Consciousness Videos

The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & How We Think with Bernardo Kastrup

Evita Ochel

EBTV with host Evita Ochel ( with featured guest Bernardo Kastrup ( in a dialogue about the nature of reality and how we think.

Bernardo Kastrup is a researcher, speaker, writer and entrepreneur. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and has worked as a scientist in some of the world’s foremost research laboratories, including the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). He has authored many scientific papers and four philosophy books, namely: ‘Rationalist Spirituality’, ‘Dreamed up Reality’, ‘Meaning in Absurdity’, and ‘Why Materialism Is Baloney’.

General topics covered in the video include:

1. A summary of the nature of reality. (2:00)

2. A summary of what is consciousness. (3:10)
– the limitations of science in understanding reality

3. Understanding the consciousness-mind-brain connection. (7:19)

4. Bernardo shares practical applications to understand the image versus the process aspect of self-localization. (10:55)
– how it applies to health
– how it applies to death

5. How left or right brain thinking can limit us. (14:45)
– the limitations of intellectual thought

6. Understanding the nature of “intellectual fundamentalism”. (18:37)

7. Understanding the nature of “soul” and “spirit”. (22:08)

8. The nature of reality and life beyond this planet. (26:00)

9. The nature of dreams. (29:29)

10. The nature of our current times of shifting, awakening, consciousness expansion. (33:30)
– Bernardo’s advice for us

11. Bernardo talks about his work in his book: “Materialism is Baloney”. (37:50)
– our personal and collective approach to reality

12. Closing words for applying what we learn into everyday life for increased personal and collective life quality. (42:53)


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20 thoughts on “The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & How We Think with Bernardo Kastrup
  1. Could you explain what consciousness is? Why is it not an illusion created by the brain, the sheer activity in the brain creating this illusion, after all we are blind for 2 hours everyday with the movement of the eyes, why is the brain and mind not mechanical.

  2. I agree about the alien life within and def feel the fascination with aliens is connected to a lack of self knowledge, dissociation, and projection

  3. So your body is a combination of an invisible matrix of your familial and social perceptions (like mycelium mat under the soil) as well as a wrinkle in that matrix maybe?
    So if it doesn’t end after death then no more visible wrinkle? But is there a localized area in the mat that belongs to that person? Does it (another body) exist in a different dimension?

  4. It must be some kind of dual thing.. physicality shapes the dream and the dream shapes the reality
    Back and forth mirror beams
    But I don’t understand how
    I do know that real transformation is usually very slow and amoeba-like fractal like circular and overall not just a piece at a time only although the focus seems like it at the start

  5. evita, you are a wonderful interveiwer, thanks for the short and clear re-enturpritations and quick clear questions allowing bernardo to fully express himself without interupting or draging on the question, it was a delight to watch!!

  6. Hi whitenight, thanks for your insightful comment. If the world is a dream theres no need to consider the brain whatsoever. Even the physicality of a brain is illusory.

  7. Evita its Terry the Gnostics taught that Consciousness came first and is the primary stuff of the universe. Here is one of my favourite Gnostic statements that elucidate this:

    “If the body came into being because of consciousness that is a wonder, but if
    consciousness came in to being because of the body this is a wonder of wonders.”
    Jesus Christ The Gospel of Thomas

  8. Could someone please explain to me if we talk about a "dreamlike" reality where everything is contained in consciousness, why do people still talk about the functions of the brain? The brain must be something we dream. Is it to say that reality is a very rich dream in which we affect our brain and it changes the nature of the dream? What about brain damage? I agree with the "conscious led" reality but struggling with this.

  9. The challenge is the BALANCE between rationality and spirituality. Acknowledging only one of the two leads to psychotic behavior and actions.

  10. After 69 years of experience in this earthly realm going with the flow is the only way to go dear Bernardo ~:)~
    Creativity only flows when you consciously let everything go the way it goes……..

  11. Thanks evita. you asked bernardo if their is a waking up going on. To know the answer to that you need to travel around the world and find out yourself. What i found out is that its easier  to find wake people on the net, than in the real world.

  12. This is the 3rd or 4th recently posted video I've watched on this channel where the voice of the guest echo's & sounds electronic and makes it difficult for me to continue watching because it's so distracting & it's a shame because I'm really interested in the topics & the guests. I hope whatever the problem is gets fixed before the next interview.

  13. Thanks Evita and Bernardo!  I love the work that both of you do so I lit up when I saw this video in my subscriptions today 😀  Keep up the good work!

  14. Great discussion 🙂   Pleasantly deep.  I really enjoy seeing everything as contained within consciousness – beautifully exemplified by the discussion of dreams.  I also enjoy his ability to say "I don't know."  There is wisdom in that.
      "True transformation isn't intellectual – it is experiential."  Such gems!

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