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The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism

Second Thought

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More and more often we’ve seen corporations take an ethical stance on production, or espouse popular social values. While this may sound like a step in the right direction, there’s a lot we need to be aware of…

The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism – Second Thought

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24 thoughts on “The Predictable Rise of Conscious Capitalism
  1. If you look up "late stage capitalism" you will see that is the result of feudalism, then socialism, then greed is good, in that time-line. There is no such thing as free trade, or the market decides, because of self interest. Usury is their forte'.

  2. Capitalism is the only monetary system we have ever conceived. It is merely a matter of who gets paid. The rest is rhetoric and window dressing. Ever see a leader with a crappy house? Said leader worked for that. Why? Because it's a nice material thing. That's called capitalism.

  3. Corporations trying to appeal to the trends in order to get more money. That sounds like Capitalism alright. I think that the government of the United States should buy some of its own factories and make its own quality products that are truly ethical (keep in mind, this is not a controlled economy, this is the government creating its own competing business) and use those profits to fund education, military, and relieve the debt.

  4. Economics WILL NEVER Equate to MORALITY!!!
    Morality is a LUXURY! Like all resources.
    1 Heart, save your mother or your daughter. Choose. That is the concept known as SCARCITY.
    Scarcity is the root of all conflict.
    There's a reason why the devil "deals" There is a cost and a benefit, con and pro to EVERY transaction. Something gained for something lost!
    AKA The Second Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    We ended slavery not because it is right or moral, though it is, but because machines could replace them, this why slavery ended in places only after they started to industrialize.
    and yea they'll sell those vegan seats when they're not profitable!
    Hopefully,this gen will stop being whiny and accept what they have, like previous ones.
    It's okay to make reasonable changes and keep them if they work, but firms shouldn't and cannot bend over backward.
    Gallet got woke and nearly went broke! Woke brands fail because woke people aren't interested in their products in the first place!
    Nothing kills a business faster then alienating your base for an unreliable demographic, especially one that's as broke as they are woke.
    I'm sure in 2000 years some ultrawoke humans on Mars will cry over the fact that humans ever ate Plants!
    How inhumane to kill any life, as they eat their artificial food pallets.

  5. I would have two video requests for you (maybe you already did sth similar):
    1 Does the US still have the capitalistic, market and competition driven economy it believes is best?
    2 How I (you) would reform America (this will be highly controversial and lead by your views, but I would be very interested)

  6. i'm convinced this channel is sneaking crypto-leftist content to everyone masquerading as normal videos.

    i love it

  7. What I hear libertarians complain about is the sheer volume of regulation that could prove a barrier for small businesses.

  8. It's like people don't even study history. Truly free capitalism existed for a while, right at the beginning of the industrial revolution. It was hell, literally the worst thing you can imagine, kids as young as 9 had to work in factories, often in very dangerous environments, workdays were up to 12 or 16 hours long, workers received so little money that slums formed around factories, where families had to pump out children non stop so that everyone worked and they could build up a little bit of money to stay afloat (that's where the word "proletariat" comes from by the way, "producing offspring"). That's what pushed Marx to write his manifesto, his work at the time was actually really beneficial, it sparked a political movement to protect the rights of workers and it forced governments to step in and introduce healthcare plans, minimum wages, paid holidays, sick leave, and all those things we think are a given and indispensable today. Communism in the end proved to be just as bad as capitalism, but at least now we have a mixed economy that works relatively well. Thinking that we can let capitalism run free again without consequences is just asking for trouble, same as with letting communism take over.
    What we need to do now is to recognize that the environment has become a factor that we cannot exclude from the equation, because our health, and even our survival depend on it. Personally I can't see how we can keep up consumption while preserving the environment, maybe a space based economy could be the solution, but in the meantime consumerism and "growth at all cost" has to go, as it's unsustainable.

  9. Any system of exploitation, whether it's of humans, animals, nature… Is doomed to bad consequences, to destruction, to inequalities and suffering.

  10. Wonder if only unions and corporations existed (and equal in power), without govts. Would things be like they are? Better? Worse?

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