
The Killer Robot Takeover is Inevitable


VICE gained exclusive access to a small fleet of US Army bomb disposal robots—the same platforms the military has weaponized—and to a pair of DARPA’s six-foot-tall bipedal humanoid robots. We also meet Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams, renowned physicist Max Tegmark, and others who grapple with the specter of artificial intelligence, killer robots, and a technological precedent forged in the atomic age. It’s a story about the evolving relationship between humans and robots, and what AI in machines bodes for the future of war and the human race.

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30 thoughts on “The Killer Robot Takeover is Inevitable
  1. DARPA, google and Boston Dynamics declined to be on this interview because they do not have our best interests at heart!!
    Scumsucking bastards!

  2. Watching those strike feeds is just beyond comprehension to me. Such quantifiable level of raw destruction and power used recklessly. Where is this mighty "intelligence community" that is supposed to provide solid Intel before a strike is carried out? Correct me if I am wrong as I saw that interview a few years ago but didn't the CIA officials actually complain about this "reliable assets" each time an alleged Saddam Hussains hideout turned out to be a strictly civilian target every single time? Having so many nukes is bad enough, imagine releasing autonomous weapons filled with "reliable data".

  3. Why am I watching this as the pinacle of technilogy when there's boston dynamics that ca run, jump, use guns and flying remote drones?

  4. Seeing those rockets coming in, not living in the first world with medics ariving at the scene within 10 minutes, maybe even be forced to cut those lumps of meat off of you yourself, cause no help will ever come. While our 'pilot' in his comfy chair with the mountain dew aside, calls it a day, hops into his pickup driving to his soon-self-owned home at 25.
    First world is bullshit.

  5. Anyone who thinks there won't be heavily armed robotic bipedal soldiers in the near future is living in la la land. It's definitely going to happen, if not already.

  6. Amazing how far Atlas has progressed in such a short period of time. Since 2014.. You should produce a follow up since Atlas can do so so so much more now.

  7. The killer robot takeover IS inevitable.
    It's inevitable that we will get to the stage where a group of robots can be programmed to design and build better robots …and repair themselves. And then they will design and build better robots. However I think that's another 30 – 40 years off

  8. The good thing: less soldiers in danger. The bad thing: killing is going to feel like a video game, and morals go out the window.

  9. I hope the person trying to ban autonomy in robotics, but says she's in support of A.I., realizes that if we have A.I. and Robotics to a point that A.I. feels like hopping in a robot and taking it for a test drive all on its own is entirely possible.

  10. I'm quite familiar with robotics, and the most important thing is *DONT LET THE ROBOT DECIDE WHEN TO SHOOT*. It doesn't matter if the robot decides whats human and what's not, or how to move into position, as long as the robot does NOT decide when to actually shoot, most dangerous threats are mitigated. However, a robot must not also be smart enough to decide that it should follow it's own order and shoot

  11. I like the critique on drone part. Though it lacks the argument that killing someone without a trial or without him being a soldier of a state you re in declared war with is illegal killing. Period.
    But hey, all it takes nowadays is telling the public that this or that guy was a terrorist. Fine. Blow the bunch of ppl around him to pices too. God will sort them out. Lets make sure, none of our citizens get hurt! (Since it will make ppl want to pull our troops out. Not what we want. Costs? hehehe We conditioned our folks to work their ass of for minimum wages anyway. Fooled them to believe its only their fault! American dream, remember? It was sooo easy.

  12. This is so fucking lame and last century, the American military industrial complex with their black ops programs ( r&d ), already have a.i fully automenous killer robot's exactly like the ones in the movies, ( I robot, terminater, etc etc ) and they have millions and millions of them in top secret above ground and below ground base's just waiting for the right artificially planned situation to happen so they can justify turning them on and letting them loose apon who ever they want to eliminate, the next world war will be fought using these robot's in place of human soldiers, and after that, it's not at all hard to figure out what happens next, good bye human beings

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