
Tom Wolfe on why Darwin’s evolution theory is a “myth”

Tom Wolfe is out with his first nonfiction book in more than 15 years. “The Kingdom of Speech” is a bold argument about language and human evolution, seeking to challenge our understanding of Darwinism. Jeff Glor spoke to the provocative writer in New York.

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22 thoughts on “Tom Wolfe on why Darwin’s evolution theory is a “myth”
  1. Darwin said his ideas were just theory, that means not fact, he just planted doubts and questions. Come on students learn that already, evolution is Just an idea, a contemporary fad if you don't understand it clearer.

  2. every time i see something about evolution there's always a bunch of atheist trying to defend their takes faith to believe and has not been proven.why don't you find a better religion.better yet the risen christ.

  3. Do you idiots believe gravity is a myth too? Just look how the parents of a child pass on their genes to their children. That's evolution in action.

  4. It's non fiction book atheists. That should give you a clue. Darwins Origin of Species belongs next to Rumplestiltskin and all the other fairy stories in the baby section of the book store.

  5. In this day in age…

    It is science that may save us, not nonsensical floating bearded men in the sky! Science has ALWAYS prevailed over your myths. Never, not once ever has the reverse EVER occurred. Pick up a science book and learn the only truths and remember the words of Pope Leo X: “This myth of Christ has served us well.”…

  6. I dont necessarily disagree with evolution for animals.. but there is no way we come from a monkey.. it doesnt make any sense that there are monkeys still walking this planet.. god created us as humand.. any other animal can evolve all they want

  7. Why cant people who are against evolution or the theory of evolution not bother to to learn about them and what they do and do not say. I have never seen one who appears to actually have bothered to do so. They are so bad that they say the theory of evolution says things that would in fact disprove it if found.

  8. There's a couple of things I don't get about evolution, I've noticed that when species evolve into something, the original species die off. But why is this different with humans and apes? If humans evolved from apes, then wouldn't apes not exist anymore? And instead just humans? I'm confused

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