Creative People

This Guy Creates Epic Flipbook Battles Using a Pen & 2000 Sheets


Check Out This Amazing Artists:

This incredible artist shows how the stick figures everyone used when kids, can be turned into an incredible piece of animation. Many of his pieces can take up to 25 hours of work due to the amount of details and scenes he creates. His stories are about epic battles between two main characters. Both, battle till death and show incredible super powers and strengths. This is an amazing idea, for those of you who want to start in the animation world. Creating this type of art, will allow you to understand movements and sequence. Let us know if you try it out!

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48 thoughts on “This Guy Creates Epic Flipbook Battles Using a Pen & 2000 Sheets
  1. Flipbook stickfigures, taken to the next level.

    My last video was 2500 frames, so I can relate, but doing it all on paper must take huge amount of work. 🙂

  2. Disney:lets make a animation film🤔 ok need a technical assistant drawer producer etc….
    That guy: give me a pen and paper😏🤪😎
    If you are agree with me plz like or cmnt

  3. Oh I love it!! My father used to draw stuff like that. So, so cool! I could watch that for hours and hours! Thank you for sharing such talent!! Awesome! Y’all stay safe and well now ya hear?!! ❤️💜💚

  4. Loved it…absolutely very clever..very talented I loved flip books as kid..drew many..but you ..take it to a whole mind blowing level cheers 🍻

  5. Hey check MSTT MSTT ( modern simple teaching techniques) lil effort to help people who confined themselves in their homes do like comment subscribe and share stay safe and blessed

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