
The Tribe That Cursed Too Much – the linguistics behind Oceanic taboos


This island can out-swear you by a longshot. And you thought your language had a lot of bad words…

Honor the dead and rethink cursing as we run afoul of some major taboos in Oceania. This is the story of the Kwaio and their unique taboo language.

Dabbling in Malayo-Polynesian, I’m fascinated by this Oceanic contribution to linguistics: the idea that all curse words are part of a wider phenomenon called “taboo”, and that a cultural mechanism stands behind taboo terms. I think I’ve finally found a way to tell their tale.


Art, animation and music by Josh

Images, sfx and Kwaio language credits: .


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50 thoughts on “The Tribe That Cursed Too Much – the linguistics behind Oceanic taboos
  1. Oh shit, I've actually been there. Auki to be more specific.

    It was actually a little town though. Didn't do the walking through the jungle thing. And the people spoke Solomon Islander Pijin… fun little english creole.

  2. No wonder they're still running around naked in the fucking stone age they were too busy trying not to offend people. This might very well be the first SJW's.

  3. i just found this channel… the monemes and phonemes of language are the most fascinating aspects of human legacy. you should do a vid on the most common 'word' that exists in all languages: huh?

  4. I had honestly not thought I'd find a place infested of more political correctness than Sweden… I have now, but that won't stop me complaining. At least I won't be interrupted in that. Sweden is too busy banning fake toy guns and complaining over lacking diversity in Danish toy magazines x'D

    Sorry guys, that had to be done. Those two latter ones are literal jokes here. You've even been compared with Donald Trump. We love ya and all, but please get your act together. This is getting embarrassing xD

  5. Please a video about the polinesian ot oceanic conection with the aymara languaje in south america, the word " camote " its exactly the same in both sides ! even in mesoamerica !!! You known the maori haka is equal representación withtThe Huitzilopoztli god from the aztecs

  6. G’day from Down Under! ☺️
    This is SO hard to write, well.. type, but a few mates who know me, & have (through me) discovered you, have said… Omg he’s you linguistic soul mate!!!! ???
    So dutifully doing so, I feel the need to let you know (BY NO MEANS ATTEMPT TO ‘CORRECT’ YOU!!) …..
    Rather just to let you know, that even if it’s just our accent and from living amongst our ‘bruthaz n sistaz’ across the pond in NZ (the many beautiful mellow Maori tribes) and our equally beautiful islander cousins, from the different sets of ‘Islands’, in this case, the *Solomon Islands, etc.. where we all actually PHONETICALLY say “Ohhshianic”, regarding ‘Oceanic’ as we all swim, surf, live off (fishing etc) and ON our respective islands.. Australia being the largest island, (country AND continent) surrounded by (phonetically)- …. ‘Ohhshenz’ and seas.
    So you see, dear sweet *Grand Master of Languages.. ??‍? and absolute
    * LEGEND OF LINGUISTICS, this is just a little (BTW, FYI) .. if ever down this way, and I reiterate, NOT an attempt to correct you, one iota!!!!
    PS: This little red-head, green eyed.. Rh O negative, descendant of the Ancient Irish (from the Basque, Berber, and *Celtic lineages) who discovered you, while hunting for history in the (Irish)-GAELIC language…. has just one teeny weeny yet HUGE request from you, please.
    *IF you haven’t already, can you PLEEEEASE pronounce us Ozzies, as we do if you do anything on our amazing Indigenous, traditional land owners and refer to us (Migaloos)-white fellas.. PHONETICALLY as ‘OZZIEZ’ not ‘AUSSSSSIESS’ like most Americans seem to, in Parcel Tongue!!??!! (Harry Potter reference) ?
    So maybe, just maybe us 7% of *Rh O negatives-especially!!.. and ALL ‘Rh negs’-(A, B, AB, & *O).. AREN’T Reptilians, as this here, YouTube would lead even MORE, to believe!!-???‍♀️ ? or I might just LOVE the “Aussssieess” pronunciation by too many from the USA, if true! ????…. ?
    Sorry, I fell down a rabbit hole there, but hopping out now.
    It’s almost like everyone at international gatherings SEES us all but doesn’t actually HEAR us all chanting….
    “Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie – Oi, Oi Oi !!!!” !?!??!!
    It’s just a huge pet peeve of mine (and I’m NOT alone!) and therefore would be rejoicing, seriously.. epically joyfully, literally giddy with GLEEFULNESS, to hear *you, of all the Grand Masters*.. not ‘lissssp’ if referring to us Aussies (PHOTETICALLY.. ‘OZZIEZ’)!!!! ?
    From your biggest, but humble.. mere mortal FAN!!☺️❣️
    – & for EVERYTHING you’ve already done, even if I am yet to watch them ALL..clearly, if you’ve done one already on Indigenous O.O’s-‘ORIGINAL OZZIEZ’ Aborigines!?! but I’m well on my way!! ?✌️

  7. The words for ‘wolf’ and ‘bear’ in some languages of Europe come from taboo avoidance. Apparently this was based on a religious taboo because these animals had a religious/symbolic function.

  8. It’s always cool and interesting to learn something about another culture, but that’s just dumb that they’d even start these taboo words in the first place. That’d be like me saying “pizza” in class and getting suspended because it’s now considered taboo to say it. Like wtf were these people thinking????

  9. Actually, taboos are not limited to the South Pacific island languages. We just have a different name for it. We call it "political correctness".

  10. This also happens in Australia, and once happened in China. Emperors in particular were given "posthumous names", and the names they used when they were alive were forbidden.


  12. Most weird traditions die out as a place becomes more globalized, but I wonder if this one became more popular because it sounds like an excellent way to get money out of foreigners.

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