Consciousness Videos

The Mind-Blowing Power of Quantum Computers and the Multiverse Explained by Michio Kaku #JRE #1980

Eye Opener

Join Joe Rogan and renowned physicist Michio Kaku as they delve into the mind-bending world of quantum computers and the multiverse. Discover how quantum computers can calculate things beyond our current abilities and how they operate in parallel universes. Learn how the concept of the multiverse comes from quantum physics and how it has contributed to technological advancements such as lasers, transistors, and the internet. Get ready to expand your mind and explore a whole new way of looking at reality.

#QuantumComputers #Multiverse #MichioKaku #JoeRoganExperience #Physics #Science #Technology #MarvelComics #ParallelUniverses


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14 thoughts on “The Mind-Blowing Power of Quantum Computers and the Multiverse Explained by Michio Kaku #JRE #1980
  1. Multiverse concept is not given by Marvel studios. It is already given in many Hindu text one among them is Bhagwat Gita. Hare Krishna ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒฑ.

  2. Lol… why on earth the atoms need to be at different universes to behave like the way they do? It seems a case of saying that the universe we have doesn't encompass the laws of the universe…

  3. Multiverse and all the multi universe concepts are already talked before in Hindu texts!! Marvel just used it and tagged it for themselves.

  4. How does the conservation of charge work when an electron is acting like a probability wave? Is the strength of the charge weakened but distributed?

  5. Honestly the rulers of Earth are nothing more than genocidal homosapians who over time made you suck their dicks…suck or starvve etc…look around you…not at yourselves in a .irror, I can send you One video….to make you see the importance of Love…but you all have none…none to give anymore…I get that…I was homeless, hungry even with a home, imagine the streets….alone, trying to sleep, not get robbed stabbed, pissed on….be the best human you can be my brothers and sisters on Earth, Peace and love 1:44.

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