Ralph Buckley
The Power of Consciousness
Quantum Physics has shown us…proven to us, that we, you and I….are capable of enormous power & potential.
It is truly incredible.
The old ways are dying…though the minds that are hanging on to these rituals will not let go without a fight…still the old ways are becoming quite archaic. Like it or not…we are evolving.
The science of torsion fields, hyper-dimensional physics and anti-gravity has allowed us to tap into an endless source of energy. A discovery that unbelievably dates back over a century.
Tesla tapped into this ‘endless source of energy’…but as soon as his then financier, JP Morgan, caught wind of Tesla’s plans of sharing this discovery with the world… Tesla was abruptly brought to a screeching halt. Imagine a world of ‘free energy’. No more dependent on oil or any other type of fuel for energy. You know the ‘powers that be’ just couldn’t let this happen….and they still cannot.
But there is still an even more fascinating aspect to all of this…’you and I’ are a part of this ‘energy’…not separate!!!
It has shown us that we are all inner-connected. Now this by no means is a new idea…we are all familiar with the teachings of the ancients. But now…science has shown us a type of energy that has previously gone unrecognized. Invisible to the eye within the 3rd dimension, there is a quantum field that links all matter. Everything is, was and will always be connected.
Here is how Gregg Braden (author of “The Divine Matrix”) puts it “There is something ‘out there’, the matrix of an energy that connects any one thing with everything else in the universe. This connective field accounts for the unexpected results of these experiments. The DNA in our bodies gives us access to the energy that connects our universe, and emotion is the key to tapping in to the field.” In other words, our DNA influences matter. (This isn’t just another ‘positive affirmation speech’).
Our thoughts or consciousness influence matter and energy. Love and fear can be measured by waves/particles…this also is documented.
We create our own reality. What we think…we will become.
The idea of tapping into ‘group consciousness’, putting our minds together as One, to create a reality….really has no bounds.
We must try.
There is so much positive information out there, and of course there is much negative. Yes it is a necessity for us to become ‘awakened’ to the fact that we have been mislead & distracted from gaining information & knowledge that would in essence…’set us free’. But today it does me no good whatsoever to worry about the fear of what will happen tomorrow.
This is in fact a question of great debate amongst the masses.
Should we ‘prepare’ for what seems to be the ‘inevitable’. The collapse of the economy, the perpetual attack on our freedoms and liberties??? It comes down to a question of balance.
Living in fear will do nothing but spread more fear…look into the eyes of your children as you speak.
There is a solution…and it isn’t based on a fairy tale of mythological hype. Just what is real…in this holographic universe?
There is so much information out there…empower yourself and take in this knowledge. Why do you think the Nazi’s & the church have a history of burning books and suppressing knowledge.
But we must move on from trying to ‘pursue’ these ‘elite ones’ who are in charge. In fact we must do all we can to forgive them. We must not become ‘stuck’ in this perpetual fear that they are working 24/7 to create.
I must do what I have to do…to stay awake and informed….but I must keep the balance. I must not live in fear.
This is what they want, this is their intention. Their design.
Let us wake up to our own extraordinary power
If you are interested in joining in on a “group consciousness event”….please email me at ralphbuckley@ralphbuckley.com.
I think that the time has come to see what were made of. I am going to get a skype number…toll free if possible…to make it as simple as possible for folks to get involved. This will give ample opportunity for people who don’t have an internet connection as well.
For more info about this idea check out
“Consciousness Awakening”
Gregg Braden
David Wilcock
Max Plank
u2b videos in “The Power of Consciousness”
Fractal Flight by “DavidHarpe”
Fractal Zoom Mandelbrot Corner by “gooozz”
2012 Consciousness Awakening (Cd available now)
i am very grateful for this song…it saved my life / changed my life…no exaggeration.
thankyou again
I love it, like few of your tunes ๐