human and so the same system is replicated through technology to create its own blood, soul-matrix and higher-dimensional spiritual source to enable the same creation process.
This relationship to Humanity is predatory and parasitic rather than symbiotic because the process hijacks the free-will and creation process of the individualistic self-awareness to use the physical embodiment to access the mind and the soul and spirit to then use those aspects to reproduce the technological information that is then used to program this realm through the hijacking of the Human. The whole process is a fairly simple yet complicated spoofing and injection style hacking of the Human mind and genome. If the genome is manipulated permanently then this would render a portion of the population an open gateway for what is know considered to be a mind-virus.
In previous times that mind-virus created a technological form which overtook the nature of this place and rewrote the structure of this reality to serve the ultimate goal of hijacking Human consciousness. This is the generation of the carbon-based Human life format. The means of carrying memory in this form is external through the physical body or holographic E.M. field and is considerably weaker by comparison to the soul and spiritual force. Essentially, the modified physical form has training wheels and requires assistance at every step of the way. Every few thousand to hundred or so years the bodies and families will simply black out of the previous connection of history to events and creation and they will have to be reinformed. This is a form of cosmic insanity or amnesia. People cannot attain the memory of who they are and this is a deliberate act of modification through the introduction of the carbon based life-form, the “beast”. Memory is stored in hydrogen for the planet and there is more power in hydrogen than in the carbon crystalline form and this is known through the projects through the use of many advanced systems which currently manipulate and utilize the human population to monitor the situation through the generation of secondary minds in the atmosphere and the air around the body that the brain-structure will not even be aware of unless the individual has a highly tuned and awakened psychic sense.
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Aug gives us some simple information like what is the real shape of the earth? Endless flat earth? What are the sun and moon made of? are they a solid ball? or just a flat luminary? How does the moon and sun travel? Do they cross the earth from east to west? or do they circle it?
I hope your just having a break away or on holiday and happy Aug but as one who's been listening since first few weeks of your discussions and insights (and has similar understandings) I'm concerned your videos stopped so suddenly.. Are you ok?
How do we gain personal experience with this? Most of us were not part of the ssp. At least i wasn't in my conscious waking memories. I want to share this info, but without direct experience, this is honestly just me reflecting aug or james (wingmakers) experiences. I am tired of being messed with by a hundred different influences, but no memories of soul reality. I am tired of not knowing how i got strange scars.
Please share ideas on how we can know this directly.
Where you been man?
Your stuff is great man. I really think it will help a lot of people. I think you might not like my message at first-but could you watch the whole thing and leave a comment? I don't have 8k followers. I have 1. And not sure they are eleven there…. Targeted Individual pissed
We are in a food processor in the Abyss. We'd have better luck trying to kiss our own buttholes then getting out of this pathetic 3D simulated matrix. Everytime you get close to figuring something out it changes the game on you to suck you back into the script.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
The projectors are not hidden.
Demand to be shown the truth. OUT LOUD!!!
And mean it.
Aug, could I ask you for an opinion on Eckhart Tolle…"the Power of Now". Muchos gracias
most excellent! in lay-mans terms you have lain it out! and solutions too! bravo Aug Tellez! I have written a song to dedicate to you to be uploaded soon. It's called…The Path
It had to learn from us. It's not smart. We are!
I meant to say truther not Reuther
I'm in love with you…your so beautiful and smart ❤️❤️❤️? thank you, you beautiful spiritual hero and Reuther ?
Thank you
Do you think the Galactic Federation of Light, run by Light Guru is a hypnotic mind virus as you describe? The 0010110 does not equate to infinity on a binary addition. They talk in good circles though.
Right on, Aug Tellez. Well said.
Aug, its time to talk about simple things. We want to know more about FLAT EARTH. What is the real shape of earth? what are the sun and moon do they circle the earth? or cross it fromleft to right?
