Consciousness Videos

We Live in Our Minds – Our Mind Creates Our Reality – Is The World an illusion

Engineering Made Easy

This video explains, How we actually live in our mind, not in this world. The reality is an illusion. We create our reality in our mind. Everyone sees the reality differently. The video also explains how we can control our mind to live a happy life and how we don’t need the external world to be happy?
Our world is not outside. Our world is within our mind. Actually we see the image of this world inside our mind.
So everyone is living in his own world created inside his mind. It means there are as many worlds as there are living creatures on the Earth.

Friends, we do so many things in our life to make ourselves happy. We waste lots of our time, money and energy to seek happiness and pleasure in the external world.
But have you ever thought, why we need all this? What purpose does the external world solve?
Actually these external things don’t do anything to make us happy. What they do is just trigger the secretion of various happiness hormones in our body and as a result, we feel happiness. And as you know, many times these objects fail to make us happy.

Got the point? Ok, let’s take one more example to make it more clear.

When a woman Hugs her child and husband then different types of hormones may be released in the body of her child and husband. Although the woman is same but it is triggering different types of hormones in different bodies.
Why this happens? Actually the relationship of child and husband with that woman is different. So they have different types of feelings, beliefs and memories associated with the same woman. Therefore the same woman triggered the release of different hormones in the bodies of her child and her husband.

So what does it mean?
It means external world only helps in the secretion of different hormones in the body and the same object may trigger different hormones in different persons.
Everyone including humans and other animals see the world differently based on their intellectual level, past memories, body structure, sensory organs and other numerous factors.
You must have heard the famous line – Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. For a mother her child is most beautiful in the world. There is no meaning of the external world unless there is someone to give it some meaning.
So now we understand, we actually live in our mind. External world is just a stimulant. But if we know that we actually live in our mind, then we can use other ways to achieve happiness.
It has been found that whatever pleasures and happiness you achieve by spending so much time, money and energy; can be obtained just by doing meditation. Doing meditation can release happy hormones like Serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins.
You can remember good or bad memories in your mind and you will start to live in that time again. You will enter into the world that was present at that time.
Do you know, when we recall our old experiences, the same firing patterns of neurons are repeated in the brain that took place at that time.
So we actually start to feel that experience again. We enter into that time again and relive that life.
So we live in our mind.

What happens in your dreams.
When you dream, you are completely in a different world- your dream world. You are completely unaware of your surroundings. Your world is in your mind.
Your brain can not differentiate between the dreaming state and the wakeful state. Therefore you laugh, cry, smile, feel fear and pain while dreaming. Your heart beat increases, body gets sweaty, hence you show all the symptoms as if you are living your dreams in reality. when you dream, you are totally unconscious of the external world and you actually live in your mind.
In the same way we can live any life just by clearly imagining and visualizing that life in our mind. On doing this, Neural network’s circuit will be triggered accordingly and desired hormones will be released in the body. So we actually be living that life.

My dear friends, All the pleasures and suffering are in our minds not in the external world. We actually suffer our mind, not this world. Our world is in our mind and we are the controller of our mind. We need not to control the external world if we can control our mind.
If everything is ok inside our head then you will see- all is ok with the external world too. But if there is some problem in your mind then you will see the whole world full of problems even if everything is totally ok in the world.
Actually you see events of the external world in your mind. And it’s your brain that gives meaning to the meaningless events as per your perspective.
Keep it in mind, that your mind can be your biggest friend or biggest enemy. If it obeys you and takes your instructions then you can create your desired world. But If you can not control it, then your mind will start to control you.
World famous spiritual leader, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar says-
“If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world.”


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24 thoughts on “We Live in Our Minds – Our Mind Creates Our Reality – Is The World an illusion
  1. No it's not the mind that creates everything it is consciousness that creates everything because if your consciousness shuts down you wont be able to create a perception of what we call reality

  2. Thanks! But it is said that our mind is like a computer program. When you shut down a computer, power goes away and there is no more program in the memory. So when a person dies, there are no more chemical and electrical processes in his brain, that used to support his mind. So where is the person, when there is no more mind, no consciousness?… You could say that there is like an immortal ghost, flying away or something. But if we return to your conception: the world is in your mind, then outside our mind there is no world. What is there then? Superposition, as quantum world demonstrates it, or in other words: mathematical description of the object, that you are about to see when you look at it. And I'm afraid that there is no such things as space and time. But maybe I'm wrong 🙂

  3. Terrible perspective. Your mind is more than what's "in your head." Even if you decide consciousness is just the firing of synapses, this same process happens throughout your body, connected to the brain, not separate and "external" to it. Your sensory perception is part of your brain, the brain just controls how information is processed, which like many brain functions isn't fully in our conscious control. The part of our brain responsible for conscious decision-making is a HIGHER order process meaning it happens AFTER other processes. It has to be this way, otherwise we'd have no reference for decision-making, no sense of an "external, unsatisfactory world" to try to override.

    The problem of suffering is much deeper than just "meditate and convince yourself you're in a garden. If you think you're being assaulted/raped/enslaved/etc. it's your own fault for being delusionally attached to the external world." I mean how absurd and unempathetic does that sound? I actually agree we live in our mind, there is no external world, but the correct way to see it is that the mind truly IS the world and attempting to control either is futile.

    The correct approach is to cede control and embrace the world with all its ugliness and stress hormones (including our sincere emotional response to these) and allow the process of TRUE regeneration to take time, whereby we deeply connect with and non-violently guide the subconscious creative force through consistent positive or neutral feedback rather than try to control it by dividing it. In other words, simply letting go of our innate aversion to ANYTHING the mind offers. This I believe was the true teaching of Buddha and the true meaning of non-attachment.

  4. I’m into quantum physics and it seems to me everything is mathematical. The mind filters the spirit or consciousness, limiting it, but when we die the consciousness is free to see all, know all.

  5. Source: Willie D (William Dennis)Wikipedia Page

    Dennis was arrested by FBI agents on May 13, 2009, on federal wire fraud charges, stemming from his purported sales of Apple iPhones through a company known as Texas One Wireless after luring potential buyers off Ebay (which he had used to build a reputation as a reliable seller); victims would pay for the electronics, after which all contact would cease and their products would fail to be delivered.

  6. Its true that external physical world triggers harmone inside us and our feelings depends upon how we sees the world around us or our perspective but that doesn't mean that we are living this world in our mind and we are sleeping somewhere out in outer space creating 😂 this worldly reality …. you can't compare the dream world with this real world, this world in which we live in is interactive with the actions we do on a daily basis but the dream world is totally different ….our mind controls our dream but not this physical reality if you can control this physical reality then are you the one who created all the living beings and the heavens and the earth infact ideas like yours are just paradox and ideas with no certainty and basis if there is any certainty and basis then bring proofs…people who are of the nature that the world is inside their mind are of extremist scientific nature …these people should be kept locked in a room with bricks being served to eat and we will see their mind perceiving those bricks to be roasted lamb😂🙂

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