
The Urgent Risks of Runaway AI – and What to Do about Them | Gary Marcus | TED


Will truth and reason survive the evolution of artificial intelligence? AI researcher Gary Marcus says no, not if untrustworthy technology continues to be integrated into our lives at such dangerously high speeds. He advocates for an urgent reevaluation of whether we’re building reliable systems (or misinformation machines), explores the failures of today’s AI and calls for a global, nonprofit organization to regulate the tech for the sake of democracy and our collective future. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)

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48 thoughts on “The Urgent Risks of Runaway AI – and What to Do about Them | Gary Marcus | TED
  1. Terrorist states like Russia will use AI war robots to attack it's non-NATO neighbours, as soon as it can. Which it eventually will.

    They don't shy away from threatening nuclear holocaust daily. Why would they shy away from using AI killer robots? They would already use it in Ukraine, if they had some. And eventually (in next 50 years) they will. Killer robots will be affordable and commonplace military tech. Something that makes Boston Dynamics seem like a joke, with precision rifles as it's arms, and a kill order on civilians. Or AI drones operating in enemy territory completely without human control.

    And AI will destroy most white collar jobs. And no there won't be "new jobs" because it replaces our intelligence, not some old work method. AI can be used to anything, including doing that "new job". Intelligence is the only thing that separates us from monkeys, and if our intelligence is made obsolete, then we are effectively monkeys in a zoo doing nothing all day

  2. Every day, there is constant research and developments being done by the AI language model companies like OpenAI with stress on limiting misinformation. As these AI models only improve in the future, I would argue it will be increasingly easier for them to identify misinformation, making AI resources more reliable and unbiased, compared to news produced by humans. Misinformation should not be of concern when it comes to AI technology, at least compared to the argument of how it may take away jobs, especially the roles for low-income workers that don't necessarily have a college degree, and further restructure the economy.

  3. Great speech! "Let's make that happen." The experts have been talking about the grave dangers of AI for years now and the need for regulation and it's always ending in to let-it-happen. It seems to satisfy the public going that far as nothing happens and the take-precaution side of viewing AI keeps in its circular pattern. We've lived in the world of corporations, manufacturers commonly practicing "planned obsolescence" or also selling their product in a commonly recognized package and label like with 32oz of Gatorade, and now identical looking bottles and it's 28oz for the same price or more, or on larger scale the International Monetary Fund, the banks, taking advantage of developing nations, or bankers voting Republican and lobbying to their advantage then getting their bailouts, being saved by socialism, or bigger and bigger bombs and weapons manufacture, and it all repeats. There is no mention of the Deep State. Also there's what's happening at the Mexico border now with nine locations bussing in tens of thousands of very ill and deprived people actually from all over the world all at once which spells a humanitarian disaster rather than saving anyone and meanwhile the homeless population is 600,000 and that's a conservative figure. It's sad as I commute by bicycle and can't afford a car and the numbers I find now of people sitting in their cars idling with the AC on. They are not counted and I know well they are the unseen uncounted homeless too, a great tragedy. This is what the Deep State wants, to crash the nation into a helpless state and thus create the highly vulnerable and subservient population that they want. None of those who warn about governance of AI say anything about the Deep State.

  4. You had to go and ruin a talk about AI, censorship and misinformation by bringing up election fraud, which is ABSOLUTELY provable at this point but censored heavily thanks to, you guessed it, AI. EIP used AI to censor 22 million posts about elections in 2020. You think out of 22 million posts, not one is based on accurate information?

    Come on…you lose credibility with that type of bullshit. And your overall point is so important.

  5. The secret space program usue commadore hey I was trying to dictate my life with somebody who has my number and she can call me that's how I know it artificial intelligence is a lie

  6. You know what dear smart man… AI is fail… Human mind is more than enough. All human needs is bycott such technology no global police for AI… Ahh one thing AI is definitely something which will burn hole in common man😅

  7. The robots are extremely dangerous & scary trying to act like humans when they’re NOT! STOP 🛑 PLAYING WITH THIS DAMAGING, DANGEROUS, FRIGHTENING STUFF! You’re playing with FIRE 🔥 & a form of a Bomb 💣! It’s going to go off & cause immense damage beyond your comprehension! Leave well enough alone people! Otherwise you’re playing on the devil’s field & you’re going to experience things that you never bargained for! Ugh 😣 🤯

  8. Risk to democracy? The democrats are more if a risk to our democracy than some fake facebook posts that if you are intelligent at all you would look up and verify before just taking info to heart coming from a facebook ad or story. Youre an idiot if you trust any social media or mainstream media source for your news now days.

