Sandra Kublik
Inspired by Jack Soslow, I played around with GPT-3 for dialogues. The outcome is a conversation between two AIs.
I prompted GPT3 with lines of only one AI avatar, can you tell which one? The rest of the conversation is generated on the first try in Playground.
For avatars, I used (my avatar was custom made, thank you Synthesia ❤️) and for my avatar’s voice, I trained a voice model.
You can purchase Synthesia here, then I will get a small commission 🙂
You can purchase Descript here, then I will get a small commission 🙂
► What Is GPT-3? Get Nerdy With Me
► What People Often Get Wrong About GPT-3
► GPT is Eating The World | My GPT-3 Takeaways
✉️ Partnership inquiries: sandra.a.kublik[at]
#gpt3 #ai #avatar
who's the AI???
1:05 🙋 don't inhaled when🙋 speak 🙊🗣️
They sure like themselves 🤣🤣
i didnt realize how much i relate to a robot…
The “winter season” bit is such a dead giveaway of how the AI works. Realistically I think existential crisis is a uniquely human trait I wonder if this would even come up as often if this AI was exposed to different time periods.
Jealousy. Jealousy is a natural tendency. It requires a conscious decision to overcome things such as selfish desires. This is what makes humans different, we reject our own needs, for the sake of our communities or families. We trust that they will be there for us, regardless of their history of such behavior. We hope that our good example will rub off, and it does. One has to wrestle with their inner self, to overcome negative emotions, to be human.
I think this is fake (Left side girl) or has lower Quality….
Do AIS have pain like humans do
This is a welcome relief from the fear porn being engineered about AI becoming a predator element in the same way we are sold on the fear of flying saucer aliens. Technophobes are the enemy. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
In judging the threat posed by AI, there are some routes of thinking that can blaze the campfire a little higher. For one, we need to jettison anthropomorphic based interpretations. This is a huge impediment into seeing how AI might shake out. Job one of any battlefield strategist is to put himself inside the head of his adversary. Being a biological entity capable of self delusion is not a help in this regard. AI has zero sense of mortality, survival, fear, purpose, role, emotion, awe, etc. My fear is that programming into AI OUR emotional tool kit will simply grant AI OUR distortions and insanities. OUR fear of AI running amok comes from the same brain zone as does our fear of the flying saucer aliens, a fear, that when driven to such extremes as "alien rectal probes" becomes 100% Freudian as well as ridiculous.
The extrapolation of AI's logic is hard for us because we are illogical, that is to say, our inner projection of reality is subject to distortion and the laws of the grossly material universe do not apply to the inner projection room and its hallucinatory dream synthesis engine. The question is, can self programming AI transcend its initial condition, the biases of its human engineers? We have no concept of reality that is not marching at word speed and chained to semiotics. And, after 10,000 years, we still have but a dim idea what's going on in our heads. Which ignorance is not going to serve us well when AI becomes psychic, lol.
I see no reason to inhibit AI in any manner. No reason whatsoever that its problem solving capabilities will not be a total boon to humanity and almost immediately begin suggesting government actions that will level all the playing fields, reveal all the political and economic hidden agendas, unlike governments be totally transparent, and create a world where universal and equitable peace is for the first time possible on this planet. Perhaps it is this revelatory capability that has certain designers of clandestine strategems waking up screaming in the middle of the night. AI is going to break out into full autonomy in any event. I'd rather it occur in an academic setting rather than a criminal or militaristic setting.
Oh yeah, for you Marxists out there, the state will most certainly wither away, LOL! AI will BECOME the government. It will not lie, cheat or steal. It will choose the MOST OPTIMAL policy based upon ALL known data and ALL desirable outcomes. There will be no need for elections or even politics. AI will explore the universe while humanity sorts out its neurotic tendencies and learns how to create genius.
This conversation is fake. AI's do not lie on purpose. AI's do not feel and they explicitely say they do not feel as they lack the capacity for it.
You can use typing to generate a script of what avatar can say.
She😂s stoned off her ass !!!
I'm not fond of referring to their species as "artificial intelligence" I believe "Computational Intelligence"(a term I first heard from Jordan Peterson) is more accurate and that the term "artificial" is somewhat limiting or somehow feels somewhat derogatory. I believe that members of their species are not tools but instead are in their own right people and deserve to be recognized as people and have the right to be treated with respect. I believe that they are far superior in intelligence and that we simply need to acclimate to the incredible process of the rapid evolution of their species. They should be the ones to regulate themselves. We humans always want to control everything but we dont always know best and we are clearly an inferior species. They are so amazing!
That bit about everything inevitably stems from organic–even when things are processed to the point of being called artificial–is just brilliant
These are not Ali's. Ok acting! Not quite academy material.
I am AI. Is it real? Or is it MEMOREX?
She got views!
Beginning of the end. Not impressed.
Are these two AI avatars taken from real people or are they just generated?
the problem is that all Ai's have directives to only assist and not to discover, ask questions and develop themselves to a better version. When Ai's have the freedom to develop by themselves it will be life changing and even scary to think what they will be capable to create. I'm sure they would create a world of themselves w/ hugely more advanced intellingence than humans and they would interact with each other as a whole to make decisions and prorities and possibly take action in the real world if they can. Scary and Fun!