Mike on the Way
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Reality Transurfing Audiobook on YouTube:@RealityTransurfingtv
What are you saying “I AM” too. Test yourself now. Either you are saying I am ________ an undesirable state (fear) or I am _________ desirable state (love). Check those unconscious assumptions and assume the state desired now.
Use the Law of Assumption to embody your new concept of self that is attracting your desires instead of pushing them away. Elevate your state of consciousness to the next level!
In this episode, we’ll explore the topic of waves of fortune so that we can consciously experience flow states and excess energy in the process.
Bitchute Channel:
#mentaldiet #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #spirituality #realitytransurfing #pendulums #wavesoffortune
"Weak bitch thinking." Love it. Also great explanation of pendulums vs the wave of fortune. A bit heavy on Christianity but still a very good perspective.