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We all use quantum mechanics but can’t agree on what it means – physicist


The last century was marked by mesmerizing scientific breakthroughs. But have we come closer to understanding how the world around us functions? We talked to physicist, humanist, popular science author and broadcaster Jim Al-Khalili.


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29 thoughts on “We all use quantum mechanics but can’t agree on what it means – physicist
  1. You can never be sure, tomorrow's experiment can smash today's theory, but don't you dare question things like vaccine safety or man-made climate change…

  2. Man, the level of ignorance and mediocrity is at the highest point in human history. Ideas that would solve pressing problems are suppressed. The cancer of the corporatocracy has bored deeper into civilization. It'd take one person who can work with God to creatively destroy the system of matrix

  3. It is a good thing that the only thing I will ever recall from physics is having read Principia, looking at all of those great diagrams I understood to not be about physics but about metaphysics — and recalling only that Newton had 3 laws — the first one being something about an apple falling from a tree and I forgot the rest. As to the Higgs Bozos…. Sounds like what my father warned about — a bunch of highwaymen in lab coats coming up with "great theories" in order to justify ever increasing budgets for what they say is science…. Wrapping everything in a Feynmann mystery…. I don't understand even what a Feynmann was because I know nothing about physics except that apple thing.

  4. We, as human beings in the modern world should be enjoying ENLIGHTENMENT today but the sheer darkness of the male ego of the world leaders in business, politics, religion and academics put us in the dark age of mental and physical slavery in the name of profit, your god.

  5. Keep yourselves stick on someone's anuses and pussies… because that's all who you are and not what you are. Because you think you are members of Freemason makes you above the laws of God?

  6. So what comes first, nothingness or something or everything? You are all still in the stage of something and I have completed the education up to the SUPER SYMMETRY, theory of everything.

  7. Watching you and reading most blind science articles HURT MY BRAIN for your utter dumbification of the whole world. A pretty face and a sexy body can't replace the sacredness of the physics or Language of God. Freemasonists are stupid for trying to hack the external application which they don't have authority whatsoever. YOU ARE MAINLY BULLIES AND CHEATS.


  9. Quantum mechanics is the study of behavior of the wave and particle in quanta or unit of energy, there are many popular theories and one of them is Einstein GR and SR, Planck, etc., a particle may travel at less or at the speed of light behaves as a wave that is an energy-carrier and/or message carrier. NO ONE HAS EVER THEORIZED THAT PHOTON ACTS AS A MESSAGE CARRIER TOO… BECAUSE NOT ONE SCIENTIST UNDERSTOOD HOW I PROGRAM PHOTON ENERGY.

  10. One of the greatest human tragedy is ,how can you tell a stupid person that he is or she is stupid , you can't, white people in Europe and west are genetically less intelligent then rest of the humanity , a Bengali is twice more intelligent then a German, but Europeans are just honest and compassionate which makes them very powerfull , which is attributed to there intelligence , a very devastating concept for the rest of the world , Jews and Asians are the most intelligent people , but Asians are the most corrupt , thus poverty injustice bribery etc

  11. Quantum Mechanics is NOT Quantum computing. Most morons quickly fold everything into AI, Quantum, robotics and every other hype from stupid Media journalists who can't even balance a checkbook.
    Sophia is one of the best in media who takes all this sensationalism and hype in stride and patient to temper the sciences with a wait and see (it never turns out as promised or foretold).

  12. They don't even prove its 12k years old.
    And science promises cures in the future for every disease but cant even do what the saints have done one thousand years ago.refering to Miracles.
    Science is either used for the church or against. But science is dictated by the gov who runs the world who christ said cannot receive the holy spirit and is led by the devil.
    Science does nothing. We live in dark ages and are more scientifically advanced than ever before.

    Science is boring dull and very time consuming and helps only sick people who shouldn't be sic km in th he first place.
    Do we need science ?
    Answer do you need to be a billionaire.
    But those who want to run everyone's lives need it.

