Consciousness Videos

The World as a Hologram

University of California Television (UCTV)

UC Berkeley’s Raphael Bousso presents a friendly introduction to the ideas behind the holographic principle, which may be very important in the hunt for a theory of quantum gravity. Series: “Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Summer Lecture Series” [3/2006] [Science] [Show ID: 11140]


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28 thoughts on “The World as a Hologram
  1. The MATRIX, what is it?

    Our world is a civilization of Cains – evil primitive semi-entities that do not have their own intellect.

    These creatures are controlled by something like the "Matrix", the most graphic description of which is the "Plato's Cave".

    The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms react reflexively to human emotions and evoked feelings. These algorithms are imposed by a special cosmic radiation known as the "Maya Illusion".

    A special reflex bio-mechanism of "slammer*" plunges each consciousness, first into a kind of hypnotic sleep, then into identification with the role assigned to it.

    Consciousness in a "normal" state is not able to influence social processes in the Matrix, because it observes them in the post factum mode.

    The concept of the matrix is the only thing that can somehow explain and help to realize the nightmare that is now happening in the world.

    What to do? Take the red pill, which is the knowledge of "slammer"! /Yam Esotericist/

    *In the meaning “to slam the book”–it slams the true reality.

  2. Studyin third world and gifting via prisons, where there is a layer of so called heaven… in whcih they get the good food, but the others in the prison dont get the food nor do they get the peace and comradery of prisoner sharing the joy of finally stopping their fighting and cming together as true friends… a study for the third world… and also extrapolate to larger event spaces greater than the planet…

  3. How many ways can a black hole deform? what are the accepted shapes in differentiation, like stem cells, that can only take so many differing evolutionary tracts based on energy, and some stuff inside the stem cell, in which the bath of energy has shifted the locales of certain functions, that are still suppressed, but evident in the growing energy bath…

  4. Buddhas attain to perfect knowledge, they must be correct in any given event space in terms of words, and gestures… so they form a certain node of a sorts… they appear in recursive cycles as well in certian nodal points of planetary development…

  5. to specifty the room and its adresses look for the node in which the previous info was pushed thru the low entropy bottle neck, that is to say a previous state, that undergoes change via a bottleneck like the migration of the humans out fo africa, but some humans died alot, and there is now a marker for said node in the phtonic part of the DNA…

  6. Holographic Universe
    Thanks for sharing this very interesting information with me. It certainly makes sense to me. The Anthropic principle alone should be enough for skeptical scientists to understand that the laws of physics and mathematics are the laws of God's own Mind. Kevin Williams 
    James Gates, Ph.D., a theoretical physicist at the Univ. of Maryland said: “If the simulation hypothesis is valid, then we open the door to eternal life and resurrection and things that formally have been discussed in the realm of religion.” Our Creator created linear space-time which is essentially controlled electrical energy in the form of light that has existed eternally. Checkout on YouTube: A fractal universe. Time and space must exist before matter can be created, and only an animate entity can conceive of space-time; this prerequisite must be a stabilized and uniform condition before matter can form, thus, monotheism is a Truth. A stable space-time and the Universal Laws of Physics did not happen by chance. On Jan. 17, 2000 at 2 pm, while crossing a river bridge in Burswood (Australia) on my bicycle, I observed a velvet textured beige pearl covering the sun. Within the entity, there were containers in the shape of elongated, seven-pointed Koch snowflake fractal crystals immersed in a white misty light travelling in a ten o'clock direction. I later deduced that the light flashes on the inner space of the crystals were of a binary language conversion pertaining to the senses of all mortals, that is, a holographic universe.
    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration" -Nikola Tesla.

  7. The ‘multiverses’ or extra dimensions can be explained within our 3D space by using the holographic principle in the form of positive and negative charge. Photon energy forms the movement of charge with positive and negative charge forming a two dimensional boundary condition. We have the holographic principle at work with the info of 3D space on a two dimensional surface. This geometry is formed by the two dimensional surface of the spherical harmonics. With the inner concaved surface representing negative charge and the outer convex surface forming positive charge. This forms a two dimensional boundary condition with the future unfolding photon by photon with the movement of positive and negative charge and continuous flow of electromagnetic fields.

  8. Anyone else wonder about the Higgs field? For instance, the measure value of the Higgs boson mass being just the right value to keep the universe in an unstable state of collapse? I wonder if we're all zipping along at the speed of light extremely close to a denser state of the Higgs field which gives the universe its mass and then it away again in the blink of an eye?
    Think of this denser Higgs field almost as a gigantic processor that is calculating entropy and Spacetime and then quantum tunnelling all of that information into speed of light states with each state being collapsed over and over again (and quite possibly all of the probable states too) we wouldn't notice these states as they would happen at the speed of light.Also basically, in some sense it seems we are close to an edge of some sort that either could collapse at any minute or collapses state by state? It's especially interesting to me when I think of the arrow of time, entropy and relativity in these terms!? Oh yeah not to forget a few quantum mechanic experiments ive heard about.

    Maybe someone can point me toward an awnser that I'm looking for because in my mind it seems fairly obvious that the Universe could in principle work like this (given enough energy for the computations) < in defence to the enormous amounts of energy needed to be able to collapse matter and then return mass faster than speed of light, you just have to remember how ridicouly big the universe is – never mind the singularity that we really know nothing about and not forgetting the theory of inflation/iternal inflation who's energy is off the charts.

  9. If the World, the Universe, everything is just a hologram, then let me punch the believers in the face and beat them in the balls with a baseball bat and when the pain is beyond excruciating, I will remind them that we're just a hologram… there isn't really PAIN!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL, yeah right…

  10. It seems to me, that since all event horizons are just 2-D representations of a 3-D object at its' core, we are all just smears across a 2-D event horizon, I call it the "Hyperfilm", located, somewhere just beyond "OUR" 4-D space-time. 🙂 I'm saying we are inside a black hole right now.

  11. The quark gluon plasma was a state of matter that existed before inflation, allong side the electroweak force. It was the breaking of symetries between these forces that drove inflation (as well as the matter, anti-matter, billion to billion and one difference), into the Universe we all see and love today. Maybe, someday, the symetry between space and time will also break, driving the next inflationary phase. A new Big Bang?

  12. Nature, we learn during this talk, is eclectic in the ways that it guarantees that there is a maximum information content corresponding to the surface area of a region. As with the uncertainty principle, where something always gets in the way of making a more and more accurate determination of the position and momentum of a particle, likewise we have a limit on information in a room, arising from various difficulties.

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