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The Quantum Observer


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31 thoughts on “The Quantum Observer
  1. @ArtistryofDebauchery Look up Schrödinger's cat, The fact that the universe was around to happen even though no one observed it is contested.

    The Multiverse theory states that that other universes were there to observe OUR big bang.

  2. @Gytax0 Yes. A particle acts differently when observed.

    However, some theorize that other universes will observe that particle in different areas. Thus, we are in the universe that allows us to see that particle where it would land in this specific universe/reality.

  3. Can someone answer me this simple question:
    if we observe a particle, do we change it's movement/interaction/destiny/etc? Is there a difference if we observed a particle and if we didn't?

  4. @10thdim …"all of the tiny random occurrences and inconsequential decisions (shall I put my hand here or here when I push that door open?) tend to cancel each other out, to keep us moving in the same trajectory. Trying to keep a sense of "me" inside this probabilistic cloud is really a simple process then, right up until one of those major branches occurs."
    In other words, did the decision to write or not to write change your "world line"? Or was it inconsequential?
    Either is possible.

  5. @carnaldesangre Right, that's the big question! For me, this comes down to understanding that our consciousness is part of a fifth-dimensional process, where parts of our awareness are spread out beyond the constraints of 4D spacetime whether we're aware of it or not. Have you watched my vlog entry "Entangled Awareness and OBEs"?
    Here's a quote from that entry…

  6. so..if there is a could of "me's" or many quantum versions of me.. wich am i ? or i am just the result of one more natural process in the universe? because the "me" that is choosing to write this wasnt the one that chose not to so i am a cloud of "me" 's at the same time or none at all?

  7. @gadzometer Each time we die Our energy Is Recycled back into the system at a quantum level and we then experience Another Repetition of our existence sometimes Similar to the 1 we just experienced sometimes completely different, Time not being a true factor We experience all of them because we exist in every one simultaneously. Sometimes you will experience Dejavu which means that another Version of you is currently doing the same thing and we Momentarily exist in 2 universe at once

  8. @10thdim Cheers Rob. I guess the problem I have is visualising the "I" that I think that I am as a cloud consciousness and not an individual one. Thanks for taking the time to discuss mate. Hope you are happy and healthy, Gadz.

  9. @gadzometer The cloud of observers I'm visualizing here that are all traveling along a common path become what we know as our individual consciousness. I talk about memes as extra-dimensional patterns of information so much because I believe that's a useful way of thinking about that cloud – our consciousness is constructed from those patterns, and we change over time. I'd say the nearby life-changing splits where that cloud branches off can create premonitions, deja vu, OBEs etc.

  10. @gadzometer If there are a cloud of observers, wouldn't this imply that there would be a set number n of observers to begin with to ensure there are enough to travel down each split.

    Maybe there is one observer that causes the split into multiple worlds but the other ones are exacly as science implies without an observer. We already know that observation effects the result. Could not OBE's just be the same one observer travelling to different timelines and back again?

  11. @10thdim I guess the hypothesis that I am thinking about is that science is right that a human is just a combination of neural and chemical interactions… but there is a consciousness/observer that seemed to be attached to a physical form within one of the timeline/worlds/desicion tree paths. If there are observers in all of these worlds then it would seem that the observer is essentially spliting each time a decision is made (or at each planck length).

  12. @gadzometer This concept of a cloud of "me's" is also discussed in Entangled Awareness and OBEs: watch?v=mij8AX2okoo
    Most "choices" that happen from instant to instant are inconsequential quantum fluctuations, but occasionally big changes happen, and they can happen whether we want them to or not. It's only our ability to "see into the future", or to visualize the 5D paths before us, that allow us to to choose to observe one reality or another, and that's where free will becomes important.

  13. @gadzometer Hey Gadz, that's the big question, isn't it! With my project I suggest that our consciousness is part of a cloud of probabilistic "me"s that are all continuing on the same general path, until a major split occurs. That's what a "life-changing experience" is all about – your consciousness continues on one path, and a different version of your consciousness continues on the other path. My new text blog today is called "Why Did I Choose the Red Shirt", it's about all this as well.

  14. Hey Rob, if we are just observing one of these outcomes, does this mean there is essentially x number of my organic bodies carrying on without any "soul" or "conciousness(for want of a better word) in these other "worlds"? Cheers, Gadz

  15. yes there are all possibilities at the same time when you go in concept of multiverse and thats what you proved in your video '' Imagining the 10th dimension" that in 11th dimension we are taking all possibilities so suppose if you have 4 eggs than condition of 2 eggs 3 eggs 1 egg all are true ….

  16. @frazzzer8888 well 🙂 you know what people who dont have a logic to say something i dont really feel them normal … 🙂 say whatever you have to say … coz you dont have a logic

  17. @Der3k7r I dont profess to be an expert either but Ill try to answer your question. Wave function is just the trait of all particles "act" like a wave (see de Brogle). When you look at an object that object is actually "foaming" at a very microscopic level, so small its impossible for you brain to see it. However the act of observation resolves those particles. In essence the objects resolve themselves into a 5th dimensional cell, one where you are the observer,collapsing or observing same thing

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