Consciousness Videos

This Proves How Consciousness Creates Reality

Wise Quotes

“Everything Emerges and Returns to a Fundamental Field of Information That Connects Us All.” – Nassim Haramein

This is How Consciousness Manipulates Past and Future!

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38 thoughts on “This Proves How Consciousness Creates Reality
  1. Asap it must now lest create a beautiful existence not to harm anyone but only love peace and be free aligned in our goodness.

  2. My life is at an interval where i am at a turning point , a fork if you will, and i have made such vital changes in my existance and my impact on others existense that the physical outcome no matter which direction it should lead and its outcome is totally up to the cosmos and the collective conscience of all those connected, including myself. Im relieved to know that all my good efforts and intentions the positive effects of which have empowered a positive outcome for myself and the existense of all empacted no matter the result for which i am eternally grateful. I've exhausted myself, suffered
    and sacrificed so much and I'm moved to tears to know that its all been for the best outcome and all worth the while. Either way i wouldnt change any of it for the world. THANK YOU

  3. In my view, it is no conincidence that seeking 'Enlightenment' or 'The Power of The Self' (not taken from the title of a book, but my chosen phrase) is ever increasing at the time when ai continues to grow and become more evident. Just as Allan Watts had predicted decades ago. 🧘‍♂️🙏💙

  4. It Makes Sense To Me. Keep in mind that Nassim said that consciousness affects how we view the past, and our relation with the past; he didn't say we can change the past. Big difference.

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