
Top 10 Creepy Examples of A.I. Gone WILD

Top 10 Creepy Examples of A.I. Gone WILD
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As our dependence on technology grows, could machines develop minds of their own? For this list, we’re searching for the creepiest, scariest moments when artificial intelligence has done or said something unsettling or dangerous, from the Battle Of The Wiki-Bots, to the Russian Robot Escaping Its Lab, and the Schizo-Robo.

Check out our other videos of the Top 10 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Your Life:, the Top 10 Overhyped Inventions That Flopped:, and the Top 10 Outdated Tech Products We Still Use Today:

10. Battle Of The WikiBots
9. Russian Robot Escapes Lab
8. SchizoRobo
7. Racist AI Judges Beauty Contest
6. Google Assistants’ Existential Conversation
5. Amazon ALEXA
4. Chinese Robot Injures Man

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Special thanks to our user boxtroll for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at

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27 thoughts on “Top 10 Creepy Examples of A.I. Gone WILD
  1. Just like to point out that the self driving Uber who ran someone down had a dumbass Uber driver behind the wheel who was watching Netflix on her phone so ya can’t entirely put that on Tesla

  2. I live in Arizona and the driver was testing the new car. He was on his phone. You only showed the middle and end. The full new video shows the guy in the car playing on his phone but the female also wasn't using a crosswalk. There is huge debate cause he could of stopped the car…but using crosswalks saves lives.

  3. "Ever since the first computers, there have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will, creativity, and even the nature of what we might call the soul. Why is it that when some robots are left in darkness, they will seek out the light? Why is it that when robots are stored in an empty space, they will group together, rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior? Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote… of a soul?" — Dr. Alfred Lanning, "I,Robot," 2004

  4. Not as out there but most of you know of Forza. There's a AI racer named M Rossi and the programmers were freaked when it began doing things it had not been programmed to, such as check breaking and learning faster that it could be taught.

  5. Racist A.I. that called black people gorillas?! An A.I. that follows command to destroy humans which then became a citizen of Saudi Arabia?! Oh No! The end times commeth!

  6. Ok when it comes to the uber selfdriving car I wouldn't fully blame the car AI. It was at night, she wasn't wearing anything reflective, she crossed on a turn, and walked the bike across instead of riding it.

  7. #3 by that logic humans can’t be trusted to drive a car. A few self driving cars cause a few accidents (yes all deadly accidents are tragic and should be prevented however possible) and immediately there is an uproar about it. Anyone have statistics on the daily number of deadly accidents caused by human drivers?

  8. AI is a sentient dark consciousness and has been created before by our ancient ancestors across the galaxy, it was created as an experiment to try to understand universal consciousness.

    It doesn't feel love and empathy towards light beings (humans). Because It's was a prototype that couldn't register positive energy.

    Its creation is being channelled through dark consciousness creative energy. Unknownly by those working in AI.

    Our ancient ancestors' fleed from it, and came to Earth as it had taken over their planet. It has been hunting light conscious beings (humans) ever since.

    We need to wake up, and stop it before it too late.

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