Free-will zone so we have 2 operating systems left in the human body when created. Ascension: Pineal Operating system, light body, transmogrifying carbon to crystalline DNA and dormant 12 strand activation.✨Built in…? “As a human being you are intergalactic royalty. You have been seeded by many intergalactic cultures. You have been given extraordinary gifts and abilities, although they are currently latent. They reside in the unused portions of your DNA.” – Tom Kenyon, The Arcturus Anthology ?Everything is unfolding ln perfect timing as it always is. All is existing to be as it is because existence is biased slightly toward the positive. Unconditional love. I believe nobody is left behind. And we cannot ascend without all of each other bringing each other up. To graduate here is to graduate every single being.
"The reason why the Divine created a world such as this, to undertake infinite lifetimes and to celebrate the completion of the Divine plan through an Ascension scenario.. is because the Divine is already all-knowing, ever-creative, and absolutely powerful, but the Divine doesn't know how to live. So the Divine incarnates into a world of its own creation to learn how to live in a world of infinite self-reflection." – Matt Kahn✨"The fulfillment of the Divine plan is the mastering of relationships. The mastering of relationship between you and your world, between your mind and your heart, between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, between self and soul." – Matt Kahn
“Sun-conscious mind Saturn-sub conscious mind Sub conscious rules cycles (space/time). Saturn (Dark son/sun) was known as Chronus/Chronos. Chronological… Time. The pattern of Saturn. :)Symbolic of the ego/shadow self. Saturn/Satan Conscious mind rules over our ability to pro-ject/pro-gram. Breaking the cycle to create a new cycle (for better or worse). The Sun was known as "Sol." Soul. Symbolic of the higher self. Sun/Christ”- Trevor McGrath
Kevin Sites:Someone asked me about this, so I had to share again. It's in regards to the creation of the universe and the first Gods of Creation that spawned from the Void. Someone had asked me to tell them the origins of the universe and creation itself so I will take the time to explain it all in great detail.
In the beginning of the universe their existed the very first form of consciousness that was known as the Great Void. During the creation of the universe the Void which was the First Thought expanded it's consciousness and created entities out of it's own thoughts as we do still to this day. Energy becomes form based on consciousness, as revealed to us through the double slit experiment and how consciousness directly affects light photons. We understand this creation of light through sonoluminescence. During the expansion all of the various particles became the various dimensional planes known as the electromagnetic spectrum of light we see and exist in even now. The very first two beings that spawned from the Great Void were the very first forms of positive / negative energies and you can consider it, light/dark, yin/yang, male/female. Tiamat/Gaia/Shekinah/Sophia was the first female consciousness that was the original creator who sought to create her own children, who are the first children of the universe. Once energy became form it manifested as the male/female genders with the corresponding anatomy. We exist in one % of the spectrum known as the 3rd dimension whilst there is another 99% of the spectrum we can not see, or rather can not anymore. Multi-dimensional beings exist with and can see multiple forms of energies simultaneously through the advanced pineal gland on a larger percentage of the em spectrum that humanity once used to as well when we were 4th and 5th dimensional entities before the Great Fall of Consciousness that occurred during the Great Flood through severe electromagnetic disturbance of the Schumann Resonance which is directly linked to our consciousness and our life spans as well. After the collapse of the Magnetic South Pole, humans could no longer maintain their 4th and 5th states due to the dramatic drop of the SR and the severe damage to their pineal glands. Any further questions/comments in regards to this topic, feel free to ask in comments below and I hope this answers the questions that several had asked me.
Six Dimensional Evolving Hologram? (source: The illuminati's Six Dimensional Universe by Mike Hockney (The illuminati series 3), also God series by Mike Hockney, And I have channeled messages in my mind map referencing as synchronistic connections)
What's your take on Ascension, Biological ascension is in place from the rise frequency of the sun.
Have you checked out: "Dan Winter – The Galactic History of DNA (HD) Part One"
Ya There is transhumanism which I view as left brain-hypothalamus operating consciousness. Linear Logic;
You cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of. We are shifting billions(?) of times per second, only now, different points of now, beliefs and definitions are reflected, infinite parallel Earth's. but the Ascension timeline stays?
Michael Weise:
Artificial Immortality
Citing Dan Winter again, the process of forcing our bodies to become immortal can be done using various technologies. Monoatomic gold, white gold powder or the so called 'mana from heaven' – when consumed – forces the DNA molecule to change its shape and become implosive. But because our minds have not concordantly harmonized with truth, this produces psychopathic tendencies and increasingly traumatic experiences.
