Chasing Kimberly
Dobre Den! Today I created a video where I share with you guys what are my tips if you are going to learn the Slovak Language.
These are very simple tips that I hope can help you in your journey learning Slovak.
I know that it a difficult language to learn, but if it is also possible to have fun while learning it! 🙂
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Are these helpful for you? Or maybe you are a Slovak, what are your tips for learning Slovak Language for foreigners?
I teach foreigners slovak language … you have a e-mail from me ..prekladať z aglického do slovenského jazyka nie vždy sú tie sentecie a slovosled rovnaké … a niekedy nedávajú zmysel ..
I have been teaching foreigners Slovak language for many years. You said it all. All i can say is just this:
⬆↘➡🔄↩⏩⏪▶🆘🔁👂📞🍀❄🔥🙄😣😁😑😤🦜😏 and again and again, until you know the language.Roughly 5 to 7 years of daily use. Good luck 🏴☠️😎👍
Hi Kim, I think the best way to learn a Slavic language as quickly as possible is to learn the basics of grammar, but not get too deeply because it is very difficult (because of declension, seven cases, etc.), and rather get focus on the real conversation with the local people. Your big advantage is that your Slovak husband can help you. Don't worry to speak Slovak, even if you make grammatical mistakes – Slovaks and Czechs will understand you well and you'll get better and better. I know foreigners who came to the Czech Republic and after a year or two they can speak Czech at a very decent level, although of course they probably will never speak as a native speaker. But that isn't important. Important is to understand each other. It's all about the will to learn the language. In the Czech language there is a proverb: "You are human as many times as the number of languages you speak". I wish you good luck with learning Slovak. Regards, Michal.
s tou gramatikou máš pravdu, veľa žiakov v škole mali 4-ku z gramatiky aj tak používajú slovenčinu ako jazyk. Mimochodom opatrne so slovným spojením "hotoví ste" namiesto "v hotovosti"
Rules of english i personaly hate the most. My english teacher always says english is language for apes. Because it s like math, you have formula and you can make sentence. And that s what i hate the most…..because slovak is free have difficult grammar but we are not held by some formula or strict formula it s better explenation
And one other thing english times 🤦 who was that stupid and made 385950380 times when you have only past present and future
Change opinion this is what i most hate about english
I'm a Spanish girl starting to learn Slovak because my boyfriend is from Slovakia and your videos motivate me a lot to continue learning!!!! I wish in some time I will be able to speak to his family 🙂
I'm following you for some time already, and I love your videos! Please keep uploading 🙂 🙂
My boyfriend has a youtube channel too, but about gaming 😀 His name is "UMENI SK" in case someone can give him some support 🙂
Na yt je dobrý kanál na učenie slovenčiny – Slovenčina ako cudzí jazyk
The one thing you should NOT do is listening to "news" and TV in general. The butchering of Slovak language in the media have progressed into ridiculous dimensions. If you must, find some children's programs in the archive of the Slovak radio "Rozhlasový archív" (Devín). Animated children's series from the socialist era tzv. Večerníček are quite good too (most of them are in fact Czech, made for STV or dubbed into slovak). You have correctly noticed, that rich vocabulary goes a long way. In any language. Regarding intelligibility, despite our convoluted grammar, you are reasonably well-off with 3+3 persons (ja, ty, on/ona/ono + my, vy, oni/ony), no declension and all the verbs (believe or not) in the indefinite form (ending with -ť). That's how bad english is being translated into bad slovak. 🙂 The necessary tense can be specified by simple accessory words like "včera" "minule" "teraz" "bude" etc. Later it's good to start distinguishing "dokonavý a nedokonavý vid" (one-time, finished versus continuing or repeating modus of verbs, e.g. one-time "ísť" continuing "chodiť"; povedať vs. hovoriť, letieť vs. lietať, etc.). Final remarks: the stress in Slovak words is almost always on the first syllable, do not put your tongue between teeth for T, we have symmetrically opposite problem learning english "th" 🙂
I think your tips can be applied to learning any language.
Everyone learning slovak language and not giving up is a hero👍🏻
Thank you Kim and wish you a lot of energy and joy!!! And a lot of Velke Pivo😄🍺
amazing video Kim 🙂 And with grammer dont worry 😀 I am slovak and i dont know my grammar properly too !:D:D 😀
Im positively shocked when u perfectly pronounced čučoriedky, štvrtok and zmrzlina, wau
Učím sa slovenčinu viac ako jeden a pol roka. Síce často robím gramatické chyby, ale moji slovenskí kamaráti rozumejú čo chcem povedať 🙂 I've never been to Slovakia but I want to improve my Slovak skills so that I can communicate with Slovak people well when I visit there
Slovak language is hard to learn. Everyone who try it is hero. 😀 Lot of Slovak children can't speak Slovak correctly and they learn it with special doctors. And lot of Slovak people don't know Slovak's grammar. They writing with grammar's mistakes. Well, Slovak language is hard for us (Slovak's people) too. 😀
Nice video 👍. I tried to used app for learning languages but the problem was effectivity in terms of time. Because they lead u to learn words that r not the most used. So my way is put on paper the most daily used words and then after I master then I widen the list. The best and easiest way as u will used these words daily for sure, practising u memorise them faster. And grammar step by step of course.