    At least g b.f e internet has led to a great catechesis

  13. Best time to be alive for Jim Khalili and his family not so for the billions of poverty stricken trying to survive on on trash heaps around the world,. Most world goes to bed with empty bellies. Mom t of the world live in apocalyptic times , while Jim Khalili lives in Disneyland.

  14. We can't slow it down? That's society advocating itself. Narrow-minded, actually. We can. We can do anything. But capitalism, a fear-driven mindset, wants to speed it up, so that humanity becomes even more controlled by it.
    Technology is not what improves the world because technology doesn't improve humanity. And I wouldn't quite call science neutral because it is a thriving for power, for greater control against the things we perceive as threats. Humankind is dealing with problems inherited over millennia because the solution boggles the mind, so simple it is. But also because it defies ego, and that can feel like a death threat. Spirituality is the balancing agent for technology.
    Is philosophy a scientific pursuit? Is spirituality? 😉 – Spirituality is the other half of seeing the complete picture. Especially when it comes to quantum physics, this is conveyed more urgently, but when the original pursuit is not aiming to find it, it won't see it. There are various more tangible cases where when a big mistake in assumption isn't found, everything derived from it becomes increasingly wacky, yet still 'works' within its misconceptions. But this cements the error, which limits understanding and requires so much more work later to resolve.

    9:59 "Nature speaks the language of mathematics" – Another narrow-minded and self-affirming statement. Nature will appear to speak any language you are aware of. But of course the scienfitic pursuit being one of the calculator in our head that secretly believes itself God, it would draw that connection. More enlightened people integrate the awareness that you ultimately have no damn clue about the 'nature' of a system as long as you are a part of that system. All you're doing then is looking at yourself. (And by "you" I mean humankind as a whole.) And once you manage to transcend the system, you will witness that truth of you looking at yourself.

    11:30 Big revelation. Do you see the profound implications he exposes with those words? Do a credibility assessment. – "correct description of reality" – Give me a break! 🤦

    When he spoke about teleportation and consciousness tied to and being a function of his body, well he likely isn't aware that he is getting close to something there. He will likely mean it in a materialist way, but it is anything but. It is just that consciousness is much bigger than people often see it, as a brain function. Among spiritual explorers that is almost not even worth mentioning, because it is such a relatively common experience.

    22:18 A statement with implications: The bigger the questions people deal with, the more they want to believe they have a grasp of it. That is, again, a mind being troubled by the idea it is not in control, so it soothes itself with the belief that it is powerful, in control. This basically leads to the opposite of a pursuit of the big questions.
    Just a couple years ago I briefly talked to a theoretical physicist (then a university manager though, cynically, hah) who also believed we were 'almost there', even more so, that we had pretty much figured out all the basic things at work in the universe and now it's just playing with the building blocks.
    It is a difficult life when joining the closed-minded theater is just not motivating. To succeed in such an environment almost requires one to cripple oneself.

    23:30 If Michio Kaku wants a unified formula for everything, that wanting is the best guarantee he won't achieve it. At best another delusion. Control desire cripples the mind, limits it to a half that is nothing without the other.

    26:15 He can 'know' right now. It's just a decision about what convinces him.

    Stop trying to understand everything. Open yourself to the mystery and you can find enlightenment there.

    The unbalanced, unenlightened pursuit is like zooming in on the quadrature of the circle until you find something beyond the quadrature. Since the quadrature is a function of our mind's perception, you will only find something else once you lose patience and choose to lower your standards for self-deception. Then you come up with a theory and if you find enough funding and approval from equally impatient peers, you might be able to develop the tools designed to affirm that belief.

  15. [ A Quantum of Bumping Marbles – 'We' All Use Quantum Mathemagical Surrealism, 'We' Just Can't Seem to Agree on what Any of it Really Really Really Actually Means………Controlled Quackademic Thinking of the Domed! ]

  16. No, I disagree in order to save humanity you don't need man created machines to save him. You need our lord Jesus Christ to save us from, each other first, before you bring in a man made machine. Ivan even prove this, by asking, this question: All this year's of development in human biology, why is it that we didn't make human blood? We still depend on the sacrifice of others to donate blood for transfusions.

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