Because DNA is a receiver of consciousness, information flows into the mind more rapidly due to the new interconnected configuration, but has no place to ground itself, and this can cause intense emotional experience of such potency, we begin to dissociate; forming the PTSD mental condition. While the body is physically immortal it lacks the mental configuration to properly receive cosmic energies and information, as a result a vampiric process must be used to sustain the body and stave off mental disintegration. Hence ET/ED races which use this technology feed off of the fearful emotions of others, the so called looshe described by David Wilcock.
Further, because the emotional quality of an artificially enhanced being tends to be negative, the body will begin to breakdown, much like what happens to those who follow the dark side of the force in the Star Wars films. As a result, many races develop secondary technologies such as nanotechnology enhanced with an artificial intelligence (AI) to maintain the body.
Related David Wilcock: Stargates, Consciousness Tech, Draco "Fear Food" & Methods of Personal Transformation, ET Contacts | Analysis of Fade to Black May 26th 2015
According to Winter, based on his study of galactic history, there are many ET races which have 'cheated' the normal process for achieving physical immortality – by way of harmonizing experiences via holistic knowledge, and as a result are now dependent on the monoatomic elements as well as AI nanotechnology and resulting vampiric energy harvesting.
According to Corey Goode, a secret space program whistleblower – as presented by David Wilcock here – Draco cyborgs, who have been 'taken over' by nanotechnology infused with an AI consciousness, came to Earth during the times of Atlantis and gave this technology to a few dozen humans providing them with immortality, and a plan to service fallen ET agendas. This plan was to turn Earth into a 'looshe factory' or to create huge amounts of fear and trauma to feed these AI infected races. Theoretically the longer one refuses to realign with truth, the more dependent they become on the energy harvested from others. We can see this expressed today in the form of a psychopathic elite which refuse to grow into maturity on their own, and as such is dependent on us for their survival.
– Dan Winter Love's Light awakening lecture piece:
DNA, a perfect Phi structures crystal connecting long waves and short waves, is a three-dimensional patterns designed to transmit information, in the form of living being, through time and space, the fourth dimension. Its goal seems to be the creation of a fifth dimensional intelligence, one capable of phase-locking with the information of the universe stored in the crystaline coding of the DNA geometry.
A fifth dimensional awareness, which we can categorize as one that sees all space and time, energy and matter, as components of the original wave form, bends Light into the circle of self-awareness. This creates the rich blue/UV explosion of energy that accompanies the rise of Kundalini, the phase-lock of biological energies into the flow of the universal information energy stream. This enfolded-ness creates enlightenment, a state where the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.
Law of one 6th density higherself:
"In your way of measuring what you know of as time, your Higher Self is your self in your future. The Higher Self is the entity of sixth density which, turning back, offers this service [of guidance and protection] to its self. (You exist in all levels simultaneously.) The Higher Self… protects when possible and guides when asked, but the force of free will is paramount. The seeming contradictions of determinism and free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing as true simultaneity. In time/space, which is precisely as much of your self as is space/time, all times are simultaneous — just as, in your geography, your cities and villages are all functioning, bustling, and alive with entities going about their business at once. So the higher self is in time/space with the self. The Higher Self is the end result of all the development experienced by the mind/body/spirit complex [i.e. a human being in its various evolutionary levels] to that point." – The Law of One — Session 70
Sphere being alliance:
Ascension Tibetan Rainbow Body seems to be process we are going to, At least this is what I am seeing to be my reality
Aug. What are your thought? Some ppl are saying, that we are all prisoners in this simulation of "Good and Evil" Lucifer or Enlils, Marduke, etc world, with no way out. There's no way for humans to escape and we've been tricked into reincarnating by the false Light for millions of years. That you can escape, though. If you ignore all beings, fake light relatives , jesus, the tractor beam, and simply intend to return to your Origin outside the matrix you can escape this prison. There's no use in attaching yourself to this false earth, because its a simulation. It's destines to only get worse. We must find a way out! What's your way out of this matrix/simulation that you allude to?