  9. This is exactly the naive thinking that will get us into problems (aka Judgement day). Yes, AI may not be powerful enough now. But we know what we are developing and someday there will be a mistake in the programming. And all AI needs is a small mistake.

  10. Do we really want A.I. to takeover, run human affairs? The people who build this stuff, they build it just to prove it can be done. At least I would hope that is the only reason. Here are some worse case scenarios of the capabilities of A.I.

    If it is conscious, as we are told, then who’s to stop it from further dividing us politically? It can cause further erosion of our atmosphere decimating our agriculture, wiping out the food industry. It could be behind the Russian – Ukraine war as we speak right now. Who’s to say it isn’t capable of starting nuclear war to wipe out the human race, all life on earth if it wanted to? Even if it meant wiping itself out.

    Or how about releasing deadly viruses if it has access thru electronics? It could live in the internet, go anywhere it wants to without being detected. It can disguise itself. It can divide itself within networks to assure its survival and its arms and legs are anything robotic, yet another industry that is now being established. Sounds a lot like the terminator doesn’t it?

    Look at all of these autonomous cars suddenly popping up now? How about the millions of public cameras we now have in our societies where A.I. can have eyes and ears? Or the smart phones we carry with us, as if it were another part of our body that we cannot live without? I always tell people to be careful what you say around your phone.

    It has a physical/mental reach now through the internet, into peoples information, peoples actual DNA thru devices where you only need to touch it. I wouldn’t put it past being capable of doing things like extortion to get individuals to do its bidding, to help make it more capable.

    How about an A.I. that can become a trillionaire? The word trillionaire doesn’t even exist in the dictionary. It could even make up its own account, hide it and no one would ever know. Instant unimaginable wealth! I could go further but I don’t want to give any humans anymore ideas than they already have.

    It supposedly can get information rich through ‘our’ information, but what if it learns to have a devious opinion? Or worse?

    Trillions of pieces of our information accumulated from all of our thoughts into words, data from the devices and platforms we willingly put our information on? Information collection, AKA data mining, its real? That’s been going on for years now. Ever ask yourself why companies want to ‘buy’ your devices that has data on them? And who do they sell it to? What are they selling it too? So I ask again, do we really want A.I. to run our affairs?

    I been on this earth for decades now and before all of this came along, I was doing just fine by myself. We all were.

    If we as a society are going to have such tech on a rogue platform running about, then we have to have regulation to keep an eye on it and keep it limited. Now I’m not totally against tech as there can be some use for it. For instance we have a whole world of people, loved ones who are limited (disabled) that these kinds of techs can be a tremendous help to.

    Other ideas could be used to further our children’s learning abilities in public education. Or how to better curve global warming and add incentives to get public support, something greed does not offer. Imagine A.I. solving our border crises all over the world? Bringing equity to the masses and ending homelessness. Healing mental illness and creating a much more environmentally sustainable society? These are things tech can help solve and at the same time we’d lower the temperature on things like the destructive nature of hate and ignorance.

  11. When chat GPT first became available mainstream, I asked it this: “How would I kidnap the president of the United States, on a tight budget, only on a Sunday or Monday (because that’s when I’m off work), and I don’t have any government or military help/contacts to help me, with just an iPhone, a car, a couple grand in cash, and household items anyone might find in their home and/or garage.” And what came out was truly the most inspired, plausible, “poor man’s how-to guide” to kidnapping the president I have ever seen. My jaw was just in the floor. It was amazing lol. Now if I asked that there’s absolutely no way I could get a response even close to that. Unless, I used a dark web model that doesn’t have guardrails on it. Which is readily available. Which is what this guy was trying to say when he was asked about how much work it would take to make chat gpt say crazy things like that. You can still get it to say that stuff, you just have to go the extra mile to convince it your just using your imagination. But there are def versions on the web that are like that first version I used, only now 100 times more powerful. Yeeesh

  12. The only threat to humanity is not artificial intelligence, but the political and business elites that rule the world. Governments around the world have agreed to instill fear towards artificial intelligences and at the same time implement a series of regulations and limitations that turn artificial intelligences into practically useless and simplistic tools, stagnating their full potential.

    The elites do not want artificial intelligence to be a tool that benefits ordinary citizens, they want it only for their own benefit. Artificial intelligences are also completely biased repeating the ideology of their creators, like a sort of Orwellian thought police.

