
The Workforce of the Future – are you ready?

Accenture UK Careers

Within the next 15 years, some 47% of all jobs could be automated, and intelligent machines will outnumber humans. What are the jobs of tomorrow, and what skills will be most in demand? Redundant? How will robotics impact manual labour, and what if the retirement age really is abolished? While the future may be unknown, big data and analytics is making it ever easier to picture, and digital is shaping it. How will you respond to the Workforce of the Future? In a landscape of rapid and profound change, digital has already transformed life as we know it in ways we never dreamt of. From the computerisation of tasks and processes, to tools that empower workers to be more effective, what we do and how we work is changing. Fast. Applied right, digital offers organisations limitless possibilities to reorganise and reframe work more effectively and flexibly, to leverage the very best skills and resources around the world, to ramp up efficiencies. But digital both demands and enables a fundamentally different workforce. And fuelled by the proliferation of digital devices and the rise of start-ups, its expectations of you are changing too. As leaders in the digital age, what does this mean for you? What will the Workforce of your Future look like? Examining both pitfalls and possibilities, the London Innovation Centre explores this question and more, uncovering the future of both your workforce and your organisation. Contact the London Innovation Centre for more details on this special session.

Workforce of the Future
As the global population expands the workforce will evolve.
By 2025, Generation Y will comprise nearly 75 percent of the global workforce but they could be working with their great-grandfathers.
How do you adapt to the needs and expectations of a workforce that spans multiple generations?
Digital technology is disrupting the status quo in every industry.
Fortune 500 life expectancy has fallen from 75 years to 15 in the last 50 years.
The pace of technology is reshaping competition.
We are automating more and more of what we do.
Up to 47 percent of jobs could be automated within 20 years.
Intelligent machines will outnumber humans by 2030.
How will technology and automation impact your workforce?
Which elements of human work are truly valuable to your organization?
Executives cite the skills they will need most in the future as: Problem solving 78 percent, Leadership 75 percent, Technology skills 73 percent, Communication 73 percent.
How do you harness new technology to empower your workforce?
Expectations of the workforce are changing.
How do you attract the talent that you need to succeed?
“The office environment is more important than the paycheck,” say 79 percent of Millennials.
How do you provide flexibility in when, where and how people work?
These demands mean organizations and structures are changing.
More than 90 percent of organizations have significantly adjusted their operating model in the last year.
Putting huge pressure on traditional working cultures to change because if organizations don’t react, workers will find other ways to get what they want.
54 percent of Millennials want to or have already started their own business.
As leaders, what does this mean for you?
In the last two years, there has been a 50 percent increase in CEO participation on social media.
Could social networks become more powerful than traditional hierarchies?
What happens if your workforce no longer works for you?
82 percent of organizations currently use an “extended workforce” to fill skill gaps.
46 percent of organizations worry they don’t have the digital skills they will need in the next few years.
How will you differentiate your organization as the war for talent goes digital?
52 percent of executives expect digital to drive significant change or completely transform their industries.
“The only thing that is constant is change.”
What does this mean for you?


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