Dashit Show
What is funny nowadays about The last Science discoveries, is the confirmation of bizzard ancient superstition like the “Evil Eye”.
Quantum Scientist now are saying that when somebody concentrate or give attention to something, He can eventualy affect the physical manifestation in the third dimensional(Newtonian realm) of this thing ( creatures, places or things…). That means that a S–t load of spiritual phenomenas can be SCIENTIFICILY explained…
French Channel ====== Dashit Share: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlrX81qfMtLMQsAZyvb0-Q
Arabic Channel ====== Dashit School: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPjZ4llCR4mU5uFONeiLU3A
English Channel ====== Dashit Show : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl2aonVY6KbY7M2mjWCWbWg
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