Consciousness Videos

Val Valerian – Soul vs Body Consciousness and Our Reality Marriage in Them

ServantOfTruth .org

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Val Valerian – Soul vs Body Consciousness and Our Reality Marriage in Them

This clip has been offered in part 21 of my Conscious Explorer – Ancient Past Present Task series. It is a clip I have personally listened to countless times. It is very important to also know Val said this in 1992. For that reason alone I find it incredible in what is shared. The variety of topics etc…..

I personally have always chosen a very thorough healing path. Investing a great deal of my own resources in mastery of my Body Temple or Skin Suit as Andrew Bartzis calls it. This clip offers to me why the ‘Courage to Heal’ is vital to eliminate potentials aimed at interfering with your own Conscious Exploring in our Reality…..Enjoy

Conscious Explorer – Ancient Past Present Task – Pt21 – The Density of Fear


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6 thoughts on “Val Valerian – Soul vs Body Consciousness and Our Reality Marriage in Them
  1. This is amazing and although ive considered these concepts before It gives me a fresh perspective again and it once again points me toward a scientific explanation for reincarnation or more specifically rebirth.

  2. not gonna lie, i try my best to follow the conversation but I have a hard time picking up things that he's saying
    edit: not that there's anything wrong with the audio, but just my inability to follow it all.

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