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What Happens If You Enter The Quantum Realm? | Unveiled


The Quantum Realm is a strange, seemingly impossible place. At the subatomic level, everything you thought you knew about reality is questioned; and everything that was impossible is now possible! In this video, Unveiled explores quantum theory, quantum entanglement and quantum mechanics to understand exactly what’s happening.

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30 thoughts on “What Happens If You Enter The Quantum Realm? | Unveiled
  1. In terms of “Transferred Consciousness” which is what we know as “Death” we never question whether we die again in the afterlife as if we only live once in this lifetime. This would also lead to many other questions like “Is there death in the afterlife? And if so is it repetitive? Also, “How would we die again?” Here I theorize that death is repetitive to infinity in a perpetual quantum consciousness continuum.

  2. 2:47 "they would solidify only when you looked at them"

    No, they would not. This is a nice interpretation if that were the case, but this is one of my biggest gripes with physics reporting. People going on about how observing a particle change the outcome – "observe" means something different than how you'd use it in everyday speech.

    "Observation" is a bit of a misnomer – in physics, saying 'observation' means taking a measurement. To take a measurement, you have to shoot a photon at it and see what happens to it. The physical act of looking at it is not relevant, it's just a way of categorizing physical interactions.

  3. Being certain about everything while being never certain of anything, to be here and also there…

    …but these are what God does…in some way, the ancients may be right all along…

  4. Like when you misplace something…and eventually finding it.

    The experience of finding it highlights that in the moment of searching, the misplaced or unseen item is in another place yet it's in the same place as it was when it was placed (and eventually forgotten). Yet, often when it's being searched for before it's found, you know it's hasn't disappeared even though often or feels as if it does.

    It's akin to you and the item being in a different realm. Yet, when if/when you find it, you're back in the same realm.

    I think of something similar…

    With doorways.

    When you pass through a doorway, you and that space end up in the same realm. But, when you're not going through the door way, you and the external part (the reality passed the four way) are not on the same realm.

    Or when you bump into someone, real "random" and unexpectedly. Seconds or minutes would cause your world and theirs from colliding yet, there they are.

    What world/reality were both of you roaming through and how different would they look (dimensionally) if a snap shot before the encounter took place?

    From an objective lens. Would the colors, shapes, sounds, smells, (etc) be in sync or would (or do) two different people experience a reality in a different way until they enter the same space?

    How things appear, whether la lost and found item, the reality passed a doorway, bumping into someone seemingly by chance…it's signals there's different realms; how they connect, when, and why is the mystery (I'm curious about).

  5. Almost like our universe is a crazy super computer calculating at all points getting too an achieved goal? Hard to say but interesting maybe it’s just what we can fathom we have limits in this body and minds.

  6. Doing too much LSD over the long term has somehow allowed Schroedinger's Cat and the double-slit experiment to make more sense to me than they probably should…

  7. I don't think you can enter a realm that has photons or electrons which completely change in color, spin or disappear all together, the very instance you notice that particle. Einstein couldn't get this, he called quantum entanglement, "spooky action at a distance," that doesn't sound like e=mc2. But somehow people who don't get it at all enoto even call it, spooky action at a distance, can somehow harness it, control, use it and claim it? I don't think so.

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