And u r right.. It's better not to learn grammar for first, it's hard. Vocabulary first 🙂. The best advice
veľmi pomáha pozerať tv, ja som sa tak naučil poľsky. Jack London, v knihe Martin Eden, ktorá bola tak trochu biografia, mal plán, naučiť sa denne 10 nových slov.
Me who is Slovak but still watching this video cuz i suck at Slovak langague 👀
Kim veari good video a pekne hovoríš po slovenský 👍❤️🇸🇰🇵🇭
Yes, this has always interested me why Slovak is difficult, because in Slovak that what you write then you also say. In English, you write words differently and pronounce differently Therefore it does not make sense Ha ha ha
You got a tipes how to learn Slovak language easily? You earn a nobel prize 😜 But really … how? 😂
It is very admirable that you are learning our language. Especially since some people which were born here and live here refuse to learn Slovak.
Maybe try to watch something you like and what you know in english and play it in slovak. For example tv show Friends is now on HBO in english and slovak version. Or some other movies, or fairy tales where they don´t speak too much, or talk about complicated things like science, or laws.
I know some foreigners who speak slovak better then many slovaks 🙂
čau langošarka
If you want to improve ypur slovak you can go to library, the people are really nice there and borrow some book you have read in english so you would understand what is it about
Prepač že som nič nepisala v stvojom videu! Vela veci sa stali tento mesiac ..
Ale som uz naspäť
Lubim ta!
Slovenčina je taká ťažká, že ju dodnes poriadne neovláda ani veľa Slovákov 🤣
Hi Kimberly.
Slovencina nasa krasne ty zvuky mas.
Yes you got learning new language a pretty good.
Vocabulary is very important more words you know it's better.
Grammar in Slovak is complicated but not in 1st place when you learn new language.
They do mistake in Slovakia when teaching other language always mixing grammar into it, important is learning, listening and understanding and of course talking which is never or seldom practicing in Slovakia.
I'm glad you listen to my advice about childrens programs, they language is simple and much easier to understand.
I see you making great progress keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Good luck to all your learning, you are my hero👍.
There are slovak grammar rules that are not native speaker friendly 😀
Milá Kim, obdivujem Tvoje odhodlanie a vytrvalosť pri učení sa slovenčiny. Máš čoraz krajšiu výslovnosť. Môžem potvrdiť, že slovenská gramatika je zložitá aj pre ľudí, pre ktorých je slovenčina materinským jazykom. Ja som sa na Slovensku narodil, celý život žijem tu, som profesionálny slovenský jazykový korektor, a predsa sa stále učím nové a nové detaily zo slovenskej gramatiky. Teda mojou motiváciou v zdokonaľovaní sa v tomto krásnom jazyku je byť čoraz schopnejším profesionálom v slovenčine, pretože ma živí. Rád Ťa počúvam a držím Ti palce! 👍 🍀 😊
Ahoj, veľmi pekné video (ako vždy). Páči sa mi Tvoja motivácia, vďaka ktorej sa chceš učiť náš krásny, ale ťažký slovenský jazyk. Robíš pokroky, keď som Ťa počula teraz hovoriť niektoré slová. Úžasné, len tak ďalej. Držím palce.
P.S.: Mohla by si, prosím, urobiť zas aj video, čo nové si sa po slovensky naučila. 😉
Super 😘 ide ti to… Pokračuj… Len tak ďalej 🇸🇰
Filipino is not easy at all either
Ahoj Kim, veľmi dobre tipy. Tiež som sa ta učil cudzie jazyky. Videl som už niekoľko tvojich videiií a sú super. Držím palce, len tak ďalej. Výslovnosť už máš parádnu. P.S.: Filipiny su super. Krásna príroda, more, dobré jedlo, lacno, skvelí pohostinní ľudia a dobrí šachisti 😀
What is mihálnice? (tip)
Great way of acquiring new vocabulary are tourist brochures. They are usually in more languages + english, they are usually about interesting topic which his important because if you are bored your mind wanders and you are not learning anything. Another great source for absolute beginners and especially those with small kids are TV programs from small children. They usually speak slowly in them, articulate words and you can catch what is going on from visuals too… trust me small kids do not car what language is it in as long as that purple dinosaur keeps doing funny stuff.
hello! i am an american but i really want to learn slovak in memory of my grandfather who was a slovak immigrant. i don’t know much about the language but i know people speak it differently in different regions of slovakia. i called my grandfather dzedo and i wanted to know what region of slovakia that could be from. thank you!!