Consciousness Videos

The Illusion of Consciousness | Fractured Reality | BBC Earth Science

BBC Earth Science

Who really are you? Psychologist Bruce Hood has a pretty big idea: there’s no individual ‘you’ in your head at all. Dive into the world of consciousness theory, evolutionary neurology and bizarre brain science as Max explores why our conception of our ‘self’ may be completely divorced from reality…

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20 thoughts on “The Illusion of Consciousness | Fractured Reality | BBC Earth Science
  1. These thoughts used to terrify me when I was younger. Existential ideas terrified me, like do I have free will, do we live in a simulation, am I real,. One day I heard a wonderful quote on the television show Westworld, it was "If you can't tell the difference, does it really matter?"

  2. Modern day psychology appears to agree with what the Buddha said over 5000 years ago. “We are what we think. All that we are comes from our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”

  3. You are not in your brain. According to my latest findings in meditation, you seem to be an awareness that is emanating from the right side of your chest. This is very difficult to see, because you have to let go of the mind in order to see it. But, regardless, this is empirically verifiable. That said, I’m not saying that my finding is final; there may be deeper levels to this than what I have discovered.

  4. 0:06: 🤔 The concept of self and identity is complex and can be influenced by various factors.

    2:19: 🧠 Consciousness and self-awareness may be located in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) of the brain.

    4:57: 🤔 The sense of self is an illusion and we are just our thoughts.

    7:59: 🧠 The video discusses the phenomenon of split-brain patients who have different perspectives and impulses in each hemisphere of their brain.

    10:33: 🧘 Switching from an egocentric self-perspective to someone else's perspective can reduce the emotional impact of problems, as supported by neuroscience and Buddhist philosophy.

    Recap by Tammy AI

  5. The brain is not a computer. There's no evidence that it produces or computes anything. To anyone watching this, please look up Bernardo Kastrup, a former computer scientist.

  6. So interesting I started thinking about episode of Yugioh where the pharaoh had a maze in his mind that’s all of us just a mystery of things

  7. How about this: the awareness that you and I exist is the same “thing” experiencing itself. The universe has a fundamental property of self awareness that the brain can harbour and shift. The fundamental ‘thing’ that your brain is projecting it’s senses, memories and thoughts onto is this universal consciousness. This isn’t necessarily to say that this universal consciousness can share thoughts between minds; your brain is still insular and can only generate thoughts through interactions with itself. But the end result is being projected to the exact same universal place for all of us.

    Also, I and others have had experiences where the thoughts DO start to sync. But it’s all too anecdotal and speculative for this comment.

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