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29 thoughts on “The meaning of words…
  1. St. Paul to the Colossians 3:11

     Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

    King James Version (KJV)
    hmmmm. Why does Paul mention BY NAME three WHITE ETHNIC GROUPS? He doesn't mention any other group of people by name. Why????

    greeks = WHITE
    Barbarians = WHITE
    Scythians = WHITE

    Answer: Because all three WHITE GROUPS are tribes of Israel.


  2. APTTMH. I read an article about Donald C Miller of IN (Google it) whose farm was raided by FBI 1 year prior to his death at age 91; after he spent a lifetime going all over the world collecting 1000s of artifacts. All those items are now inaccessible due to legalities. Why now? Thought that was highly unusual n now suspect that Brother touched on subject.

  3. You always get these Constantine blumenbach pseudoscience racist Christians saying you are a cult. No racist Christians blumenbach pseudoscience doctoring is a cult. We the Isrealites nation all 12 tribes of Israel know the truth of who we are and you racist Christians don't like it. The Hebrew Bible KJV with the Apocrypha in it is not yours you racist Christians. It's are culture history . For years you Christans tried to hide from us the Isrealites nation all 12 tribes of Israel.But now We know the truth an you racist Christians don't like it nobody drinking your Constantine blumenbach pseudoscience racist Christianity pushing Cesare Borgia ?. Isrealites are sober drinking that strong cup of coffee called the truth no sugar.Were standing up for ourselves an esau an the other nations do like it. Psalms 83

  4. Great teaching ach see every day Esau coming down to a low degree wicked Edomite they know they time is about up just low level Edomites don't know and the 2/3 Rd of ours people Esau continue to mimic us even their own women see the prophecy coming to the light

  5. Matthew 1:21-22
    [21] And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YAHAWASHI: for he shall save his people (12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL) from their sins.
    [22] Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the ELOHIM by the prophet, saying,

  6. Hey brother, do you have an email so people can ask questions? I hope you see this because I would like your take on this israel being in Utah. I listen to you and big Judah . I used to listen to the gocc, but not so much lately.

  7. The fallacy of voting.

    Realize that Nubians are the minority, so if you have a white candidate, and a so called black candidate, ànd ALL blacks vote for the black candidate, and ALL whites vote for the white candidate.

    Nubians will lose every time,,, because we're the minority group. It's just not enough of us to vote against them…

    Food for thought, & spread the news.

  8. Still waiting to see those "relics". LMFAO.LMFAOLMFAO. LMFAO.LMFAO.

    Where did you dig those up? 75th and halsted? or stony Island????? bah,ha,hah,ha,ha,,aha,ha,ha,a,ha,ha

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