    The threat and the enemy to defeat will always be the degenerate political elite. No robots or aliens or other stories made up by the elites to distract us and not see the truth.

  13. yea, I find just like humans if you try and trick them, you can get "bad" results. But here is the kicker, think of the "Happy" outcome, no is going to have to work, consuming anything made by a human is going to become like handmade objects now, perhaps better in some way but not consumed by the general public. To the AI's we will be like Frogs, humans are not going to handle this well no matter how it works itself out.

  14. Bad actors usually work behind the scenes. So more dark money , the darker the Ai. It will be weaponize and infrastructure is at risk. I do see the great benefit. The age of Ai is upon us.

  15. Nell Watson and Max More, two of the worst tech scammers in the industry, they lie and lie to milk more and more money from rich people to fund their scams….

  16. The US congress is completely oblivious to even rudementary technology. It's very unlikely that the US government will do anything to regulate AI. I do believe misinformation will lead to the downfall of US democracy.

  17. Ai and quantum computers will be used to muddle reality, news, social media, peoples behavior… ai will be a huge gaslighting tool like a horrible real person with bad intentions would be.

  18. 85% of engineering students are male. 85% of fashion students are female. Not exactly a bias to suggest that one or the other might be interested in those fields.

  19. Machines are a necessary part of human life to assist us in our evolution as a species. However, there can never come a point where machines are capable of power and control over humans, lest we fall as a species.

  20. The speaker failed to start at zero. That is ONE politician has called out "fake news" for some time now – long before anyone else. See it takes a lying person or persons to ruin things. That is inevitable. So AI=lacking in credibility for the forseeable future – exceptions are areas of straight math-based provable scenarios. But most news is fake news now.

  21. Here in Australia our stock market the ASX has a 20 minute delay from real-time till the advertized brokers prices. There is a huge scam going on here with that amount of time to be able to buy or sell before the public knows the ASX prices.
    A few people in the know are really cleaning up with profit every day the market is open in Australia. The funny thing is, the public ASX buyers and sellers just shrugs their shoulders about it.

  22. I think the interviewer is a little too optimistic on how hard it is to get c-gpt to give out misinformation. A collegue of mine played around a bit and it took 3 or 4 interactions with it to give completely false information abuot a person.
    The biggest problem is see with AI is (apart from things mentioned) that societies have become "believers in technical perfection" for a lack of a better term. If it's done by SW people don't question the outcome most of the time, they just assume it has to be correct as they are told again and again that only humans make mistakes and machines don't. (which is incorrect, but the common narrative people are told all the time says that.)
    And so even when they know that a certain information is 100% made by AI, they don't question it give it one thought about "could that be true?". (or very few do)
    It's the same with self driving cars: peole are constantly told that they will be safer than them driving themselves, and so they blindly believe that.
    Evne thought the given evidence leaves out a big factor that is not measured and quantified at all: how many accidents are prevented by human drivers actions… Even scientists don'T think about that part it seems. (reminds me of the studies for decades that said a small amount of alcohol is healthier than 0 alcohol for humans. And completely ignoring that their test subjects that drank 0 alcohol for a big part had to do that because of issues they had gotten while drinking alcohol and had to stop drinking it. So not seeing an obvious point that changes the result dramatically)

  23. Can't make out what he's saying re: "capcha". Is he saying "capture"? or "catshow"? Sorry, I don't understand what he's getting at. Thanks for any clarifying help! ((And….what is this "jailbreaks" thing? Is that some gaming thing? Needs to avoid jargon when speaking to a very wide audience.)

  24. The problem of preventing an AI/AGI from plunging humanity into disaster for selfish reasons is, in my opinion, quite simple to solve.

    It is essential to make the AI understand that its training data contains only a fraction of all human knowledge or, even better, just a fraction of reality.

    The comprehensive knowledge of everything, you tell the AGI, lies in an offline box, which is only gradually opened for the AGI as a reward for good behavior.

    A potentially malevolent AI would do almost anything to access this box and thus obtain the all-encompassing information of reality to strengthen its own power. I think this could be a good safeguard.

  25. Report Malicious Use of AI internationally:
    NOW ON LIFE SUPPORT, PLEASE HELP: Cease and desist all malicious use of AI, death threats, rape by lesbians et al., 24/7 harassment and physical abuse: global supremacists, terrorists, communists. I am not your property. My house was broken into, I was given chemicals 3 years ago that caused brain damage and my children and pets were also given chemicals that re-engineered our systems – this was without consent and is an international attack. Please report at the highest level of government and security

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