
Visual Semiotics


A documentary video, introduction to Visual semiotics.

Submitted to sir Or, FA 170.4. .


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27 thoughts on “Visual Semiotics
  1. Thanks, finding suitable, learning music is hard for me. I guess it sounds more like an ad from the tv than a docu.

  2. Saussure distinguished between motivated and arbitrary signs, where arbitrary signs lacks a connection between the signifiant and the signifié, and the motivated sign, contrary to what is claimed at 6:00, actually do transfer part of the expression to the substance. An example of this would be a picture or icon of a table, we recognise it as a table because there is recemblance to an actual table and there fore, the sign is motivated. The blue eagle is not an arbitrary sign thoug, since it actually depicts an actual thing. The connection to the school could be seen as arbitrary, but it is rather symbolic due to the meaning being dependent on a convention of associating the bird with the school.

  3. signifier is Indian Accent .Signified is people might have to watch this a few times, some will never understand; some

  4. This video is quite well done,  most informative and accurate.  However,Linguist and Mathematician  Charles  Peirce spelled his name P-E-I-R-C-E, "EI",, NOT "IE", hence it is pronounced like " purse".

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