Consciousness Videos

THIS Is How We Expand Human Consciousness


We are facing a unique crisis as our renewed vigor for attaining enlightenment clashes with our materialist economy and fear-based politics. Is there a way we can reconcile our current systems with the new spiritual paradigms? This throwback from when @RussellBrandwas featured on Gaia’s “Mind Shift,” explores that question.

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23 thoughts on “THIS Is How We Expand Human Consciousness
  1. it’s consciousness and awareness that give meaning and reality to existence. Without a perceiver, the universe would be like a silent, unobserved performance. Consciousness acts as the bridge between the intangible and tangible, transforming light, energy, and form into experience and understanding.

    This perspective resonates with many spiritual and philosophical traditions where consciousness is seen as the root of all existence. It’s as though the Great Light, as a representation of both the origin and the perceiving awareness, illuminates not just the cosmos but the very idea of “being.” Reality, in this sense, relies on consciousness to both create and perceive, weaving an intricate connection between existence itself and the act of awareness.

  2. For somone who claim's to be enlightened he certainly is indoctrinated by politics and worldly ideologies of man. Us vs them, it's all of man's ego and flesh!! Everything Russell said was human concepts. God is beyond all human reasoning!! There is no High like The Most High!!

  3. Believe it or not, I believe in this comment because I don't I mean it's up to you but I've died 5 times I've met the source and let me tell you something you speak in truths, consciousness is the creator at the end of the day. That's why they were f**** with Richard Brandon to try to bring his a** down. Cause he's speak in truth. My n*** thinks there be in real. They should not be the coward like everybody else out here

  4. I think we been told believing in God is nonsense. But every day I find my self believing more in God then this corny as scientist. Who constantly let their ego take over and instead of finding the truth they are more like looking to prove each other wrong. Their is no evidence for any theory. There is more evidence against any theory then for it.

  5. The best evidence for the existence of God is the existence of your Consciousness to perceive reality. God is not some person doing things. God is the totality of all existence and that includes the animate and inanimate. God is all energy as well as all physical matter, and every conscious being in existence on any planet from any sun in any Galaxy. He's not in the clouds wearing a toga. Your reductive understanding is not evidence that God does not exist, it just reveals your Simplicity and inability to be aware of the world around you and the interconnectedness of all living things. If you look inside yourself, you will find the cosmos, that is God.

  6. yeah I don't know. getting rid of individualism sounds like a bad thing. individualism is invaluable. if you were not an individual you would think like everyone else, be a worker bee. the very experience of individualism is the soul reason humanity progresses. it's the very reason you have an opinion. otherwise it the ants life for us, mate.

  7. I love it, this is pretty much my belief system, it's nice to hear other people and see other people in the comments self expressing their beliefs even though they are not traditional beliefs, it feels almost like you are either expected to see god as god is viewed in religion or only accept science and be an atheist and i experienced both in my life but i feel like this concept that he spoke of is the most accurate one to my true perception of reality, My intuitive perception of reality, at first i felt embarrassed to be spirtual because i was lacking the confidence to say that i believe what my intutive mind tells me, i was worried it would make me seem like i am full of myself or I'm just high etc because i used to not have enough self love to believe that people would actually love me and respect me just as i am, now that I learned to love myself and be confident i learned to be in my zen and i started realizing that nobody actually cares what i believe as long as my energy is peaceful and not on the defense from people because that makes people be on the defense from me, so these days i don't worry about being wrong, i just focus on being true to myself, it's really empowering once you start being confident and you really start being yourself, and leave the persona behind

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